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  • 网络big tongue;Tongue, large
  1. 齿痕舌多伴见胖大舌,胖大舌的出现率为61.59%。

    Teeth-print is often seen with swollen tongue ( 61.59 % ) .

  2. 舌体大部分为正常舌,其次为胖大舌,最少为瘦薄舌。

    Most of tongue is normal , followed by big fat tongue and thin thin tongue .

  3. 冷冻治疗后腻苔减少减轻,淡红舌、薄白苔相应增多。如果诊断上以苔腻为据;淡白、胖大舌、白腻苔等舌象则相反;

    After cryoablation therapy the patients ' slimy tongue fur decreased or get better , on the contrary the pale red tongue and thin white fur increased .

  4. 质粒DNA在大鼠舌肌中的表达

    Plasmid DNA Expression in the Muscle of Rat Tongue

  5. 目的:建立质粒DNA大鼠舌肌表达模型。

    Objective : To develop rat tongue model for plasmid DNA expression in vivo .

  6. 用简并性引物RT-PCR技术检测大鼠舌味蕾细胞谷氨酸受体表达

    The study on GluRs expression in rat taste buds by RT PCR using degenerate primers

  7. 方法用免疫组化SABC法检测80例大鼠舌组织标本中CFos、CJUN蛋白的表达。

    Methods 80 rat tongue specimens were detected for C FOS ? C JUN proteins with SABC .

  8. 目的:探讨Wistar大鼠舌肌是否具有摄取外源DNA并表达其携带基因的能力。

    Objective : To study whether Wistar rat tongue has the ability to uptake foreign DNA and express its carrying reported gene .

  9. 采用甲苯胺蓝染色和免疫组织化学ABC方法,对大鼠舌组织中肥大细胞的分布、形态特点以及细胞内的P物质、血管活性肠肽和神经肽Y的定位进行了研究。

    Using toluidine blue staining and immunohistochemical ABC method we studied the distribution of SP , VIP and NPY in rat tongue mast cells and their morphologic characteristics .

  10. 方法:在Wistar大鼠舌下静脉注射内毒素(LPS)复制ALI动物模型。

    Methods : Lipopolysaccharide ( LPS ) was injected into the sublingual vein of male Wistar rats to perform ALI animal model .

  11. 用辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)逆行追踪与免疫组织化学结合的方法研究大白鼠舌下神经核至舌肌的投射。

    The projection from the hypoglossal nucleus of muscles of tongue in rats was studied with the combined method of HRP tracing and immunocytochemistry .

  12. 大鼠舌下静脉给药华蟾毒配基的药动学研究

    Pharmacokinetic studies of cinobufagin after sublingual iv administration in rats

  13. 大鼠舌乳头酶组织化学及扫描电镜的研究

    Study of enzymic histochemistry and scanning electron microscopy on lingual papillae in rat

  14. 渗透促进剂对大鼠舌下黏膜及胰岛素舌下给药的影响

    Effects of various penetration enhancers on the sublingual absorption of insulin in rats

  15. 针刺对大鼠舌下神经切断后舌下神经核内神经元丧失的影响

    Effect of acupuncture on neuronal loss induced by axotomy in the rat hypoglossal nuclei

  16. 大鼠舌下神经超微结构的衰老变化

    Age-related ultrastructural changes of hypoglossal nerve in rats

  17. 大鼠舌下神经损伤后舌下神经核内星形胶质细胞和凋亡神经元的关系

    Relationship between astrocytes and apoptotic neurons in hypoglossal nuclei after hypoglossal nerve injury in rats

  18. 肝硬变门脉高压症大鼠舌脉的血流动力学变化及其发生机制的研究

    Experimental study of hemodynamic changes of lingual vessels of rats with cirrhotic portal hypertension and its mechanism

  19. 慢性乙型肝炎大三阳舌象与免疫功能关系的探讨

    Relationship Between Tongue Manifestations and Immune Function in Chronic Hepatitis B with HBsAg , HBeAg and HBcAb Positive

  20. 大白鼠舌周核至小脑的纤维投射

    Fiber Projections from the Perihypoglossal Nuclei to the Cerebellum of the Rat & A Study with the HRP Method

  21. 上述形态变化为解释衰老大鼠舌下神经逆行轴浆运输速度降低提供了形态学依据。

    These findings provide a morphological basis to explain the decrease of velocity of retrograde axonal transport with aging .

  22. 大鼠舌神经和鼓索神经损伤的手术进路及其损伤后味蕾形态变化的研究

    Investigations on a Surgical Approach for Lingual Nerve and Chorda Tympani Nerve Injuries , and on Morphological Changes of Taste Buds after Their Injuries

  23. 目的:研究大鼠舌下神经损伤后舌下神经核内星形胶质细胞和运动神经元的反应及其相互关系,并探讨其可能机制。

    AIM : To study the response of astrocytes and motoneurons in hypoglossal nuclei and their interrelation after hypoglossal nerve injury in rats , and explore the possible mechanism .

  24. 各茶多酚组大鼠舌下静脉注射相应剂量的茶多酚,模型组、假手术组给予等容量生理盐水;

    Rats in each TP group received ranine vein injection of TP of corresponding dose , and rats in the model group and sham-operation group were administrated with normal saline of the same volume ;

  25. 本文在电镜下观察大鼠舌下神经超微结构的年龄性变化,以了解衰老动物舌下神经的形态结构变化特点和其逆行轴浆运输速度降低之间的相互关系。

    The ultrastructural changes of the hypoglossal nerve were studied in rats to investigate the relationship between the morphological changes of the nerve and the decrease of velocity of retrograde axonal transport with aging .

  26. 结果模型大鼠舌质紫暗,舌下脉络增粗增长,与正常大鼠舌质鲜红润泽舌下脉络清晰有明显差异。

    ( Results ) The model rats showed a dark purple tongue , and thicker and longer sublingual vein , while the normal rats showed a ruddy tongue and clear sublingual vein . There was a significant difference between them .

  27. 方法:复制温病湿热证湿重于热动物模型,观察大鼠舌的病理改变,并设湿热组、脾虚组、正常组进行比较。

    Method : Forty SD rats were randomly divided into the normal group , spleen qi deficiency group , dampness-heat syndrome group ( DHS ) and DOHS group , and the pathological changes of animal tongue in four groups observed .

  28. ~(60)Co照射SD大鼠对舌菌状乳头及味蕾的影响

    Changes of Taste Bud and Fungiform Papillae after ~ ( 60 ) Co Radiation in Rat

  29. 大鼠失舌神经对舌味蕾Shh表达的影响

    The effect of lingual nerve denervation on Shh expression in lingual taste buds of Sprague-Dawley rats

  30. 去卵巢对低氧雌性大鼠颏舌肌肌功能的影响

    Effects of ovariectomy on genioglossus function of female rat with chronic intermittent hypoxia