
  • 网络nathan road
  1. 他的作品包括香港最大也最著名的霓虹招牌之一——红白两色的“乐声牌”(Panasonic)广告招牌,从1973年到1995年,它占据了弥敦道上一座大厦的一整面外墙。

    He created one of the city 's largest and most famous signs , the red-and-white Panasonic billboard that covered an entire building on Nathan Road from 1973 to 1995 .

  2. 五栋联体大楼(A-E)交错着,像巨大的蛀牙,矗立在香港豪华的弥敦道南端,全世界最昂贵的不动产之间。

    Its five connected blocks ( A-E ) sit clustered like a gigantic decaying tooth on some of the most expensive real estate in the world - the southern end of Hong Kong 's ritzy Nathan Road .

  3. 登打士街介乎弥敦道与?兰街的路段;

    The section of Dundas street between Nathan Road and Portland street ;

  4. 联络地址:九龙油麻地弥敦道478号森基商业中心二字楼。

    Address : 2 / F. , S.B.Commercial Building , 478 Nathan Road , Kowloon .

  5. 海防道和北京道是区内主要的行人走廊,将广东道与弥敦道一带的商业大厦连接起来。

    Haiphong Road and Peking Road are the principle pedestrian corridors , which link the commercial developments along Canton Road to Nathan road .

  6. 和去年的安排一样,巡游队伍将从尖沙咀文化中心出发,沿弥敦道行进。

    As in last year , the parade will embark from Hong Kong Cultural Center , Tsim Sha Tsui , and then proceed alone Nathan Road .

  7. 机场铁路会为新机场提供高效率的客运服务,并有助纾缓目前地铁弥敦道走廊急需改善的挤塞情况。

    The AR will provide an efficient passenger link to the new airport , and will also offer much-needed relief to the existing MTR Nathan Road corridor .

  8. 新铁路有助纾缓地下铁路弥敦道沿线现时的挤塞情况,并为西九龙填海区的新发展区域提供服务。

    The new line will help to relieve existing congestion on the Nathan Road Corridor of the Mass Transit Railway and it will also serve new developments on the West Kowloon Reclamation .