
  • 网络Data transmission speed;Data transfer speed;Data transfer rate;Data Rate;Mbps
  1. OFDM技术提高了频谱利用率的同时也提高了数据传输速度,但是也给功放系统提出了高的峰均比(PAR,Peak-to-AverageRatio)和高的线性等要求。

    The OFDM technology improves the spectrum utilization efficiency and data transfer speed , but it needs the power amplifier to be fit for high peak to average ratio and high linear requirements .

  2. 实践证明,该结构具有较高效的数据传输速度,从而带来优秀的用户体验。最后,围绕亚运会赛事信息与交通信息,对创建基于在线地图服务API的系统进行了初步的实践。

    Practice has proved that the structure has a more efficient data transfer speed , leading to excellent user experience . Finally , the paper bring about a traffic information service platform which services for the Asian Games .

  3. PLC在快速控制系统中的实时监控对数据传输速度要求很高。

    High-speed data transfer is required for the real-time monitoring of PLC in the fast control system .

  4. 随着嵌入式Internet时代的到来,嵌入式设备通过与网络的结合实时地互相交换信息已经初步发展起来,因此对嵌入式系统的数据传输速度提出了要求。

    With the coming of embedded Internet , the development of real-time communication between embedded device and internet is necessary , so the data transmission 's speed is requested .

  5. 同时,最近兴起的USB技术,简化了扩展接口的操作,安装简便,数据传输速度较快。

    The recently rising USB technology , simplifies the operation of interface , and also has higher data transferring speed .

  6. PCI总线是广泛应用的先进计算机局部总线,它的突出特点是数据传输速度。

    PCI , a kind of widely used bus lines of computer , is able to provide high date transporting speed .

  7. 由于板上数据传输速度非常快,串行部分达到2.215Gbit/s,所以必须采用一些高速PCB设计技术来确保信号的正确传输。

    We must apply some technologies about high-speed PCB design to ensure the proper transmission due to the high series speed at 2.125Gbit/s .

  8. 基于USB接口技术具有数据传输速度快,插拔方便的优点,能够最大限度地满足钢丝绳检测信号采集的需要。

    Based on USB interface has the feature of plug and play and high speed transmission and it can meet the requirement of wire rope detection .

  9. 最重要的是如果让人们无限制的访问Internet势必造成以下问题:数据传输速度变慢;使急需访问Internet的用户得不到有效保障;由此产生的费用大量增加。

    The most important is if people are asked to unlimited access Internet would cause the following problems : data transmission speed ; Internet users need access without effective safeguard ; The resulting cost increase a lot .

  10. 5G移动网络提供超快的无线连接,数据传输速度也快得多了。

    Offering super-fast wireless access , 5G mobile networks offer much greater data transfer speeds .

  11. 在VXI接口电路中,利用块传输方式,大大提高了数据传输速度。

    Application of block transimission mode in the VXI interface circuit greatly increase data transmission rate .

  12. GPRS网络支持最高171.2kbp/s的数据传输速度,目前是我国已投入使用的、覆盖范围最广、速度最快的无线通讯网络。

    GPRS can provide a high transmission speed ( MAX : 171.2kbp / s ), which is the highest-speed , practical and most widely used mobile network in China .

  13. 同时,HTTP协议以局域网为背景,而没有考虑到广域网带宽、延时限制等情况,也造成数据传输速度慢。

    And , HTTP protocol which is in the context of LAN also resulted in slow data transmission , without taking into account the WAN bandwidth , latency constraints and so on .

  14. 由于SAN采用了高速的光纤技术,大大提高了数据传输速度,并且在整个结构中做到了服务器与存储系统之间的真正隔离。

    The high-speed fiber-optic technology used in SAN enhances the speed of data transmission greatly , and the real isolation of the server from the storage system in the entire structure is realized .

  15. 针对现有USB传输方法带宽利用率不高的现状,提出了大缓冲多管道传输方法,实测USB数据传输速度接近USB理论最高速度。

    According to current low utilization of USB bandwidth , we bring forward the Large Buffer Multiple Pipes method in USB transmission , whose speed is close to the theoretical highest transferring speed .

  16. 为了提高DSP与工控机之间的数据传输速度,本文设计利用工控机上的PC104总线,通过共享双端口RAM的方式,实现工控机与DSP之间的高速数据交换。

    In order to improve the data communication speed between DSP and Industrial Computer . A method is introduced which is to realize the data exchange through dual port RAM .

  17. 新型的通用串行总线USB,具有数据传输速度快、兼容性强、即插即用等优点,已经广泛应用于数据传输、图像采集领域。

    USB , a new type Universe Serial Bus , which has very high transfer rate , plug and play and compatibility virtue , and has been widely applied data transmission and image acquisition .

  18. 过去可见光通信主要使用开关键控调制方式,但由于ISI的影响使数据传输速度受到了限制。

    In the past , OOK was used for digital data modulation primarily , but the data transmission rate was limited because of the ISI effect .

  19. 所设计的接口在开发的样机中得到应用,提高了PMU内部数据传输速度,提高了PMU的整体性能。

    The interface designed has been applied in sample machine which improve the internal data transmission speed and the whole performance of PMU .

  20. 但是,SCSI是多支路的,而SAS是点对点协议,支持比并行SCSI高得多的数据传输速度。

    Unlike SCSI , which is multi-drop , SAS is a point-to-point protocol and allows for much higher speed data transfers than has been possible with parallel SCSI .

  21. 问题将是如何利用3G提供的更快数据传输速度,来制作对不识字的人有用的东西,利文表示。

    The question is going to be how , using the greater data speeds available with 3G , you can make something that is useful for people who can 't read , Mr Levine says .

  22. 内侧协议中包含了PCI总线接口三级缓存的考虑,三级缓存的设计提高了PCI总线接口的数据传输速度、节约了使用PCI总线的时间。

    The inner protocol includes the consideration of three level data buffer . The design of three level data buffer will increase the data transfer speed of PCI and decrease the using time of PCI .

  23. 英国尚无4G网络,4G网比3G网数据传输速度更快,等到明年夏天苹果新机发布时网络或许可以就位。

    In Britain , there is still no4G network-offering far faster data transmission than the current3G network-but there may be networks in place by the time Apple 's handset launches next summer .

  24. 数据传输速度也十分不理想;大多数iPhone用户都知道,在美国电话电报公司的网络环境下,高质量视频通话几乎是不可能的事,而本地无线网络的表现却相当优秀。

    Data speeds have been sluggish ; most iPhone users know that high quality video is not something they can expect when using the AT & T mobile network , as opposed to a local wireless .

  25. 采用Java非阻塞I/O方式,一个线程可同时响应多个连接,能解决网络数据传输速度与PC机内数据交换速度不匹配。

    If the system adopted Java non-blocking I / O , one thread can process multiple connections at a time by Java non-blocking I / O APIs , which can solve the problem of the mismatch between the network speed and the speed in PC.

  26. 针对C语言开发环境下,DSP驱动大尺寸液晶屏显示刷新速率较慢的问题,提出了几种实用的软件改进方法:把C语言和汇编语言相结合提高字库点阵提取速度及液晶屏的数据传输速度;

    In order to improve the speed of driving large-size LCD screen developed by C language , several applied software methods were put forward : Combining C language with assembly language to improve the speed of getting pixels and the speed of data transfer of LCD screen ;

  27. 实验结果表明,遵从海量存储类子协议的USB设备,都能够被系统驱动,而且数据传输速度优于PC机驱动方式。

    The experimental results show that USB devices obeying sub-protocols for mass storage class can be driven by the system , and the speed of data transmission driven by the system is faster than that of data transmission driven by PC.

  28. 通过对SCSI控制器相关寄存器的设置和SCSI协议扩展消息的交互,实现了主机存储通道的数据传输速度达到160MB/s。

    The speed of data transfer between SCSI devices is upto160MB / s implemented by the setting of registers in the SCSI controller and the intercourse of expended SCSI protocol messages .

  29. GPRS无线网络具有覆盖范围广、数据传输速度高、网络稳定可靠、使用费用低廉和能与Internet无缝连接等优点,可为数据采集和监控系统提供良好的无线数据传输通道。

    GPRS wireless network has the advantages that its coverage is wide , the speed of data transmission is high , the network is stable and reliable and cost is low , and besides , GPRS wireless network also has seamless connection with Internet .

  30. 现在为了适应更快的数据传输速度,各家公司都在不断更新移动应用程序。爱立信公司决意与互联网企业携手,保障4G网络尚未覆盖的新兴市场客户也能使用这些应用程序。

    As companies continue to update their mobile applications for faster data speeds , Ericsson has decided to partner with Internet companies to help applications stay accessible for non-4G speed customers in emerging markets .