
shù jù yuán
  • data element
数据元[shù jù yuán]
  1. 数据元(DataElement)是用一组属性描述定义、标识、表示和允许值的一个数据单元。

    Data element as a structural data unit that uses a section properties to define it , identify it , express it .

  2. 利用元建模技术架构MDA和UML扩展机制,分析、创建了GIS数据元模型,并利用元模型进行了GIS数据建模。

    The paper analysis and establishes GIS data element model by MDA and UML extended mechanism , modeling GIS data with element model .

  3. 新系统只有老系统三分之一的数据元(dataelements)。

    The new system had only about one-third the data elements of the system it was replacing .

  4. 基于地理认知的GIS数据元模型研究

    Research on GIS Data Meta-model Based upon Geographical Cognition

  5. 定义了数据元到XMLSCHEMA的映射规则;设计了XMLSCHEMA辅助生成的算法。

    Define mapping rules from data elements to XML Schema and design algorithm for Schema auto-development .

  6. EDI标准贸易数据元的应用研究

    Study on Application of EDI Standard Trade Data Element

  7. 最后,还实现了基于C/S模式的日志管理服务器,屏蔽了日志数据元的非一致性。

    Lastly , implements the log management server based on the C / S mode , eliminating the inconsistency of the logging metadata and being adapted to any kind of application logging .

  8. 在本体思想的指导下,根据现有的数据元语义描述方法,采用XML技术,提出了数据元语义描述规范。(2)基于数据元的数据模型语义描述方法。

    Under the guidance of the concept of ontology , according to the existing data element semantic description method , with XML technology , this paper proposes the data element semantic description Specification . ( 2 ) The data model semantic description method based on the data element .

  9. 研究发现,医院病房护理文书及其数据元复杂多样,已有NDS亟待标准化规范化发展。

    The research found that nursing document and its data elements in hospital wards are complicated and diversified . Also the existing NDS desiderates normalization and standardization .

  10. 研究工作包括:首先在硬件上,通过采用带CPU的IC智能卡,利用其CPU芯片具有独立运算、加密和存储能力,并对EMV标准IC卡内部细节、所使用的数据元等内容进行简单设计。

    The research work includes : Firstly , from the hardware aspect , by using CPU intelligent IC , owing to respective operation and encrypting and memery-funtion in its chip , and design the details about EMV standard IC and some used data units .

  11. 通过数据元映射技术实现了业务模型数据项的逻辑表达,在数据元映射过程中针对中国石化上游业务的需求对POSCEpicentre数据模型进行了修订。

    Through the technology of data element mapping has realized the logical expressing of data item in business model . POSC Epicentre data model has carried on revision in the data element mapping process in view of the business demand to Sinopec .

  12. 确定实体类的属性及与其相关的数据元。

    Defining attributes of entities and data elements related with them .

  13. 元数据与数据元的内涵及其应用

    The connotation and application of meta data and data element

  14. 基于数据元的交换数据标准维护

    Method of Data Elements Based Maintenance of Exchanged Data Standard

  15. 数据元在电子政务标准体系中的概念与实践

    The Definition and Application of Data Element in E-government Affair Standards System

  16. 陕西省公路信息基础数据元集编制研究

    Study on the Compilation of Shaanxi Highway Information Basic Data Elements Set

  17. 数据元标准化在石油数据中的研究与实现

    Research and Realization of Data Element Standardization in Chinese Petroleum Data Central Construction

  18. 石油勘探开发数据元技术应用研究初探

    Discussion about the application of data element technology in petroleum exploration and development

  19. 中国石化勘探开发业务模型及数据元标准化研究与设计

    Research and Design of Sinopec E & P Business Model and Data Element Standardization

  20. 中医临床护理信息数据元提取与编制。

    And so on . 2 . TCM clinical care information data element extraction .

  21. 卫生资源统计调查数据元提取与标准化研究

    Study on Abstraction and Standardization of Data Elements in National Health Resource Statistical Investigation

  22. GB/T15191-1997贸易数据元目录标准数据元

    Trade data elements directory & Standard data elements

  23. 符合共享和一致性原则的地理信息标准体系研究数据元在电子政务标准体系中的概念与实践

    Research on Standards System of Geographic Information According with the Principle of Share and Consistency

  24. 根据目标特性数据元和数据入库国家军用标准,完成了数据库表结构的设计。

    The database structure was designed according to the national and military criterion . 3 .

  25. 本文详细分析了数据元的基础概念、组成和分类,并在此基础上探讨了数据元在贸易单证的设计和标准报文中的应用。

    Construction and types of data element and its applications in the trade documents and UNSMs .

  26. 农村科技信息数据元的规范与字典格式

    The specification and dictionary of data element based on the share of rural science and technology data

  27. 设计给出了一个由过程元模型、组织元模型和数据元模型构成的三维工作流元模型。

    A three-dimensional workflow meta-model is presented , which is composed ofprocess meta-model , organization meta-model and data meta-model .

  28. 由编码名组成的一种标号,表示一个数据元,例如一个文件名。

    A label consisting of a coded name showing a unit of data , for example , a file name .

  29. 一个数据元可以连结一个或多个数据元或数字对象,从而形成电子文件。

    A data element may combine with one or more other data elements or digital objects to form a digital record .

  30. 把数据元放入各个字中的相邻二进制位上,从而能最大限度地利用存储空间的处理方法或过程。

    The process of making the most effective use of storage by placing data elements into contiguous bit positions of words .