
  1. 秦岭造山带是世界第二大卡林类卡林型金矿省,其地质背景与美国西部卡林类卡林型金矿省明显不同,位于大陆内部的碰撞造山带,而非活动大陆边缘的盆岭省。

    The Western Qinling Mountains is the largest but one metallogenic province of Carlin and Carlin-like gold deposits in the world .

  2. 第二代杉木林养分动态研究

    Studies of Nutrient Dynamics of the Second Generation of China fir Plantation

  3. 第二、完善林权的原权利体系。

    Second , original rights system of the forest rights should be improved .

  4. 第二代杉木林速生阶段微量元素含量与分布

    Microelements Concentration and Distribution in the Second-Generation Chinese Fir Plantation at Its Fast-Growing Stage

  5. 会同第二代杉木林集水区水质生态效应

    Ecological Effect of the Water Quality in the Second-generation Chinese Fir Plantation at Huitong Watersheds

  6. 二是进行林权登记,发(换)林权证;

    Secondly checking in the forest right and sending out ( exchange ) forest right card ;

  7. 额济纳胡杨林是我国第二大胡杨林,是维系额济纳绿洲存在的重要天然屏障。

    It plays an important role in function and evolution of Populus euphratica forest ecological system .

  8. (二)用材林:以生产木材为主要目的的森林和林木,包括以生产竹材为主要目的的竹林;

    Timber stands : forests and trees mainly at timber production , inclusive of bamboo groves mainly aimed at bamboo production ;

  9. 试验林的第一代杉木人工林的高密度可能是第二代杉木林生产力显著下降的原因之一,但还不能下十分肯定的结论。

    Overload stem density of first rotation might reduce the productivity of second rotation , but it needed to be verified .

  10. 试验的目的是寻找地力衰退的潜在原因,并提出最佳的立地管理方法以保持或提高二代杉木林的生产力并维持土壤肥力。

    The purposes are to look for potential of site degradation , and put forward the optimal management measures to maintain or increase the productivity of second-rotation plantations and sustain soil fertility .

  11. 第二章对林纾翻译的各个方面作了概观式评述,其中包括他作为译者的生涯,他的政治和文化观,他的译作,他的语言以及翻译技巧。

    Chapter Two carries a deep research on aspects involved in Lin Shu 's translation : his career as a translator , his political and cultural ideology , his language and his techniques .

  12. 与该林分7年生时相比,净积累量提高了7.2%,说明集水区第二代杉木林生态恢复处于进展的变化过程。

    Compared to the ecosystems of 7 year old plantation , the net accumulation raised 7.2 % which indicates that the second generation of China fir plantation was just in the ecological recovery process .

  13. 试验结果表明:二代人工林当年成活率分别是,白桦94.9%、水曲柳90.6%、云杉95.6%、落叶松92.8%,平均成活率达到93.5%;

    The result of the test shows that the survival percent of the second generation planting forest separately is 94.9 % White Birch , 90.6 % Manchurian Ash , 95.6 % Dragon Spruce , 92.8 % Larch , average survival percent is 93.5 % ;

  14. 吐温80和Mn(Ⅱ)存在下二安替匹林一(3&羟基)苯基甲烷与铬(Ⅵ)的显色反应的研究

    Study on colour reaction of diantipyryl ─ 3 ─ hydroxy ─ phenylmethane with chromium (ⅵ) in the presence of manganese (ⅱ) and tween ─ 80

  15. 合成了二安替比林基-(对二甲氨基)苯基甲烷(DADM)。

    Diantipyryl - ( p-dimethylamino ) - phenylmethane ( DADM ) was synthesized .

  16. 敦化市被国务院列为国家第二批退耕还林(草)示范市,3a内完成30500hm2的还林(草)任务。

    Dunhua City have been selected as the national model city for converting the land for forestry and pasture by the State Council and 30 500 hm2 lands there should be done within 3 years .

  17. 以连续8a的测定数据,探讨了皆伐对生态系统土壤水文学功能的影响,并着重研究了营造第二代杉木人工林后林木对土壤水文学功能的生物调节和恢复状况。

    Based on eight years ' data , this paper studies the effect of cut over on the hydrological functions of soil in an ecosystem and focuses on the biological regulation and restoration effects of trees on soil hydrological functions after the second generation Chinese fir stand is reforested .

  18. 第二部分是国有林权制度改革概况。

    The second part introduces the overview of state-owned forest property system reform .

  19. 第二代杉木人工林的更新方式与技术

    Regeneration Methods for the Second Generation Chinese Fir Plantation

  20. 第二天清早,林务员起身后就出去打猎了。

    the forester got up very early the next morning and went out hunting .

  21. 二安替比林基-(2-溴)苯基甲烷与钒(Ⅴ)的显色反应研究

    Study on Colour Reaction of Vanadium ( V ) with Diantipyryl ( o-Bromo ) phenylmethane

  22. 第二代杉木人工林氮、磷、钾的吸收、积累和迁移

    Absorption , Accumulation and Transportation of N , P , K Elements in the Second-Generation Chinese Fir Plantation

  23. 第二部分是关于林纾及其译作的研究的文献回顾。

    Part Two is a literature review in which studies on Lin Shu and his translation are briefly mentioned .

  24. 第二代杉木人工林土壤水分垂直变化与第一代成林相比有很大的不同。

    The vertical change of soil water in the second generation Chinese fir stand is significantly related to the cut over .

  25. 以上二者的在林权抵押贷款制度实施中的行为都将间接影响着林农的借贷行为选择。

    Either of the above behavior of the implementation of the forest right mortgage system will indirectly affect the farmers borrowing behavioral choices .

  26. 第二,在集体林权制度改革的契机之下,加强对林业合作经营形式的宣传和引导。

    Second , in the opportunity of Tenure Reform in China in 2008 , to strengthen the propaganda and guide to the cooperatives .

  27. 本文对会同10年生和11年生第二代杉木人工林的生物量和生产力进行了测定和研究。

    In this paper , the biomass and productivity of 10-year and 11-year old second generation Chinese fir plantation in Huitong County were studied .

  28. 黄土高原能源林植物选择的研究之二&主要能源林植物水分状况及其抗旱性比较

    Studies on the selection of energy forest plants in the loess plateau & Part two : comparison of water status and drought resistance of main energy forest plants

  29. 根据湖南会同生态定位站11年的定位实测数据,对二代杉木人工林生物量及其垂直分布进行了研究。

    Based on 11-year data obtained from the Huitong Forest Ecology Research Station , studies are made of the biomass and the vertical distribution of the biomass of a second generation Chinese fir plantation .

  30. 第一代、二代杉木人工林土壤微生物量碳仅为天然次生阔叶林的53%和46%,微生物氮为97%和79%。

    Soil microbial biomass C in the first and second rotation of C. lanceolata plantations was only 53 % , 46 % of that in natural secondary broad-leaved forest , and microbial biomass N was 97 % and 79 % , respectively .