
  • 网络university road;University Avenue;University Way
  1. 也许我们还能回到大学路

    Maybe we could even go back to the university avenue .

  2. 我是汕头一家大型企业的培训经理,公司地址在大学路。

    I am a training manager of a enterprise in shantou .

  3. 国际合作:印度理工学院的一流大学之路

    International Cooperation : The Road for Indian Institute of Technology to become a First-class University

  4. 一流大学之路:加州大学伯克利分校发展研究

    The Way to World-class Universities & Study on the Development of California University at Berkeley

  5. 在国内只有中国矿业大学的路迈西教授提出有关跳汰选的通用分配曲线模型,是建立在她所搜集的大量的跳汰选资料上进行的分析。

    In domestic only Professor Lu Mai-xi at China University of Mining and Technology put forward the general distribution curve model about jigging coal .

  6. 本月,又有数百万莘莘学子踏上了漫漫申请大学之路,他们以及他们的父母都得考虑为这个学位掏多少钱的问题。

    As millions of students labor over college applications this month , they and their parents are pondering just how big a tuition bill they want to pay .

  7. 为高校应对未来各种危机,赢得有序稳定发展环境,创建和谐校园,走上现代大学之路提供了一定理论指导和实践例证。

    This study provides an academic direction and a practical example for dealing with various crisis in future , achieving steady environment and harmonious campus , and establishing modern universities .

  8. 今年有20万的中国学生没有选择传统的大学之路&高考,而是将目标设定在海外大学。

    This year 200,000 Chinese students chose not to sit the traditional university pathway , the national college entrance exam , setting their goals instead above and beyond a domestic university place .

  9. 今年有20万的中国学生没有选择传统的大学之路——高考,而是将目标设定在海外大学。

    This year 200000 Chinese students chose not to sit the traditional university pathway , the national college entrance exam , setting their goals instead above and beyond a domestic university place .

  10. 并以河南工业大学嵩山路校区旧建筑及景观改造作为实例,进一步验证并更新课题的研究成果,探寻高校旧建筑及景观改造的新思路。

    In this research , we take the transformation of old building and landscape in Henan University of Technology campus Song Shan Road for example , so we can further validate and renew the research results .

  11. 北京大学改革之路

    The Reform Road Of Peking University

  12. 知中国,服务中国:张伯苓的南开大学办学之路

    " Knowing China and Serving China ": Zhang Boling and the Unique Characteristic of Nankai University

  13. 斯坦福大学成功之路的启示

    Experiences from Stanford 's Success

  14. 缩短中学教育不一定意味着人口素质的下降&或者说不一定使孩子们偏离进大学深造之路。

    Shortening high school needn 't mean dumping down the population necessarily sending kids off the college track .

  15. 借鉴、模仿、学习西方高等教育并扎根于教育传统的中国近代高等教育,其发展注定走不同于西方大学发展之路。

    Chinese modern higher education was initially modeled on western higher education but has also maintained its root in Chinese educational tradition .

  16. 积极探索建设有中国特色社会主义大学的新路探索教学科研互动发展新路&高等工科院校专业教研室运行模式的改革实践

    A New Approach of Running Socialist Higher Education Institutions with Chinese Characteristics The Exploration of the New Developmental Interactive Way For Teaching and Scientific Research

  17. 特色化建设&网络时代研究型大学图书馆发展之路

    Characteristics Construction & Road of the Network Time Research University Library Development

  18. 其中,对科技政策基础的阐述可说是从一个全新的角度诠释了国外研究型大学的发展之路。

    In all that science and technology policy condition is a completely new perspective used to annotate the development of research universities .

  19. 但是太多不愉快的事情让我感到很疲惫,所以我决定在大学里的沿江路走走。

    But so many unhappy things made me so tired , so I decided to have a walk along the Yanjiang Road in my university .

  20. 有时会回想一下自己的英语学习历程,特别是大学以来的一路考证的过程。

    Sometimes my mind would go back to my English learning journey in the past , especially the journey of taking various English exams after I entered college .

  21. 不过,由于人的未完成性和哲学本就是个爱智慧的过程,使得大学的哲学之路没有终点,大学总是在路上。

    Though , as man is in its unfinished state and philosophy is always on the way of loving wisdom , the philosophy of university is endless ; universities are always on the way .

  22. 公共选择与代理问题:日本国立大学独立行政法人化研究大学改革之路&兼谈日本国立大学独立行政法人化改革对我国的启示

    Public Choice and Agency : A Study of the Corporation Trend of Japanese State Universities ' Independent Administration On China 's University Reform

  23. 这是给我不太喜欢回答的问题,因为现在很多家长把上大学等同于成功,而不顾上大学这条路是否适合他们的孩子。

    This is a question I hate answering because so many parents today seem to equate success with making the transition to university , regardless of whether or not university is the appropriate GetWord (" appropriate "); choice for their child .

  24. 伴随着公共高等教育财政能力的下降和营利性大学的崛起,继续教育借鉴营利性大学的发展之路成为可能。

    Along with the decline of the financial capacity of public higher education and the rise of for-profit university , continuing education may learn from for-profit University of the development of road .

  25. 参照上文的第七条,如果你上大学以后能有稳定的工作和经济来源,不妨把这些工作的工资对比一下你直接把学费用于投资的收益,如果前者还不如后者,你绝对不会选择走上大学这条路。

    Consider point 7 above , unless your college fees are going to give you a better long term financial and career opportunity return than taking the same money and investing it then you may want to consider skipping the college experience .