
  • 网络natural gas field;gas fields;Shah Deniz;Natural Gas
  1. 多哈方面通过与伊朗共享一个巨大的海上天然气田,而使其国民极为富有。

    Doha shares a massive offshore natural gas field with Iran that makes its citizens incredibly wealthy .

  2. 白云凹陷北坡大型天然气田的发现也证实了白云凹陷下第三系巨厚湖相烃源岩的资源潜力。

    Recent discovery of a large natural gas field in the northern slope of Baiyun Depression demonstrates its great resource potential in the huge lacustrine source kitchen in the Eogene of Baiyun Depression .

  3. 几个天然气田正在进行基本建设。

    Capital construction is under way at several gas fields .

  4. 中国天然气田CO2储存容量初步评估

    Preliminary estimation of CO_2 storage capacity in gas fields in China

  5. PLC在天然气田设施保护系统中的应用

    The Application of PLC on Facility Protection System for Nature Gas Field

  6. 总部位于伦敦的英国BP公司经营这一天然气田。

    London based BP runs the gas site .

  7. 日中两国看来接近达成在东海(EastChinaSea)争议水域共同开发天然气田的协议。这项协议将有助于解决一个近年来最富争议的、造成中日关系紧张的议题。

    Tokyo and Beijing appear close to agreement on joint development of natural gas fields in disputed waters of the East China Sea , a deal that would resolve one of the most contentious issues to strain Sino-Japanese ties in recent years .

  8. 随着欧洲公司撤出重大项目,尤其是海湾巨大的海上southpars天然气田,中国已经是伊朗的关键合作伙伴。

    China is already a crucial partner for Iran as European companies have quit major projects , particularly the massive South Pars gas field beneath the waters of the Gulf .

  9. bp计划出售一些成熟的石油与天然气田,这些油气田对于专长于管理这类资产的小型公司更有价值,而bp将保留那些它认为具有成长潜力的油气田。

    It plans to sell mature oil and gas fields , which can be worth more to smaller companies that specialise in managing those assets , leaving BP with fields that it believes have potential for growth .

  10. OrmenLange天然气田是挪威大陆架内继Troll气田之后的第二大天然气田。

    After Troll , Ormen Lange is the second largest gas field on the Norwegian continental shelf .

  11. 就在道达尔宣布达成该交易前几天,英国石油(bp)不得不接受俄罗斯政府对秋明bp(tnk-bp)旗下一个西伯利亚大型未开发天然气田的实际征用。

    Total announced the deal just days after BP had to accept de facto expropriation of a large undeveloped Siberian gas field owned by TNK-BP , the joint venture controlled by the British major .

  12. 原本要向中石油供应的天然气田,是位于西澳大利亚的browse项目,但伍德赛德及其合作伙伴预期要到2012年年中,才能对这个拟议中的项目做出所谓的“最终投资决定”。

    Woodside and its partners are not expected to reach a so-called final investment decision on the proposed browse venture in Western Australia the project that would have supplied Petro-China until the middle of 2012 .

  13. 预计Browse项目的开发需要投入300亿美元。该天然气田堪称世界级资源,根据预测,这里最初每年将生产近1200万吨液化天然气。

    The Browse project is expected to cost about US $ 30bn to build and is a world class resource . It is forecast to initially produce close to 12m tonnes of LNG a year .

  14. OrmenLange天然气田位于极端天气条件下的挪威大陆架地下800至1100米的地方,是迄今为止最深的天然气田。

    Located at depths of800 to1,100 meters in the extreme weather conditions of the Norwegian continental shelf , Ormen Lange is the deepest natural gas field ever exploited .

  15. 堪培拉方面的决定,为美国石油集团雪佛龙(Chevron)开发西澳离岸天然气田做出最终投资决定铺平了道路。雪佛龙拥有高更项目50%的股权,并且是该项目的运营商。

    Canberra 's decision paves the way for Chevron , the US oil group that is 50 per cent owner and operator of Gorgon , to make its final investment decision to develop the project 's gas fields off the coast of Western Australia .

  16. 我国近海天然气田开发中值得重视的几个问题

    Several appreciable problems in the development of gas fields in offshore China

  17. 科学安全勘探开发高硫化氢天然气田的建议

    Suggestions for scientifically and safely exploring and developing high H_2S gas fields

  18. 鄂尔多斯盆地赋存特大型古生界天然气田的地质依据

    Geology Condition Analysis of a Huge-scaled Paleozoic Gas Field Hosted in Ordos Basin

  19. 新的石油和天然气田也在逐渐被发现。

    New oil and gas pockets are being found .

  20. 因此,天然气田大气污染预警系统是天然气安全开采与生产建设中非常重要的部分,系统的研究与建立具有重大的现实意义。

    Therefore , the system is very important for the natural gas exploration and production .

  21. 新近纪以来中国构造演化特征与天然气田的分布格局

    Characteristics of tectonic evolution in China since Neogene and the distribution pattern of natural gas

  22. 石油天然气田开发项目地下水环境影响评价的几点认识

    The method of evaluation on ground water environment influenced by items of natural petroleum gas field development

  23. 21世纪初中国大中型天然气田的勘探方向

    Explorative directions of the large-medium natural gas fields in China in the early days of 21st century

  24. 甲烷主要是由垃圾填埋、稻田、沼泽、天然气田和牛产生的。

    Methane is produced mainly by landfills , rice paddies , swamps , natural gas fields and cattle .

  25. 对高压天然气田旋风分离器的内流场进行三维稳态数值模拟。

    The fluent program is used to simulate three-dimensional steady flow in cyclone separator of high-pressured natural gas .

  26. 经勘探,在盆地东部和北部均发现了储量丰富的天然气田;

    Natural gas fields with abundant reserves have been discovered in the eastern and western part of the Basin .

  27. 14年前,在阿塞拜疆的里海发现了巨大的沙迪尼兹天然气田。

    Fourteen years ago , the enormous Shah Deniz gas field was discovered under the Caspian Sea in Azerbaijan .

  28. 对典型天然气田地面建设工程进行了研究,分析了在地面工程建设过程中存在的主要问题及产生的原因。

    The existing problems and main reasons in the process of the surface project of typical gas field were analyzed .

  29. 首页丰水而改变了紫晶洞的天然气田,以更好的使用效果。

    Home Feng Shui to change the gas field , with the Amethyst Geode with the use of a better effect .

  30. 双方仅在原则上同意共同开发有争议地区的天然气田,但没有就此达成任何协议。

    They had agreed in principle to jointly develop gas fields straddling the disputed boundary , but no deal was done .