
  • 网络Printing process
  1. 活性炭纤维净化印刷过程产生的VOCs废气

    Removal of VOCs from waste gases of printing process using ACF absorbers

  2. 在印前图像处理过程中,通过Photoshop软件,利用曲线、传递函数等工具对图像进行校正,补偿图像在印刷过程中产生的网点增大,从而达到所要求的印刷质量。

    In prepress image processing , use the curves and Transfer function tools in the Photoshop , correct image and compensate dot gain in printing process , thus attaining the printing quality request .

  3. 印刷过程中我们会应用CMYK转换和其他滤镜进行优化。

    We will be applying CMYK conversions and other filters that are optimal for the print process we have chosen .

  4. 在参观DaiNippon工厂的过程中,我们见到了数以百万计的卡通漫画的印刷过程;然而最令人难忘的是,我们看到可视化管理在工厂内的普及范围是如此之广泛。

    At the factory tour of DaiNippon we saw how millions of Japanese anime cartoons were printed , but most remarkably we saw how widespread the culture of using visual management in factories are .

  5. 混合整数规划求解多联票据印刷过程中的生产调度问题

    Mixed Integer Programming Approach to Production Scheduling for Invoice Printing Process

  6. 因此很有必要在印刷过程中对色彩信息进行严格的检测和控制。

    It 's necessary to measure and control color information in printing .

  7. 在印刷过程中对扫描原稿的校正

    To Correct the Picture of the Manuscript in Print Process

  8. 加入的气味在彩色印刷过程。

    The scent was added during the colour printing process .

  9. 印刷过程中控制润版液浓度的研究

    Research on Fountain Solution Concentration Controlling in Printing Process

  10. 浅析印刷过程中纸张起皱的原因及解决办法

    On Reasons and Solutions for Paper Wrinkling in Printing

  11. 在锡膏印刷过程中,印刷机是印刷品质控制的关键。

    Screen printing equipment is the key of quality control during the printing course .

  12. 为适应这一较长的印刷过程,新闻截稿提前了。

    To accommodate the longer press runs , deadlines for news have been pushed earlier .

  13. 印刷过程中油墨渗透深度的计算与实验研究

    Calculation and experimental study of permeating depth of printing ink in porous papers in printing

  14. 彩色印刷过程中,人工检测套印误差是一项费时且低效的工作。

    In color printing , detecting printing registration deviation by man is time-consuming and inefficient .

  15. 包装印刷过程中的水墨平衡

    Ink balance in packaging print process

  16. 中义印版印纹在印刷过程中逐渐消失或磨损的过程。

    The erosion and gradual disappearance of the printed image from the plate during the run .

  17. 好,19世纪印刷过程所要做的第一步是创建一个排版。

    Okay , the first step in the 19th-century printing process was to create the typeset .

  18. 文章主要探讨焊膏印刷过程中操作技术要点和应注意的问题,以及一些常见故障的处理方法。

    This paper discusses the solder printing process technological key points and the common breakdown problem solution .

  19. 印刷过程中,张力变化范围小,套印精度就容易控制。

    Printing process in tension variety the scope may be small , the set print accuracy easily controlled .

  20. 在凹印机印刷过程中希望高速运动的薄膜能被平稳输送。

    In the high-speed process of printing , we hope that transmit the high-speed films to be smooth .

  21. 印刷过程是一个图文信息的传递过程,颜色准确传递具有非常的重要作用。

    Printing is a process for transfering text and image , in which accurate color reproduction plays an important role .

  22. 本文分析了多色印刷过程中纸张压缩变形造成的套准误差。

    The paper mainly analyses the registration errors caused by compressing distraction of paper during Multi-Color Press Printing ( MCPP ) .

  23. 从包衬材料及印刷过程中使用的纸张、油墨等因素出发,定性或定量分析印刷压力的计算、调节及确定。

    This paper , in the way of statistics , quantificationally analyses the calculating , regulating and confirming of printing pressure .

  24. 检测并控制制版印刷过程中的网点面积(率),是提高印刷质量的重要课题。

    To measure and control the dot area in plate-making and printing process is an important subject to improve print quality .

  25. 分析了印刷过程中影响印品墨色稳定性的多种因素,提出印刷速度的改变将导致供墨量的不稳定,从而使产品墨色均匀性差。

    It was put forward that change in printing speed can result in the instability in ink-feeding and cause the uniformity in printing color .

  26. 半调技术广泛使用在打印/印刷过程中,以实现连续色调图像的二值化,生成的二值图像称为半调图。

    Halftone images contain only two tones and they are generated from multi-tone images by halftoning techniques which are widely used in the printing process .

  27. 这些特征的提取为进一步研究印刷过程中的质量监控、故障诊断和颜色设计提供了前提,同时也对深入研究印刷复制理论有指导意义。

    The proposed scheme provides a precondition for such further researches as print quality surveillance , fault diagnosis , color design and printing theories as well .

  28. 水基油墨的粘度在柔性版印刷过程中是一个重要的因素,主要研究不同油墨黏度时对印刷质量的影响。

    Ink viscosity of water-based inks is an important factor in the flexographic printing process . The influence of ink viscosity on printing quality was studied .

  29. 印刷过程中,移动目标基体,然后提起印章,界面受法向载荷和切向载荷共同作用。

    In the printing process , when moving the target substrate , and then pulling the stamp , the two interfaces stand the normal load and tangential load .

  30. 针对凹版套色印刷过程中运动图象检测的实时性与精确性要求,研究了基于数学形态学的实时图象处理技术在印刷控制中的应用。贫验结果和模拟象符合的较好。

    A real-time image processing method based on Mathematical Morphology was introduced according to the requirement of real-time and accurate for the moving image detection during intaglio chromatic printing .