
  • 网络ONGC;Oil and Natural Gas Corporation;OVL;Oil & Natural Gas
  1. 辛格坚称,越南国家石油公司与印度石油天然气公司之间的协议是纯粹商业性的。

    Mr Singh insisted that the agreement between Petro – Vietnam and ONGC was purely commercial .

  2. 赫德表示:看看印度石油天然气公司和中石化会派谁去拉丁美洲监督它们的投资,将是件有意思的事。

    It will be interesting to see who ONGC and Sinopec send to Latin America to oversee their investment , Mr Hurd says .

  3. 过去4年,国有石油巨头印度石油天然气公司(OilandNaturalGasCorporation)一直在疯狂采购。

    In the past four years , Oil and Natural Gas Corporation , the state oil giant , has gone on a shopping spree .

  4. 路透社(Reuters)在其评论中报道称,印度石油天然气公司总裁R•S•夏尔马(R.S.Sharma)表示,这家印度国有企业将与中国公司展开合作,寻求在更多海外石油资产中持有股权。

    R.S. Sharma , president of ONGC , says the state - controlled company is looking for stakes in many more overseas oil assets in collaboration with Chinese firms , in comments reported by Reuters .

  5. repsol拒绝置评,尽管印度石油天然气公司之前已经向它表达过购买ypf的意向。

    Repsol declined to comment , although ONGC has previously told Repsol of its interest in buying into YPF .

  6. 印度石油天然气公司的外国子公司ongcvidesh正在积极需求海外扩张,希望获得足够能源,实现至少每年10%的长期增长目标。

    ONGC videsh , the foreign arm of the state oil company , is aggressively looking to expand abroad as it seeks to secure enough energy to meet its long-term growth targets of at least 10 per cent a year .

  7. 印度石油天然气公司在拉美没有业务,因此,有中石化作为合作伙伴,将风险减少一半,它可能会非常高兴。

    ONGC has no Latin American exposure so it is probably happy to halve the risk by having Sinopec as a partner .

  8. 尽管中印两国联手竞购了哥伦比亚的石油资产,但对于中国是否允许印度石油天然气公司等印度企业,参与中国决心自己独吞的大宗能源交易,分析人士仍持怀疑态度。

    In spite of the Colombian deal , analysts remain sceptical that China will allow ONGC , or other Indian companies , a shot at major energy deals that it is intent on securing for itself .

  9. 根据媒体的报道,印度的石油与天然气公司计划在今后10年贷款100亿美元购买海外资产。

    India 's Oil and Natural Gas Corporation is planning to borrow $ 10 billion over the next decade to buy overseas assets , according to media reports .

  10. 最新的游说努力来自于印度石油部,由部分私有化的印度石油天然气公司(ongc)出面。

    The latest lobbying push comes from the oil ministry , via part-privatised oil and Natural Gas Corporation .