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  1. 小碗土鱼羹的价格是1.5美元,而小碗蚵仔酥的价格为3美元。

    A small bowl of the soup costs $ 1.50 and a small dish of oasu runs $ 3 .

  2. 购买蚵仔面线时,商家通常会问要不要加辣,此外也可多加醋、蒜泥、香菜等调味。

    When serving , the shop owner often provides the choice of spicy or not spicy . Finally , vinegar , ground garlic , cilantro , and other condiments can also be added .

  3. 正如片名所示,该片描写的是在夜市上售卖台湾美食比如比手掌还大的烤鸡排和蚵仔面线的小摊贩们的生活。

    As its title suggests , it is about the lives of a community of night market small stallowners selling such uniquely Taiwanese delicacies as fried chicken filets larger than your palm and oyster noodles .