
  1. 中国近现代史起自1840年的鸦片战争,迄至中国现行的改革开放。

    Modern Chinese History opens with the 1840 Opium War and terminates with the current reform and reopening .

  2. 光周期对分布于温带地区的蟋蟀季节发育、保证完整的生活史起着重要的作用,不仅影响若虫的发育速率,诱导卵滞育的产生,而且对若虫龄数也起着调控作用。

    Photoperiodism is one of the most important phenomena implicated in the control of seasonal development and life cycles in insects living in the temperate climatic zone because photoperiod influences the nymphal development and the number of nymphal instar .

  3. 他们二人伦理思想,不仅在中国近现代伦理思想史起着举足轻重的重要作用,对当时社会产生了巨大的影响,而且其中一些灼见对我们今天的道德建设也有着重要的启发意义。

    Two of them ethics , not only in the history of modern Chinese ethics plays a vital role in society at that time had a huge impact , but some of the profound view on the moral construction of today may also have important instructive .

  4. 作为一种文学思潮,自然主义在美国文学史上起过重要的作用。

    As a literary trend , naturalism has played an important part in American literature .

  5. 严羽的妙悟说在中国美学史上起到了承前启后的重要作用。

    Yanyu 's " MiaoWu " theory played a successively important part in Chinese aesthetics history .

  6. 亚里斯多德对文学作品中的悲剧理论的阐述在文学的发展史上起着重要的作用。

    Aristotle 's literary theories of tragedy play a significant role in the development of literature .

  7. 二里头夏代文化玉器将史前玉器与商周玉器连为一体,在中国古玉发展史上起着承上启下的桥梁作用。

    Erlitou cultural jade is a connecting link between the preceding and the following in jade history .

  8. 但是,我们不能就此忽略元代的科举,它在整个科举史上起了承上启下的作用。

    However , the examination in Yuan still played a role in the history of imperial examination .

  9. 朝藩体制时的土地制度在日本土地制度史上起着承前启后的作用。

    The land institution in Dynasty - Clan System Period is a transition period in Japan 's Land Institution history .

  10. 它作为一种资本运营方式,在国际巨头的发展史上起着不可磨灭的作用。

    As a way of capital operation , M & A has been playing a vital role in the international tycoon history .

  11. 这在中世纪欧洲的刑事法学发展史上起到了承前启后的作用。

    , which serves as a link between past and future in the history of the science of criminal law in medieval Europe .

  12. 禅宗与净土宗一直是中国佛教的主要宗派,在中国佛教史上起著举足轻重的作用。

    Zen and Pure Land Buddhism has been Chinese Buddhist sect , which plays an important role in the history of Chinese Buddhism .

  13. 晋商作为明清时期著名的商帮之一,在中国近代经济史上起着不可或缺的重要作用。

    Shanxi businessmen played an important role in modern economic history as a famous branch of business society in Ming and Qing Dynasty .

  14. 无性生殖在苔藓植物的生活史中起着重要的作用,并且常通过各种无性繁殖体来完成。

    Asexual reproduction plays an important role in the life cycle of bryophytes . Usually , mosses complete their asexual reproduction by different diaspores .

  15. 八十年代的书籍设计实践在整个中国书籍设计发展史上起着重要的作用,影响深远。

    And the book design practice of the 1980s played an important role in the entire history of the development of Chinese book design .

  16. 明代中后期,文献学家胡应麟所著的《四部正讹》是我国第一部辨伪专书,在中国辨伪学史上起到承前启后的作用。

    In the late Ming Dynasty , the philologist & Yinglin Hu wrote Si Bu Zheng E which was the first monograph on distinguishing false .

  17. 实证主义史学在史学发展史上起了承上启下的作用,为马克思主义史学在中国的发展奠定了思想基础。

    Positivist Historiography played an important role of connection in the development of historiography , making idea foundation for the development of Marxism historiography in China .

  18. 因而,大历十才子在中唐诗史上起着承上启下和转折过渡的独特作用,有着无可替代的独特地位。

    Thus , 10 Gifted Scholar poetry in the history of a Tang poem form the unique role of the transition point and having indispensably unique status .

  19. 文化是一个民族的灵魂,先进文化的建设在国家和民族的发展史上起着巨大的作用。

    Culture is the soul of a nation , and the construction of advanced culture takes a great effect on the development history of a country and nation .

  20. 宋代人物画在继承传统的基础之上向高度成熟发展,在中国美术史上起着承上启下的桥梁作用。

    Figures paintings in the Song Dynasty developed maturely on the base of inheriting the traditional characters , and played a bridge structure role in the article history .

  21. 马克思的感性论思想对美学这一学科的发展和成熟作出了独特贡献,在近现代美学发展史上起到了承前启后的作用。

    Marxian sensationalism has contributed in a special way to the maturation of esthetics and serves as a link between past and future in the history of modern esthetics .

  22. 其人口也仅为9万人。但是,佛罗伦萨在艺术、建筑、哲学、文学和科学史上起了非常重要的作用。

    It numbered only bout 90,000 people . Nevertheless , it played a vital role in the history of art , architecture , philosophy , literature , and science .

  23. 个人叙事方式在中国女性文学发展史中起着非常重要的作用,它为女性自我话语权威的建立奠定了坚实的基础。

    Personal narrative style plays an important role in the development of the female literature of China . It lays a solid foundation for constructing the authority of female discourse .

  24. 这三位代表画家从不同角度为20世纪的现代艺术指明了前进的方向。在美术史上起了举足轻重的作用。

    These three representative painters play an important part in the art history , since they demonstrated the advancing direction for modern act in the 20th century from different aspects .

  25. 后印象派艺术家们秉持不同的艺术理念,形成了各自独特的艺术风格,为现代艺术指明了前进的方向,在美术史上起到了举足轻重的作用。

    Post-impressionist artists who uphold different ideas of art create their own unique artistic style and point the way forward to modern art , they play decisive role in the art history .

  26. 虽然这种办法在国家制度史上起过很大的作用,但是许多国家,而且恰好是最发达的国家,都是不需要它的。

    In spite of the great part it has played in the constitutional history of states , very many states , and precisely those most highly developed , have not required it .

  27. 平安时代是日本女性文学的第一个高峰时期。平安时代的女性文学在日本文学史上起着举足轻重的作用。

    Peaceful Time in Japan is the peak time in Japanese female literature , which plays an important role in the history of Japanese history and even in the world literary history .

  28. 但这一思想在马克思主义私有财产观发展史上起到了承上启下的重要作用,有力地推动了中国革命和建设事业的发展。

    But the flaw didn 't cover the fine jade , this thought played great role in the history of Marxism private property standpoint , which powerfully impelled China 's revolutionary and construction .

  29. 从一定意义上说,特许学校运动在美国当代教育史上起着承上启下的作用。它连接着美国现代教育的发展和当代教育的改革。

    To some extent , the Charter School Movement serves a connecting link between the preceding and the following , bridging the development of modern American education and the reformation of modern education .

  30. 他处在现代主义时期却保持了较多传统绘画的风格,在美术史上起着承前启后的重要作用。

    Although he lived in the modernism art period , the traditional painting style was largely maintained in his painting . His art played an important role in art history , serving as a link between the traditional painting and the modernism painting .