
  • 网络historiography
  1. 中国近现代史史料学研究的回顾与展望初中历史乡土史材料的挖掘和教学研究

    A Review and a Prospect of the Historiography of Modern and Contemporary History of China

  2. 文献的史料学定义与利用问题

    Science of the historical materials definition and utilization of document

  3. 阿英:新文学史料学的开拓者

    Ah Ying : A Pioneer Worker of Historical Documents of Chinese New Literature

  4. 刘勰关于文学史料学的见识

    On LIU Xie 's Idea about the Theory of Historical Materials of Literature

  5. 阿英的史料学思想管窥

    A Partial View of Ah Ying 's Thoughts on The Study of Historical Materials

  6. 20世纪前半叶的清代小说史料学建构

    Study of the Novels in Qing Dynasty in the First Half of 20th Century

  7. 前人著述是一个史料学的新概念。

    A predecessor 's works is a new conception of a science of historical materials .

  8. 复印报刊资料史学系列期刊学术影响力分析评析傅斯年史学即史料学的治史观

    An Analysis on the Academic Influence of the History Series of Duplicated Newspapers and Periodicals Data

  9. 中国古代文献史料学

    Historical Matericals of Ancient Chinese Document

  10. 其园林史学思想主要为2点:(1)史学就是史料学。

    The garden historian thought mainly to 2 points : ( 1 ) History is the historical materials .

  11. 本论题主要运用史料学、比较文学等基本原理和方法进行研究。

    The research was based mainly on the principles and approaches of historical materials study and comparative literature .

  12. 以比较求近真与头绪,是将史学与史料学有机联系的关键。

    Using comparison to pursue clues and approximate truths is the key to intrinsically linking history with historical materials .

  13. 中国哲学史料学方面的这种进步,得益于20世纪80年代以来各地方哲学学术团体对中国少数民族哲学思想的研究和史料的发掘、整理工作。

    The progress is benefit from the collections and arrangements by philosophical academic groups in regional areas from 1980s .

  14. 闻一多的《周易》研究构成了中国古代社会史史料学基本体系和内容。

    His studies of Zhouyi constitute a basic structure and content of the bibliography of ancient china 's social history .

  15. 在基于文本的汉语历史语法研究中,敦煌变文具有重要的语言史料学价值。

    In Chinese Historical study on Syntax based on text , Dunhuang Bianwen has main value on Lang Historical Data .

  16. 但是由于史料学基础不够充分,给学者们带来了理解萨满教发生与发展的理论困难。

    However , because of the lack of historical data , scholars have difficulties to theoretically understand the history of shamanism .

  17. 社会史学由于在研究对象与研究方法不同于其他历史学分支学科,其史料学建构也有所不同。

    As the study objects and methods differed from other branches of history , its historical data study construction was also different .

  18. 在可能形成的新范式下的中国古史研究将是有坚实的史料学依据的,是有深刻说明力和思想性的,是因为具有多学科方法的合理支持而真正科学的。

    The ancient historiography governed by the new paradigms will be based on a firm foundation of historical science , scientific and persuasive .

  19. 第四章在借鉴一般史料学理论的基础上,分别从分类、考据、鉴别和校勘等几个方面阐述了中国口述科技思想史料的整理工作。

    Chapter Four elaborates the collation of historical materials of Chinese oral scientific and technological thought from classification , certification , discrimination and emendation .

  20. 傅斯年倡导文学革新,主张文化脱弃旧型入于新轨,标举科学学术论与史学即史料学。

    Fu Sinian advocated literary innovation , and held the belief that culture should get rid of the old type and enter a new road .

  21. 在近年来学者们对中国古史史料学基础问题的研究中,最值得重视的领域之一,是对于新出土文献的研究。

    In recent years , the most remarkable field in the studies of the fundamental problems in ancient historical materials should be the newly excavated texts .

  22. 在哲学的研究方面,他既有对西方哲学领域黑格尔、孔德、康德等的研究,也有对中国哲学的通史性、个案式、史料学等的研究①。

    His research including not only European philosophy such as Hegel , Comte , Kant , etc. but Chinese philosophy such as History , case type , historical materials etc. .

  23. 近年来,对它的研究虽已在文学、哲学领域取得诸多成就,但从史料学角度的研究尚属空白。

    Many achievements have been made of its study in the fields of literature and philosophy . However , the study has been empty so far from the angle of historical data science .

  24. 兼任中华文学史料学学会古代文学文献研究会会长、古古代散文学会副会长等。

    At the same time , he assumes the chairman of the ancient literature research society of the Chinese literature historical data society , and the vice-chairman of the ancient Chinese prose society , etc.

  25. 绪论对中国口述科技思想史料学的相关概念进行了界定,并对其研究现状作了概述。

    In the overview , it defines related the meanings of theory of historical materials of Chinese oral scientific and technological thought , and makes a brief description of the basic situation of the academic on it .

  26. 先秦两汉的著编体例&冯友兰《中国哲学史史料学》读后感

    The Stylistic Rules and Layout of the Writings and Compilations in Pre-Qin Period , Western and Eastern Han Dynasties : Reflection upon Reading the " Study of Historical Data of Chinese Philosophy History " by Feng You-lan

  27. 在大量新出土文献资料研究的基础上,我们将有可能获得某些较之以往更合理的古史史料学概念,建立现代古史史料学概念的整个工作也才会有实质性的进展。

    Only by basing on the vast amount of studies of them could we obtain a more reasonable concept of ancient historical materials , and make substantial progress in constructing the concepts of modern studies of ancient historical materials .

  28. 本文针对出土文字砖的照片、拓片、释文、文物资料,借助相关书目运用史料学、文献学等方法作探索与总结,给予分类,阐释其史料价值、书体演进及书法价值等问题。

    Based on photos , rubbings , interpretations , and cultural relics of unearthed text bricks , this paper makes exploration , summarization and classification by using historical science and philology to reveal their historical significance , the evolution of chirography and calligraphy value .

  29. 第六章对口述科技思想的主体间性和科学性,以及口述科技思想史料学研究与文化传承和现代口述史学之间的关系进行了一些理论上的思考。

    Last chapter makes a theoretical thinking on inter-subjectivity and objectivity of oral scientific and technological thought , relations of research of the theory of historical materials of Chinese oral scientific and technological thought and inheritance of Chinese traditional culture and modem oral history .

  30. 但由于原始史料的匮乏,学理解释中的纷争从未停止。

    But the dispute about its explanation has never been stopped because there is only few original information left .