
  1. 而这类保险费用国际扶轮是不补偿的

    Expenses incurred to obtain this insurance are not reimbursable by RI .

  2. 他参加扶轮社(RotaryClub)的会议时,会避开供应肉食的午餐。

    He attends Rotary Club meetings , where he sidesteps the lunch offerings for carnivores .

  3. IlliaHalima跟她的孩子和母亲一起居住在扶轮社(rotaryinternational)提供的一个帐篷中。

    Illia Halima lives at one of these sites with her children and her mother in tents provided with the help of .

  4. 1993年,在扶轮社(rotaryclub)奖学金的资助下,贝拉米第一次来到亚洲,前往日本学习工厂管理。

    Mr Bellamy first came to Asia in 1993 to study factory management in Japan on a Rotary Club Scholarship .

  5. 我谨在此代表台北东海扶轮社,为祝福ABC扶轮社创社10周年说几句话。

    On behalf of Taipei TungHai Rotary Club , I would like to say a few words to commemorate the10th anniversary of the ABC Rotary .

  6. 这些致力于该运动的组织,比如长期领导这一努力的商业团体国际扶轮社(RotaryInternational)似乎有点天真地认为一切都在正轨上,但事实却并非如此。

    The organisations behind the existing drive - such as Rotary International , the business group that had long led the effort - had sort of naively assumed it was on track , but it wasn 't , Gates says .

  7. 教员通常都由地区总监或扶轮领导学院(RLI)领导人所推荐。

    Faculty members are recommended by district governors and district RLI leaders .

  8. 请勿将捐赠给DAF的款项寄至国际扶轮办公室,或扶轮其他财务单位。

    Do not send contributions for the DAF to an RI international office or other fiscal agents of Rotary .

  9. 在书中,他引用了哈佛大学教授罗伯特•帕特南的研究结果。这项研究发现,美国人在工作之外参加扶轮社(rotaryclubs)或宗教团体等团体活动的频率大幅下降。

    He cites the work of fellow Harvard professor Robert Putnam , whose research has shown that Americans'participation in groups outside of work , such as rotary clubs or religious groups , has plummeted .

  10. 这些致力于该运动的组织,比如长期领导这一努力的商业团体“国际扶轮社”(RotaryInternational)“似乎有点天真地认为一切都在正轨上,但事实却并非如此。”盖茨说,

    The organisations behind the existing drive - such as Rotary International , the business group that had long led the effort - " had sort of naively assumed it was on track , but it wasn 't , " Gates says .

  11. 此外,获得扶轮国际(rotaryinternational)的海外学习奖学金,并被顶级mba课程录取,马上提高了我的自信心,也是我消除恐惧战斗的有效开端。

    More-over , receiving a Rotary International Scholarship for oversees ( overseas ? ) studies and being accepted by a top-rated MBA programme was an instant ego boost and an effective kick - start to my fear - banishing campaign .

  12. 在扶轮领导学院(RLI)与该分部间签署一份书面同意书后则创立了一个分部。

    The signing of a written agreement between the RLI and the Division creates a Division .

  13. 这已成立的分部系统也可由扶轮领导学院(RLI)职员们提供支援和完全避免重覆。

    The organized division system also provides for support from the RLI officers and attempts to avoid completely reinventing the wheel .

  14. 协调参议会将会正式通过年度预算、制定分部之会员费同时正式通过扶轮领导学院(RLI)之规范及目标。

    The Coordinating Council will adopt an annual budget , set Division dues and adopt standards and goals for the RLI .

  15. 这个社团在1970年建立了Navsari的扶轮眼科研究所。

    The group opened the hospital , the Rotary Eye Institute of Navsari , in nineteen seventy .

  16. 扶轮社Rajan眼科银行不停地发起眼器官捐献活动,鼓励人们死时将这份光明的礼物献给别人。

    The Rotary Rajan Eye Bank holds continuing eye donation campaigns . It urges people to leave the gift of sight to others when they die .

  17. GPEI是由世界卫生组织、联合国儿童基金会、国际扶轮社以及核心捐助国(大部分是西方八国集团成员)组成。

    The GPEI comprises the WHO , the UN Children 's Fund , Rotary International and core donor countries & mostly the G8 nations .

  18. 每个扶轮社都面临吸收及防止社员流失的挑战。

    Every club faces the challenge of involving and retaining members .

  19. 检视扶轮社的填补及未填补的职业分类名册。

    Examine the club 's roster of filled and unfilled classifications .

  20. 扶轮社员在订定一个募款目标时应考虑什麽?

    What should club members consider when establishing a fundraising goal ?

  21. 扶轮社应如何决定举办募款活动最佳的时机?

    How can the club determine when to conduct the fundraiser ?

  22. 扶轮社奖项计划如何对贵社有所益处?

    How can Club award programs be beneficial to your club ?

  23. 将进度及计划之成功报告给扶轮基金会及计划赞助人。

    Report progress and project successes to TRF and project sponsors .

  24. 在服务计画中扶轮社员的角色是什麽?

    What is the role of club members in service projects ?

  25. 教育、请及要求扶轮社员支持扶轮基金会。

    Educate , involve , and ask Rotarians to support TRF .

  26. 你如何达成扶轮社年度捐献目标?

    How do you achieve the club 's annual giving goal ?

  27. 你应如何有效率的与其他扶轮社社员沟通?

    How can you communicate effectively with other club members ?

  28. 那正是为什麽扶轮社员每一年都捐钱给扶轮基金会。

    That is why every year , Rotarians give to the foundation .

  29. 扶轮少年服务团可以以社区或学校为基地。

    Interact clubs can be based in the community or in schools .

  30. 面临这麽巨大的任务,福洛曼向他的扶轮社求援。

    Facing an overwhelming task , Froman appealed to his Rotary club .