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  • 网络Urban and rural areas;Dacheng Township
  1. 如果在金融发展的过程中农村居民进入金融市场的壁垒相对较高,则会拉大城乡收入差距,反之则会缩小收入差距。

    If in the process of financial development for rural residents relatively high barriers to access to financial markets , it will widen the income gap between urban and rural .

  2. 基于1997-2003年间省级面板数据的估计结果显示,城乡间人均物质资本存量和人均人力资本存量差距是拉大城乡收入差距的因素。

    The analysis is based on the provincial panel data during 1997-2003 which shows that the inequality of average material capital stock and average human capital stock both can increase the urban-rural inequality .

  3. 大比例尺城乡一体化土地调查综合技术的研究

    Comprehensive Technical of Large Scale Land Survey of Urban-rural Integration

  4. 建议政府应该努力减少正在拉大的城乡差距。

    It is suggested that governments ought to make efforts to reduce the increasing gap between cities and countryside .

  5. 大城市城乡耦合地域空间演变及其景观格局&以无锡市为例

    Analysis of landscape pattern and spatial evolution in the metropolitan urban-rural coupling regions : a case study of Wuxi City

  6. 在市场经济的推动下,城乡差距越来越大,城乡间缺乏有效的互动。

    In market economy , the gap between urban and rural was growing wider and wider , and effective interaction between urban and rural was rare .

  7. 从中国受教育人口基数大,城乡、区域发展不平衡等特性来看,教育投入对发展教育事业起着至关重要的作用。

    From the large population in China , the characteristics of urban and rural imbalance development , education investment on education plays an important role in the development .

  8. 新农村建设是农村地区发展的基础,也是缩小日益拉大的城乡差距、实现共同富裕的方案之一。

    The new rural construction is the foundation for the development of the rural areas , is also shortening the urban and rural disparities and achieving common prosperity of the scheme .

  9. 近年来,我国城乡差距持续拉大,城乡发展严重失衡,影响了小康社会建设的进程。

    During recent years the Chinese urban-rural gap continuously widens , leading to a severe situation of unbalanced development between urban and rural , which hinders from building a moderately prosperous society .

  10. 文化上主要是公民在受教育方面不平等,城市和农村的教育水平相差过大,城乡之间、地区之间的教育设施也有所不同。

    Cultural citizens inequalities in access to education , the education level of urban and rural difference is too large , between urban and rural areas , educational facilities differ between regions .

  11. 面对不断拉大的城乡差距,国家提出了社会主义新农村建设的重大举措,以统筹城乡发展,构建和谐社会。

    Facing the city and countryside disparity which enlarges unceasingly , the country proposed the significant action of the socialism new rural reconstruction plans the city and countryside development , constructs harmonious society .

  12. 经验告诉我们,过大的城乡收入差距,将直接影响改革的顺利进行、经济的进一步发展及民心和社会的稳定。

    We see that too much of the income gap between urban and rural areas will directly affect the smooth progress of reform , the further development of the economy , the people and social stability .

  13. 城乡发展存在着城乡收入差距不断扩大,城乡生活质量差异大,城乡在社会保障、医疗、就业等方面差别大,小城镇对农村发展带动力弱等问题。

    The development of urban and rural areas is faced with such problems as the widening gap between income , quality of life , social security , medicine and employment , and the weak leading force of small towns .

  14. 当前,我国不断拉大的城乡差距已成为经济社会深入发展的瓶颈,这与我国改革开放的初衷有较大出入。

    At present , China is constantly widening gap between urban and rural areas has become the bottleneck of the in-depth development of economic and social , with the original intention of the reform and opening up greater access .

  15. 农村金融规模的增加和效率的提高并没有缩小城乡收入差距,相反却是拉讧大了城乡收入差距。最后,本文在总结相关结论的基础上,给出了政策建议。

    Insead of decreasing rural-urban income gap , the increase of rural financial scale and the promotion of the rural financial efficiency enlarge the gap . Finally , apart from summarizing the related theories , this article recommends some policies .

  16. 改革开放30年来,在社会经济不断发展的过程中,一些社会问题也随之产生,如收入差距进一步拉大、城乡二元结构显著、三农问题严重等等。

    After the reform and opening up in 1970s , with the rapid development of society and economy , a series of social problems have emerged , including widening income gap , significant urban-rural dual structure and serious " three agricultural problems " .

  17. 村干部存在的种种问题延误了农村经济的发展,拉大了城乡差距,阻滞了整个农村经济增长的步伐。因此,对村干部代理机制进行深入的研究至关重要。

    So all sorts of problems have delayed the rural economy development , and enlarged the disparity between the city and the countryside , even hindered the growth of the entire rural economy Therefore , it is urgent to research the cadres ' proxy mechanism .

  18. 然而快速增长的经济也呈现了许多问题,比如说贫富差距拉大,城乡发展不平衡,而近两年来更为突出的是流动性过剩问题。

    However , rapid economic growth has brought a number of problems , for instance , the widening gap between the rich and poor , imbalance between urban and rural development , and more prominent one is the problem of excess liquidity in the past two years .

  19. 笔者通过深入农村开展大量调查研究发现,农民信息素质不高是导致农村信息化整体发展绩效不明显的主要原因,从而进一步拉大了城乡之间数字鸿沟的差距。

    On the basis of many in-depth interviews in rural areas , the author finds that farmers ' information literacy is the main reason for the performance of rural information is not obvious , thus further wide the Digital Divide between urban and rural areas in China .

  20. 而税收作为国家调节收入差距的主要手段不但没有体现出公平效率,反而拉大了城乡之间贫富差距,形成了贫者欲贫、富者欲富的发展格局。

    State regulation and taxation as the primary means of income inequality not only does not reflect the equity and efficiency , but widened the wealth gap between urban and rural areas , formed " poor For the poor , the rich like the rich " development pattern .

  21. 如果继续维持这一现状,势必造成两类居民之间收入水平的拉大,带来城乡居民收入的两极分化。

    This situation may make income level widened between rural and urban areas , polarize residents ' income .

  22. 基于此,党的十六大明确提出城乡统筹发展的重要思想。

    Based on this , the important ideas of urban and rural development was pointed out at the 16th meeting of the Chinese Communist Party .

  23. 随着中国少数民族地区社会的不断变革、转型以及西部大开发、城乡间的人口大流动、传统与现代文明的大融合,少数民族传统音乐无论是古代的、还是现代的,其变异势在必然;

    Accompany with social reform in minority area of China , population floating between the urban and rural , the minority traditional music , no matter ancient or modern ones , all should be variance .

  24. 为此,政府给予了高度重视,党的十六大提出统筹城乡发展的重大方略。

    Thus , the government pays more attention to it , and especially , during the 16th CPC National Congress , our government proposed the harmonious development between urban and rural areas as our major strategy .

  25. 即金融的降低贫困效应会降低城乡收入差距。接着,本文具体实证分析了金融发展的三大效应对城乡收入差距的影响。

    Namely the financial development reducing the poverty effect will decrease Urban-rural income disparity . Then , we develop specific Empirical Analysis of the three major effects on the financial impact of the income gap between urban and rural areas .

  26. 城乡之间的收入鸿沟在不断加深,城乡收入差距之大甚至意味着城乡之间两种截然不同的社会生活模式。

    The difference between the city and the countryside even means two different life styles .

  27. 其基本要求包含四大要素,即城乡地位要平等,城乡经济发展要融合,城乡关系要协调,城乡制度要统一。

    It consists of four crucial factors , which include the equal status , the compatible economic development , the harmonious relationship and the united regulations .

  28. 行业之间的收入差距,地区之间的收入分配差距拉大,我国城乡居民之间的收入水平差距也较大。

    The widening income gap among industry , the region between the income distribution gap widening urban-rural between residents , the income level of gap bigger also .

  29. 城镇化是当前中国社会经济发展中的一个重大课题,也是中国进一步推进改革大业和解决城乡就业问题的关键。

    Urbanization contributes greatly to the social and economic development in China and constitutes a key factor in deepening the reform and solving the problem of unemployment .

  30. 经济发展不平衡是发展中国家的一种普遍现象。在我国主要表现为三大差距,即城乡二元差距、东西部差距和贫富差距。

    The imbalance of economical development is a universal phenomenon in developing countries . There are three disparities in China , namely urban and rural disparity , east-west disparity and income disparity .