
tīng zhǎng
  • Director;head of a department under a provincial government
厅长[tīng zhǎng]
  1. ike,我没告发你们,你们是被厅长抓到的。

    Ike , I didn 't tell on you , you got busted by the hallway monitor .

  2. 伊利诺斯州农业厅代理厅长汤姆•杰宁斯(TomJennings)表示:玉米和豆类的价格都可能进一步上涨。

    Tom Jennings , acting director of the Illinois Department of Agriculture , said : The price of corn and the price of beans could rise more .

  3. 照射大厅长×宽×高为8m×5m×4m,校准小车的轨道沿照射大厅长轴线铺设并经过严格调平,保证射线束轴线与轨道平行;

    Dimension of irradiation room is 8m × 5m × 4m . railway of calibration dolly is paved along the long axis of the room and is finely leveled , which ensures that center axis of beam parallels to the railway .

  4. 昆明站房高架候车厅长72.65m,宽39.4m,高8.85m。

    The high-elevated waiting hall of Kunming railway station is 72.65 meters long , 39.4 meters wide and 8.85 meters high .

  5. 方案规划、预算和财务厅长兼主计长;

    Director of programme planning , budget and finance and controller ;

  6. 罗厅长将“就业难”这一现象归结于两点。

    Luo attributes the difficulties of finding jobs to two factors .

  7. 省教育厅厅长侯靖方来校视察。

    Houjingfang , the education superintendent of Zhejiang Province inspected the school .

  8. 教育厅长对缺少合格的教师感到忧虑。

    The school superintendent is worried about the lack of qualified teachers .

  9. 人力资源管理厅人事厅长

    Director of Personnel for the Office of Human Resources Management

  10. 2008年,何绍勇担任四川省教育厅副厅长。

    He became deputy head of Sichuan 's education department in 2008 .

  11. 宾夕法尼亚州警察厅长弗兰克.努南很清楚在这个案件中需要优先解决的问题。

    Pennsylvania state police commissioner Frank Noonan was clear about his priorities .

  12. 这位54岁的卫生厅厅长在新浪微博上吸引了100多万人关注。

    The 54-year-old health official has more than one million followers on Sina Weibo .

  13. 人才战略提升浙江外经贸国际竞争力&访浙江省对外贸易经济合作厅副厅长夏海伟

    Talents Strategy improves Zhejiang Foreign Trade Competitiveness

  14. 他恰巧又是州财政厅长的知己朋友。

    He was also , accidentally , a warm personal friend of the state treasurer .

  15. 省劳动保障厅巡视员张德佑主持会议,厅长矫学柏作重要讲话。

    Province labor ensures hall floorwalker Zhang Deyou to moderate , office grows Jiao Xuebai to make important speech .

  16. 目前,江苏省的财政厅网站“副厅长”一栏已经删除了张美芳及其简历。

    Zhang Meifang 's name and resume have been deleted from the official website of the Jiangsu Province Department of Finance .

  17. 我将报告我们的主席及警察厅长:我作为我们的董事局的代表的愉快。

    I will pass on to our Chairman Brian Aherne and Commissioner McCreadie my pleasure of being a representative from our Board .

  18. 劳动和社会保障厅的副厅长陈晓林(音)承诺将给农民提供更多的培训。

    Chen Xiaoling , vice head of the provincial labor and social security department , pledged to provide more training for farmers .

  19. 在长沙访问期间,天野真也所长接受了湖南省商务厅副厅长刘权的会见。

    During the visit , Masaya Amano met with Liu Quan , vice director of the Department of Commerce of Hunan Province .

  20. 清欠永远的现在进行时&山西省建设厅副厅长张立光谈清欠

    Payoff of Arrears Eternal Present Continuous Tense & Opinion of Vice-Director of Shanxi Department of Construction Zhang Liguang on Payoff of Arrears

  21. 论清代前期的闽台对渡贸易政策(续)海峡西岸经济区:阳光灿烂&福建省外经贸厅张秋副厅长谈闽台经贸合作

    Policies on Cross-straits Trade Between Fujian and Taiwan at the Beginning of The Qing Dynasty ( Continued ) Taiwan Strait in the Sunshine

  22. 前英国首都警察厅厅长在他调查的最终报告中特别指出了这5家英超俱乐部的交易。

    Deals involving the five clubs have all been highlighted by the former Metropolitan Police commissioner in his final report to the Premier League .

  23. 之前,刘维忠还发过一个帖子,称接受癌症手术后吃猪蹄有助于身体恢复,由此他被人们戏称为猪蹄厅长。

    A previous post from Liu that eating pig 's feet can help people recover from cancer surgery earned him the nickname pig feet chief .

  24. 之前,刘维忠还发过一个帖子,称接受癌症手术后吃猪蹄有助于身体恢复,由此他被人们戏称为“猪蹄厅长”。

    A previous post from Liu that eating pig 's feet can help people recover from cancer surgery earned him the nickname " pig feet chief . "

  25. 财富网(Fortune.com)本周早些时候采访了阿尔伯塔省财政厅厅长罗恩•利贝尔特,从加拿大的角度一窥这个上下倒置的世界。

    Com caught up with Alberta finance Minster Ron Liepert earlier this week to get a sense of what this upside-down world looks like from the Canadian perspective .

  26. 山东省教育厅副厅长张志勇表示,本次改革将为学生提供多样化的渠道及更公平的机会。

    Zhang Zhiyong , deputy director of the Shandong Provincial Education Department , said that the reform will provide diverse roads and fairer opportunities for students to succeed .

  27. 此外,郭厅长介绍,湖北省内许多水库都出现超容情况,一些甚至出现渗漏和溢流。

    In addition , most of the reservoirs in Hubei have used out its capacity and some were even reported with leakage and overflow , according to Guo .

  28. 广东省民政厅王长胜副厅长对协会今年通过广东省“五A行业协会”评估表示祝贺,并在现场为协会颁发了广东省“五A行业协会”荣誉牌匾。

    Wang Changsheng , Deputy Director-general of the Department of Civil Affairs of Guangdong Province congratulated on Guangdong 's Five-A Association 's evaluation and awarded an honour plague .

  29. 海南省商务厅长叶章和向前来出席会议的香港嘉宾详细介绍了海南现代物流业发展的现状与前景。

    Hainan Provincial Department of Commerce chapter leaves forward to our guests attending the meeting described in detail the development of modern logistics industry in Hainan situation and prospects .

  30. 报道还说,警察厅厅长应该让警察裁员成为削减预算的一部分,让他们结束对这个铁饭碗的幻想。

    Chief constables should be able to make any officer redundant as part of budget cuts , ending the prospect of a job for life , the report said .