
yìn bǎn
  • printing plate;press plate;machine plate
印版[yìn bǎn]
  1. 他给印版上了油墨。

    He inked the printing plate .

  2. 基于ARM系统的印版网点面积率检测的研究与设计

    The Research and Design of Printing Plate Mesh Point Area Rate Detection Based on ARM System

  3. PS版是目前消耗量最大,也是最重要的平印版材。

    The PS version is the present consumption is biggest , is also the most important offset printing plate material .

  4. PS版晒版工艺规范化及印版磨损现象的研究当市场机制和基构机制都使版权的规制得到了松弛是,规范叠积出现。

    Research on Normalization and Printing'run of Offset Platemaking Process ; And as both the market and architecture relax the regulation of copyright , norms pile on .

  5. 和印版补偿曲线类似,即TVI补偿曲线。

    Which is similar to plate compensation ; TVI compensation curve .

  6. 主要从印版版材、厚度、硬度,印刷压力,油墨粘度、pH值,网纹辊网线数这几方面综合分析研究。

    A comprehensive analysis of these studies has been made about the printed edition version of material , thickness , hardness , printing pressure , ink viscosity , PH value , the number of roller cable .

  7. 综合介绍了CTP数码印刷版材的技术现状,产品种类和国内外CTP印刷版材的主要生产厂商,并重点论述了紫激光CTP技术和CTcP传统印版直接制版的新发展。

    This paper introduces the current technical status and product varieties of CTP plate for digital printing , as well as the main local and overseas CTP plate manufacturers . The new development of Purple Laser CTP technology and CTcP conventional plate technology are specifically described .

  8. 介绍了JDF标准,对平板胶印节点的JDF结构进行了分析研究,重点阐述了传统印刷参数、曝光媒体(印版)、着色控制、颜色库及油墨预制等资源。

    The JDF standard was introduced , the structure of offset printing node was analyzed , and the resource of offset printing node in the workflow of JDF was discussed including traditional printing parameter , exposure media , coloring control , color database , and ink prefabrication .

  9. 阳片版:用正片(阳片)晒印的柯式印版。

    Positive-working plates : offset-litho plates which are exposed using positive .

  10. 每个专色,分别用一件印版。

    A separate printing plate is required for each special colour .

  11. 转盘:涂布感受光液于印版表面的机器。

    Whirler : Machine which applies photosensitive coating to printing plates .

  12. 丝网印版覆盖在印刷承载体上;

    The screen plate is covered on the printed supporting body ;

  13. 版圆筒:印刷机上装载印版的圆筒。

    Plate cylinder : The press cylinder which carries the plate .

  14. 随后具体论述了因印版张力不足所导致的各种印刷质量问题。

    Various printing quality problem caused by low tension screens were discussed .

  15. 用来留下标记或图案的印版或冲模。

    A block or die used to imprint a mark or design .

  16. 试印制作(印版)的样品版

    To make a sample impression of ( type ) . heliographic printing

  17. 复制版印刷之前从印版中取出的校样。

    A proof taken from a form before duplicate plates are made .

  18. 这种图片我们用原有的印版印了几千张。

    We printed off thousands of these pictures from the existing plates .

  19. 用这类型的印版,需用特别调制的油墨。

    For this type of plate , special prepared ink is required .

  20. 喷墨印刷是一种不需要印版的特种印刷方式。

    Ink-jet printing is a special plateless printing fashion .

  21. 通过控制丝网印版张力提高印刷质量

    Improvement of Printing Quality by Control of Screen Tension

  22. 激光印字机直接印版的研制及应用

    Development and application of direct plate for laser printer

  23. 西文授权重印版图书版本项著录之我见

    My Opinions on the Description Items of Book Edition

  24. 如何有效防止丝网印版上出现针眼

    How to Effectively Avoid the Pinholes on Screen Plate

  25. 影印版图书的编目方法探讨

    Discussion on the Cataloguing Methods of Authorized Published Books

  26. 柔印印版松驰特性对油墨转移的影响分析

    Analysis of the Effect of Relaxation Properties of Flexographic Plate on Ink Transfer

  27. 用印版在书上压印或浮雕出来一个标题或图案。

    Stamp or emboss a title or design on a book with a block .

  28. 他还可以用来测定柯式印版的解像度。

    It can also be used to measure the resolving power of offset plates .

  29. 平台照相凹版印刷机照相蚀刻:制活版印版的一个方法。

    Flat-bed photogravure machine Photo engraving : A process to produce letterpress printing plate .

  30. 姓名地址印版,金属的,无论是否压凸,用地姓名地址印写机

    Address-plate , metal , whether or not embossed , for use in addressing machines