
èr lěi shǒu
  • second baseman
  1. 今年4月,大都会棒球队的二垒手丹尼尔·墨菲(DanielMurphy)为了在家陪妻子和刚出生的儿子未参加两场比赛,在电台引发轮番批评。

    In April , Daniel Murphy , the Mets second baseman , ignited a fury of radio chatter after missing two games to be at home with his wife and newborn son .

  2. 二垒手:防御二垒垒包附近的内野手。

    Second Baseman - The fielder who plays the infield near the second-base bag .

  3. 一垒手、二垒手、三垒手和游击手则叫做内野手。

    The first , second and third basemen and shortstop are called infielders .

  4. 打到二垒手位置的滚地球在最舒服位置的双手投篮。

    A two-handed shot from a stationary position .

  5. 我读过小波的棒球生涯是从二垒手开始。

    I 've read that Jorge Posada started his career as a second baseman .

  6. 他本来可以把球传给二垒手,让他把还在奔跑的沙亚触杀出局。

    He could have thrown the ball to the second baseman that would tag out shaya , who was still running .

  7. 内场,内野第一垒、第二垒、第三垒和被视为一个单位的游击手的防守位置二垒手:防御二垒垒包附近的内野手。

    The defensive positions of first base , second base , third base , and shortstop considered as a unit . Second Baseman - The fielder who plays the infield near the second-base bag .