
shǐ qián kǎo ɡǔ xué
  • Prehistoric archaeology;prehistoric archeology
  1. 史前考古学与诗性智慧

    Prehistoric Archaeology and Poetic Wisdom

  2. 史前考古学中的术语问题

    Terminological Problems in Prehistoric Archaeology

  3. 细石器研究是裴文中教授对中国史前考古学的重要贡献之一。

    Professor Pei Wenzhong ( 1904 ~ 1982 ) was a famous Chinese Quaternary geologist and vertebrate paleontologist , as well as a founder of the prehistoric archaeology in China .

  4. 随着考古学的发展,从史前考古学角度对史前文化遗迹、遗物的分析研究,日益成为探讨原始体育文化起源的重要途径。

    With the development of archaeology , it is getting more important to discuss the origin of original sport culture by analysis the prehistorical vestiges and remains from the angle of prehistorical archaeology .

  5. 在我国的史前考古学界,这个问题不太受人重视,其结果便是近年来出现了一些不规范的术语,研究工作也出现了一些混乱的现象。

    This issue has not been well addressed in Chinese prehistoric archaeology , and as a consequence , some non - standard terminologies came into use and brought chaos into the academic research in recent years .

  6. 考古学文化是考古学、特别是史前考古学基本的也是核心的概念,许多方法和理论都是围绕这一概念展开的。

    The concept of archaeological culture is the basis and core of archaeology , especially of archaeology dealing with pre - historical objects . Most discussions about archaeological methods and theories are centered around this concept .

  7. 新疆史前时期考古学研究现状

    Curent Conditions of Prehistoric Archaeology in Xinjiang

  8. 新疆史前时期考古学的研究,已经取得一批丰富的考古材料和科研成果。

    Xinjiang 's prehistory age archaeology research work have got a lot of archaeological achievements .

  9. 本文尝试概括1949年以来新疆史前时期考古学研究,进行一个研究历程的文献综述。

    This paper summarizes Xinjiang 's prehistory age archaeology research work from 1949 to the present and makes classifications and analysis of the related documents .

  10. 象形文字约在1600年前突然消亡,许多世纪以来这给那些研究埃及史前器物和考古学的一流人才带来了很多迷惑。

    Hieroglyphic writing ended abruptly about 1600 years ago , and it mystified the most brilliant minds in the study of the Egyptian artifacts and archeology for many many centuries .

  11. 喇家遗址位于青海省民和县,是一处新石器时代的史前遗存,其考古学文化为齐家文化。

    Shijiayuan site in Linyou county , Shanxi province was excavated by the Department of Archaeology , Peking University et.