
  • 网络help and support the poor
  1. 扶贫帮困和支援新农村建设。

    Contributing to poverty-alleviation initiatives and helping build new rural areas .

  2. 扶贫帮困,是中华民族的传统美德。

    Aid of poverty is a traditional virtue of Chinese .

  3. 开展扶贫帮困活动。

    Carrying out activities to help the poor and needy .

  4. 浅论如何做好新时期国有企业工会扶贫帮困工作

    How to Do a Good Job of SOE Trade Union in Helping the Poor and Needy in New Period

  5. 辽宁民族地区小额直贷业务经过几年的发展,已在扶贫帮困方面发挥起积极的作用。

    After several years ' development , the small-amount direct loan in the minority areas of Liaoning Province has played a positive role in poverty alleviation .

  6. 四是营造公平正义的道德环境,发扬扶贫帮困精神,促进乡村群体与群体之间的和谐。

    The fourth is to build a justice moral circumstance , develop the sprit of assisting the weak & supporting the poor , promoting the harmonious between rural colonies .

  7. 同时,我们还将全力做好节日期间扶贫帮困工作,保证市场供应,确保广大市民过一个欢乐、祥和的节日。

    At the same time , we are to make every effort to relieve the poor during the holiday , ensure market supply and ensure that the general public will enjoy a happy and peaceful holiday .