
  1. 印度史上的农民(续)

    The Peasant in Indian History ( continued )

  2. 印度史上的农民

    The Peasant in Indian History

  3. 从旃陀罗笈多开始,可信的印度史逐渐成型。

    From the time of Chandragupta , a reasonably reliable history of India begins to take shape .

  4. 而高估值注定印度有史以来这起最大的IPO在二级市场上以失败告终。

    A high valuation doomed that initial public offering , India 's largest ever , to failure in the aftermarket ;

  5. 这无疑是英国-印度关系史上最具超现实主义色彩的时刻。

    It must be the most surreal moment in Anglo-Indian relations .

  6. 还是赢得印度电视史上第一大奖

    or just won the biggest prize in the history of lndian television .

  7. 本文主要考察印度妇女史的书写与妇女研究的互动关系。

    This thesis mainly examines the interaction between the writing of history and the women studies .

  8. 印度古代史,内容繁杂,深邃古奥,且缺乏原始资料。

    In ancient India history , the contents are miscellaneous and toilsome , profound , archaic and abstruse ;

  9. 泰戈尔的艺术理论在印度美学史和西方美学史上都具有独特的价值和意义。

    Tagore 's artistic theories have distinctive values and they are of significance in the esthetic history of India and Western countries .

  10. 印度古代史有如下的特点:经济上,它实行封闭而保守的村社生产方式;

    Generally , there are some special points as follows : In economy , India carried out closed and conservative village and community productive mode ;

  11. 《大唐西域记》是记载印度佛教史的重要文献,对于今人研究印度古代历史具有重大意义。

    " Pilgrimage to the West in the Tang Dynasty " is an important document to record the history of Indian Buddhism . It is of great significance for people today to study the ancient history of India . " Buddhist Records " depicts a special image & Dragon image .

  12. 佛教戒律在印度的发展史。

    The development of Buddhist religious discipline in India .

  13. 1905-1908年民族运动高潮:印度民族运动史的一个光辉转折点

    The 1905-1908 Nationalist Upsurge in India : A Major Turning Point in the Movement

  14. 如能成功着陆,印度将会成为史上第四个月球车完整着陆月球的国家。

    If that landing is successful , India will become only the fourth nation to ever land an intact vehicle on the moon .

  15. 这一原则的提出成为印度司法审查史上一个非常重要的事件,也正是这一理论使得印度法院的角色受到诸多的争议,司法能动主义开始被广泛讨论。

    This event is of great importance in the history of judicial review in India . It is the theory that makes the role of the Indian courts subject to many controversies ; judicial activism has been widely discussed .

  16. 中国云南与印度间商贸交流史研究综述

    A Survey on Trade History between Yunnan Province of China and India

  17. 印度后殖民妇女史与妇女研究的互动

    Women History Writing and Studies in Postcolonial India

  18. 过去几千年,印度在人类文明史上谱写了绚丽多彩的篇章。

    For thousands of years , India has written magnificent chapters in human history .

  19. 从控制垄断到促进竞争,这是印度竞争法发展史上的根本转折。

    From ' curbing monopolies ' to ' promoting competition ', that is the fundamental change of Indian competition law .

  20. '3白痴'是也一直被视为最赚钱的印度电影发行有史以来在美国,中东,澳大利亚,南非,巴基斯坦,肯尼亚和斐济。

    ' 3 Idiots'is also being touted as the highest grossing Indian film ever to release in the US , Middle East , Australia , South Africa , Pakistan , Kenya and Fiji .

  21. 这部小说具有浓厚的地方特色的艺术风格,再现了特立尼达印度移民的家族史、族群史和社会历史,重建了加勒比海人民的生活与历史,颠覆了欧洲殖民者的历史文本。

    It has an artistic style of strong local characteristics and reappears the family history , the ethnic history and the social history of the Indian immigrants in Trinidad , reconstructs the life and history of the Caribbean people and subverts the historical text of the European colonists .

  22. 因而,研究泰戈尔的艺术理论,对于我们了解印度艺术思想以及印度美学史的发展具有重要意义。

    Therefore making a study of Tagore 's artistic theories is important to learn about artistic theories and the development of esthetic history in India .

  23. 据EM-Dat(国际灾难数据库)称,今年的印度经历的酷暑将在印度史上排名第二,世界第五。

    According to EM-Dat , The International Emergency Disasters Database , this year 's heat wave is so severe that it will go down in record books as second-deadliest in India and the fifth in the world !

  24. 殖民地时期成长起来的印度文官制度,是印度近代史上具有重大意义的一项政治制度。

    India civil service system , which grew up in the colonial period , is an influential political system in the history of India .

  25. 他对印度各项法律、塔米尔语及英属印度史颇有造诣,在1896年的复试中,他又考了第七名。

    His studies of the various branches of Indian law , the Tamil language and the history of British India then won him seventh place again in the Final IC Sexamination of 1896 .

  26. 据印度气象局报道,拉贾斯坦邦某市的气温高达51摄氏度,创下了印度有史以来的最高气温纪录。

    A city in India 's Rajasthan state has broken the country 's temperature records after registering 51C , the highest since records began , the weather office says .

  27. 印度北京奥运会上,印度选手宾德拉在男子10米气手枪项目上夺冠,为印度赢得了有史以来第一枚个人金牌。

    Abhinav Bindra won India 's first-ever individual gold medal , in the men's10-meter air-rifle competition .