
  • 网络data oriented;Data-Ori ented
  1. 面向数据的城市信息系统概念模型研究

    Approach to Data oriented Conceptual Model for Urban Information System

  2. 面向数据的句法分析技术

    Data Oriented Syntactic Parsing

  3. PDMS(PlantDesignManagementSystem三维工厂设计管理系统)是面向数据的大型三维工厂设计集成应用系统。

    Plant design management system ( PDMS ) is a large three-dimensional plant design management system .

  4. 面向数据共享目的的GIS语义数据模型

    A GIS Semantic Data Model for the Purpose of Data Sharing

  5. 本文在一个基于XML的事务处理场景中进行性能度量,这个场景模拟一个面向数据的金融应用程序。

    This article presents performance measurements in an XML-based transaction processing scenario that simulates a data-oriented financial application .

  6. 面向数据流QoS的MANET分布式管理控制机制

    Distributed admission control mechanism in MANET of data flow oriented QoS

  7. 然而,通过综合利用这些技术交付响应性好、面向数据的富Web应用程序,甚至还能实现更大的价值。

    However , an even higher level of value can be realized when these technologies are combined to deliver rich , responsive , data-oriented Web applications .

  8. 最后,构建了基于扩展有限状态机模型的语音移动GIS人机对话原型系统,并分析了面向数据采集、地图浏览、信息查询和导航服务的人机对话应用实例。

    Finally , a voice mobile GIS prototype system based on EFSM has been implemented . and application examples of data collection . map browsing , information query and navigation have been studied .

  9. 面向数据表示的原型利用临床医疗信息系统中,实体-属性-值模型的开源系统来进行快速原型化;而面向对象编程的原型利用Java中的类和对象来表达信息颗粒。

    Data representation oriented implementation utilizes open source clinical information system , which is based on Entity-Attribute-Value model . Object-oriented programming implementation is developed with Java classes and objects to incarnate the notion of information granules .

  10. WebSphereDataStage中使用图形化的面向数据流的范例(可以提高重用性以及开发人员的工作效率)设计了复杂的数据流。

    Complex data flows in WebSphere DataStage are developed using a graphical " dataflow " - oriented paradigm that promotes reuse and enhances developer productivity .

  11. ABR业务是ATM中新定义的一种业务类型,它主要面向数据传输服务,采用基于速率的端到端的拥塞控制机制。

    ABR is a new service in ATM ( Asynchronous Transfer Mode ) network , it adopts rate-based congestion control mechanism and is mainly used for data transmission .

  12. 分析也表明,利用聚焦的几何排布测量材料的非线性系数,具有比常规Z扫描方法更高的灵敏度。面向数据的智能光传送技术

    Meanwhile , the analysis also shows that the sensitivity of Z scan technique with the focused optical system is higher than that of common Z scan technique . Data - focused Intelligent Optical Transport Technology

  13. 另外,根据您所拥有的SOAP服务类型,您可以通过将服务转换为REST服务来采用Web2.0;这一点尤其适合面向数据的服务。

    And , depending on the type of SOAP services you have , you might be able to embrace Web2.0 by transforming your services into REST services ; this is particularly true for data-oriented services .

  14. LS-DSP是面向数据密集型和控制密集型处理应用的需要,而开发的高性能数字信号处理器。

    LS-DSP is designed for data and control denseness process application .

  15. 在ATM网络(异步转移模式)中,ABR(可用比特速率)业务主要面向数据通信服务,ABR带宽利用率的高低与所采用的带宽分配算法有密切的关系。

    In ATM networks , ABR ( Available Bit Rate ) service is mainly used for data communication . The utilization of ABR bandwidth is closely related to the bandwidth algorithm adopted .

  16. WSNs是面向数据的泛在网络,其部署和使用的目的是感知监测对象的各种物理信息,并以多跳传输的方式实时地将有用的数据发送给远端的用户。

    WSNs are data-oriented ubiquitous networks . The purpose of deploy and use of that is to gathering information of the monitoring object , and sending the useful data to far end users in real time by multi-hops .

  17. 最后选择面向数据块的同步冗余来实现HSDB网络介质冗余。

    Then , the data block oriented implementation of synchronous redundancy can be selected as an optimum method to implement HSDB network media redundancy .

  18. EMS的图形数据维护在EMS众多组成部分中相当重要,但是传统的面向数据表的维护方式相当复杂,可靠性差,而且无法满足开放式系统的可移植性、可扩展性和互操作性等要求。

    The graph and data maintenance of EMS is the very important part of EMS . However the traditional datasheet-oriented maintenance mode has a lot of disadvantages , such as high complexity , low reliability , low portability , low extensibility and low interoperability .

  19. 围绕MMX技术,提出了面向数据流的并行程序开发方法,实现和测试了典型的多媒体数据处理算法,研究了指令级并行计算环境下不同算法的实现技巧,评估了各自的性能。

    Based on MMX technology , a data flow oriented parallel programming method is advanced , the implementation techniques of 4 typical multimedia processing algorithms are demonstrated , and their speedup performances are tested .

  20. 面向数据的分析技术(Data-OrientedParsing,DOP)是一种概率分析策略,其概率模型的主要目的在于为一个给定的句子找到最可能的分析,即分析消歧。

    Data-Oriented Parsing ( DOP ) technique is a kind of probabilistic parsing strategy . The main goal of DOP model is to find the most probable parse for a given input sentence , that is , parse disambiguation .

  21. DS8700旨在用其优良的数据吞吐量以及面向数据持续可用性的设计支持要求最高的业务应用程序。

    The DS8700 is designed to support the most demanding business applications with its superior data throughput and a design for continuous data availability .

  22. 面向数据包的前向纠错方法主要应对物理信道对数据传送的影响,面向数据包组的前向纠错方法主要是应用于电信级以太网传送TDM业务的场合,为应对网络拥塞的影响。

    The data packet based method is used to fix the physical channel error and the data packet group based method is mainly adopted in the scene that TDM is carried on carrier Ethernet network and it handles the influence of network congestion .

  23. 面向数据链路层的网络嗅探器的开发与实现

    Development and implementation of network sniffer based on data link layer

  24. 面向数据集成的城市空间数据内涵与特征分析

    The Connotation and Features of Urban Spatial Data for Data Integration

  25. 面向数据绑定的表格建模研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Table Modeling Oriented to Data Binding

  26. 面向数据采集的信息集成系统设计与实现

    Designing and Realizing Information Integration System of Data Collection Oriented

  27. 面向数据挖掘的背景知识表示技术研究

    Research on Technology of Background Knowledge Representation Oriented Data Mining

  28. 面向数据流嵌入式系统的并发设计方法

    A Concurrent Design Approach for Data Flow Dominated Embedded Systems

  29. 面向数据流排序应用的数据结构设计

    Design on the data structure oriented to sorting application for data streams

  30. 管道-过滤器模式是一种面向数据流的软件体系结构。

    Pipe-Filter Model is one of software architectures which deal with data-stream problems .