首页 / 词典 / good

  • office;hall;a government department at the provincial level
  • 聚会或招待客人用的大房间:~堂。客~。

  • 政府机关办事部门:办公~。教育~。


(聚会或招待客人用的大房间) hall:

  • 舞厅

    dance hall; ballroom;

  • 客厅

    drawing room; parlour;

  • 餐厅

    dining hall; restaurant;

  • 音乐厅

    concert hall;

  • 休息厅

    lounge; foyer


(大机关里一个办事部门的名称) office:

  • 办公厅

    general office


(某些省属机关的名称) a government department at the provincial level:

  • 财政厅

    the Finance Department;

  • 教育厅

    the Education Department;

  • 审判厅

    court of law

  1. 我们进入音乐厅时,管弦乐队正在调音。

    The orchestra was tuning up as we entered the hall .

  2. 警察将一些暴力抗议者赶出了会议厅。

    Police ejected a number of violent protesters from the hall .

  3. 新音乐厅的传声效果极佳。

    The acoustics of the new concert hall are excellent .

  4. 这支乐队仍能使音乐厅爆满。

    The band can still pack out concert halls .

  5. 已向伦敦警察厅报了案。

    Scotland Yard has / have been called in .

  6. 伦敦警察厅已经向他保证,他没有被视为可疑分子。

    Scotland Yard had assured him he was not under suspicion

  7. 想要获得更多信息可以咨询当地的电器展销厅。

    Further information is available from your local electricity showroom .

  8. 我们领了会议材料后鱼贯进入讲演厅。

    We picked up our conference materials and filed into the lecture hall

  9. 调查由伦敦警察厅反恐部门负责。

    The investigation is being handled by Scotland Yard 's anti-terrorist branch .

  10. 我与伦敦警察厅的乔普林巡官通过电话了。

    I got on the phone to Inspector Joplin at Scotland Yard .

  11. 我去酒店的咖啡厅喝了一杯要价奇高的咖啡。

    I went and had an overpriced cup of coffee in the hotel cafeteria

  12. 他觉得自己看见有人在演讲时潜藏在会议厅顶上。

    He thought he saw someone lurking above the chamber during the address .

  13. 中厅开有两扇门。

    There were two doors leading off the central room

  14. 艾伯特音乐厅是一个大型音乐厅。

    The Albert Hall is a huge auditorium .

  15. 这曲子很适合在音乐厅演奏。

    This piece really belongs in the concert hall

  16. 当议长走进议事厅的时候,前面由执议长权标的人开路。

    The Speaker is preceded by the mace-bearer upon his entry to the chamber .

  17. 饭店的便利设施包括健身俱乐部、会议设施和宴会厅。

    The hotel amenities include health clubs , conference facilities , and banqueting rooms .

  18. 巨大的音乐厅不会让梅拉妮发慌。

    Big concert halls do not faze Melanie

  19. 船上有录像厅、一个酒吧间和一家小型免税商店。

    On the ship there are video lounges , a bar and a small duty-free shop .

  20. 他们专门指定要一个宽敞的大门厅。

    They specified a spacious entrance hall

  21. 几个著名交响乐团受邀演出,以庆祝新音乐厅的启用。

    To christen the new hall , a number of great orchestras have been invited to play .

  22. 每次他发表讲话我们都会确保赶到市议会会议厅去。

    We are going to make sure we are in the council chamber every time he speaks .

  23. 上周在皇家艾伯特厅听到乔治·哈里森的现场演出真是太棒了。

    It was brilliant to hear George Harrison in concert at the Royal Albert Hall last week .

  24. 为配合调查一宗谋杀案,他下令向伦敦警察厅披露一份医疗报告。

    He ordered disclosure of a medical report to the Metropolitan Police in pursuance of an investigation of murder .

  25. 他们没有带我去候机厅,而是直接领我上飞机到了我的座位上。

    Instead of taking me to the departure lounge they took me right to my seat on the plane .

  26. 阿什克纳齐先生已通知我们,他将无法履行和交响音乐厅签订的钢琴独奏演出合同。

    Mr Ashkenazy has informed us that he will be unable to honour his contract with Symphony Hall to perform the piano recital .

  27. 参观者川流不息地进入展览厅。

    Visitors entered the exhibition hall in a steady stream .

  28. 在女王音乐厅有一个交响音乐会。

    There was a symphony concert at the queen 's hall .

  29. 这个建筑物最初准备作为一个会议厅。

    This building was primarily intended to be an assembly hall .

  30. 从音乐厅出来时,我们碰到一起了。

    We met each other coming out of the con-cert hall .