
  1. 《二十四诗品》研究存在的几个问题

    Several Problems in the Research of The Twenty-four Poetic Styles

  2. 答张灿校友问&讨论《二十四诗品》作者问题

    A Discussion of the Author of Twenty-four Grades of Poetry

  3. 近年《二十四诗品》真伪讨论综述

    A summary of the debate in recent years on the authenticity of twenty-four peoms

  4. 《二十四诗品》中的道家境界

    Taoist State in Comment on Twenty-Four Poems

  5. 《二十四诗品》中的道家天人合一思想

    The Taoist thought about the harmonization between Tian and human in Twenty-four Grades of Poetry

  6. 等导程回转刀具虚拟实境的通用模型及其应用浅析《二十四诗品》中的实境

    The general model for virtual reality of revolve cutter with a constant lead and its application

  7. 《二十四诗品》本身蕴涵着禅理和禅意,体现着对禅宗义理的深切洞察;

    The Twenty-four Modes of Poetry itself contains the reason of zen , has a deep insight into the significance of zen .

  8. 对自然观进行纵向的宏观的历史梳理,为进一步研究《二十四诗品》中的自然观提供了依据和基础。

    We research the views of nature from longitudinal and macro angle , which provides basis and foundation for the further research of natural views in The Twenty-four Poems ' Appreciation .

  9. 《二十四诗品》中的自然观,上溯至古老的道家思想,道家将道与自然同一,自然属于本体论范畴。

    The views of nature referred to the book , The Twenty-four Poems ' Appreciation , origin from the ancient Taoist thought . The Taoists think Tao and nature are the same and the nature belongs to ontological categories .

  10. 认为《二十四诗品》所描述的诗人经由近似于现象学悬搁与先验还原的反思道路之后,超越纯粹意识的操作性,获取以虚静人性为根柢的审美心胸;

    It is considered that the poet described in Er-shih-ssu shih-p'in experiences the process of reflection close to abstention from judgment and transcendental reduction of phenomenology , transcends the operation of pure consciousness , then achieves an aesthetic mind , which is planted in the serene personality .