
èr quē yī
  • Two Missing One
  1. 生态女性主义兴起于20世纪70年代,主张女性与自然是交织融合,密切联系的,她们认为女性和自然的解放是相互关联的,二者缺一都无法实现真正的解放。

    Eco-feminism has its good time since the 1970s . Eco-feminists indicate that women and nature are intertwined and closed related .

  2. 而单例鼻骨骨折,上颌骨额突骨折,筛骨垂直板等复杂骨折CT扫描均能清楚显示。但鼻骨X拍片和鼻骨骨折CT扫描在诊断鼻骨骨折中二者不可缺一。

    In the diagnosis of nasal bone fracture , neither X-ray examination of the nasal bone nor CT-scan of the nasal bone fracture can be missed .

  3. 整部戏剧演出史证明了这样一个事实:幻觉性与剧场性二者不可缺一,它们之间是相互依存的,单纯地追求幻觉性或剧场性只能得到消极性效果。

    The whole history of theatrical performance shows the fact that hallucination and theatricality are interdependent ; the one - sided pursuit of either will have negative effect .