
  • 网络synoptic situation;situation
天气形势 [tiān qì xíng shì]
  • [weather situation] 表示高低空环流状况和高、低气压及锋面等天气系统的分布概况。能显示未来一定时间内的天气演变趋势。是各级气象台、站作好天气预报的依据

  1. 本文利用天气形势、T213数值预报产品、卫星云图和雷达回波图等资料,对云娜台风进行了综合分析。

    Based on the synoptic situation , satellite pictures , radar reflection wave , the typhoon rananim is analyzed synthetically .

  2. 川渝地区层状云飞机人工增雨天气形势特征川渝地区夏季旱涝与海温异常浅析

    The Sichuan Chongqing area layered cloud airplane increases the rain synoptic situation characteristic artificially

  3. 我国西南地区MCC发生的大尺度天气形势条件和卫星云图特征

    The Large-scale synoptic situation of MCC generation and their satellite image features in Southwest China

  4. 利用雷达的1h降水量、回波高度、垂直积分液态水含量等资料,结合天气形势,大气层结状况等因子,采用VISUALBASIC语言研制人工增雨作业指挥系统。

    In terms of the radar data of 1-hour precipitation , echo tops and vertical integrated liquid , combining weather situation and atmospheric stratification condition , the commanding system of rain enhancement was developed by using Visual Basic .

  5. 在弱流场型(R)下,其前一天天气形势是中低层有足够水汽输入条件或存在中尺度低值系统,对应地面存在静止锋或为均压场。

    While in the case of Pattern R , there exists sufficient inflow of water vapor or a mesoscale low-pressure system in the lower and middle troposphere , associated with a stationary front or homogeneous distribution of sea surface level pressure .

  6. 对区域城市群大气污染过程影响分析结果表明:不利于污染扩散的天气形势对应着API值的增量,环境过程中每天的增量累积成为环境过程终端的污染物浓度峰值。

    According to the analysis of regional air pollution process , disadvantageous synoptic patterns to the pollution diffuse lead to the increment of pollutant concentration , which is accumulated daily and forms the peak of the environmental process .

  7. 选取1970-1995年暴雨个例,采用F判别方法对产生暴雨的天气形势进行分型,选取发生暴雨的落区及强度预报指标,研制了暴雨的多维相似预报方法。

    Based on the data from 1970 to 1995 , the circulation patterns producing torrential rain have been divided using F distinction and the indicators for forecasting rainstorm areas and intensity have been chosen and the forecasting method for torrential rain areas and intensity is developed .

  8. 本文利用NCEP资料分析了造成长江流域1998年7月特大洪水和二度梅的天气形势和物理原因。

    In this paper the NCEP re analysis data were used to analyze the synoptic pattern and physical factors , which caused the severe rainfall in July 1998 in Yangtze River basin .

  9. 利用美国NCEP再分析资料,分析计算了19602002年56月发生在浙南地区的17次大暴雨个例的天气形势场、物理量场(其中包括Q矢量散度场)。

    According to statistics , there are 17 heavy rain cases happened in the south of Zhejiang Province in May June of 1960 2002 . Using NCEP reanalysis data , the synoptic situations of 17 cases are analyzed , and are divided into some synoptic patterns .

  10. 通过分析850hPa等压面上的垂直速度场发现秋旱同期长江以南地区下沉气流异常,这种天气形势不利于降水的产生。

    The analysis of vertical velocity at 850 hPa indicates the anomaly of the sinking flow during the drought which is not in favor of rain . The subtropical anticyclone controlling the area to south of the Yangtze River in autumn 2004 influences the development of drought .

  11. 雾发生的天气形势归纳为四种天气类型。

    The synoptic situations of fog occurring were classified into four patterns .

  12. 11月份广州降水的天气形势及其系统配置

    The weather conditions and corresponding system of precipitation in Guangzhou on November

  13. 银川市空气质量超标的天气形势分析

    The weather character analysis of the air pollution in Yinchuan

  14. 主要进行了气候背景、天气形势和物理量诊断分析。

    The climate characteristics and the synoptic situation of the event are diagnosed .

  15. 青岛市SO2污染的天气形势分析

    Om the synoptic analysis of so_2 pollution over Qingdao

  16. 利用卫星云图和天气形势分析9914号台风路径

    Forecast of 9914 typhoon motion by analysis of cloud image and weather conditions

  17. 分别讨论了天气形势因子和物理量场在暴雨预报中的指导作用。

    The function of weather trend element and physical variable field are discussed respectively .

  18. 上海0185特大暴雨过程天气形势分析

    Weather Pattern Analysis of Shanghai 0185 Torrential Rainstorm

  19. 夏旱期间人工增雨有利天气形势短期预报概模

    Short-Term Conceptual Model for Forecasting Favorable Weather Conditions for Precipitation Enhancement during Summer Drought

  20. 分析了在不同天气形势下影响增水过程的一般特点;

    The general characteristics of the storm surge processes under different weather conditions are studied .

  21. 随机动力处理在天气形势预报中的应用及微机业务系统

    The Application of Stochastic Dynamic Procedure to the Prognosis of Weather Pattern with Microcomputer Operational System

  22. 应用经验正交函数作梅雨天气形势预告试验

    A Forecasting Experiment for the synoptic situation of " mei-yu " using the empirical orthogonal functions

  23. 广州市37℃以上酷热天气形势及相关要素分析

    Analysis of Synoptic Characteristic and Element Related to Torrid Weather of 37 ℃ or More in Guangzhou

  24. 分析结果表明:采用温度场为主的大暴雨天气形势分型简明实用。

    The results show that the patterns of heavy rain primary based on temperature are concise and practical .

  25. 其基本假定是集合预报要素在一定程度上代表了未来可能发生的天气形势。

    The basic assumption was that the EPS members represent , in a certain degree , the future weather situations .

  26. 介绍了短时局地暴雨的监测和左云县气象站点要素演变,对天气形势、加密观测资料和多普勒雷达资料进行了分析。

    Analysis and Monitoring of the Local Short-time Rainstorm of Zuoyun County with Single Element Rainfall Station and Doppler Radar ;

  27. 2000年汛期河南持续暴雨的天气形势和水汽分析

    The analyze of the synoptic situation and the water vapor condition on the during rainstorm in flood season 2000 of Henan

  28. 根据地面天气形势和有关的气象要素研究了日照市空气污染潜势预报;

    Study the air pollution passive tend forecast in RiZhao city , based on the surface weather situation and related meteorological factors ;

  29. 本文采用自然正交函数分解法对我国南方地区的降水气候序列与夏季(5~8月)逐日降水序列进行时空特征分析和对应天气形势分析。

    In this paper the climatology of the precipitation , the daily rainfall series of months 5-8 and the correlative weather systems are analysed .

  30. 不过预计这种天气形势会渐渐改善,但是低温意味着晚间又会形成薄冰。

    It is expecting the situation to gradually improve but low temperatures mean black ice may form again this evening , the KNMI said .