
  1. 抗美援朝战争锻造形成的伟大抗美援朝精神,是弥足珍贵的精神财富,必将激励中国人民和中华民族克服一切艰难险阻、战胜一切强大敌人。

    The great spirit forged during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea is a " precious spiritual wealth " that will inspire the Chinese people and the Chinese nation to overcome all difficulties and obstacles , and prevail over all enemies .

  2. 没错,但也有个别弥足珍贵

    So true . Except for the few that really matter .

  3. 旅程结束,电影完成,弥足珍贵。

    When the film was done , our journey was finished too .

  4. 这些经历看起来可能很不好,但是确实弥足珍贵。

    These experiences may look awful but they are precious .

  5. 这是一个属于我们的永远的遗产,弥足珍贵。

    Theirs is a precious legacy for all time belong to us .

  6. 我逐渐意识到我拥有的事如何地弥足珍贵。

    I gradually recognize how rare what you give to me is !

  7. 这一战略决策提供了弥足珍贵的滨海度假项目发展机遇。

    This strategic decision provides a precious opportunity for coastal vacation projects .

  8. 每一时刻都是历史的瞬间,弥足珍贵。

    Each moment in history is fleeting time , precious and unique .

  9. 我们此生的时光是如此的有限而弥足珍贵。

    Our time here is limited and it is precious .

  10. 尤其是生命里弥足珍贵的美好事物。

    Friendship is one of the rare and beautiful things in life .

  11. 它还说明了孩子的感受和想法,都是弥足珍贵的。

    It also shows children that their feelings and ideas are valuable .

  12. 但我更珍视这些弥足珍贵的欢乐时刻。

    But those moments of laughter I will always cherish .

  13. 汉译佛经是汉语史研究的重要语料,这对于相应比较缺少口语材料的中古汉语研究,显得弥足珍贵。

    Chinese Buddhist texts are of great value in studying the Chinese language .

  14. 在这间由茅草筑顶、土砖建成的农舍里,她沙哑的声音所说的每个字都弥足珍贵。

    The words she croaks in her thatch-roofed , mud-brick farmhouse are precious .

  15. 学术研究显示,这些人生经历弥足珍贵。

    Academic research supports that this experience pays off .

  16. 在非传统货币政策引发争议之际,这一点弥足珍贵。

    This is valuable at a time of controversy over unconventional monetary policies .

  17. 这个博物馆里有关内战的档案弥足珍贵。

    The museum 's Civil War archives are valuable .

  18. 整个银碗工艺绝伦、弥足珍贵。

    The whole bowl process unsurpassed , very precious .

  19. 为什么当时所产生的问题至今依然弥足珍贵。

    And also why the problems that arose then remain very pressing today .

  20. 商务英语信函在频繁的对外贸易中起着弥足珍贵的作用。

    Business English letters play a valuable role in the frequent foreign trade .

  21. 在巨大的破坏之下,幸存者的故事弥足珍贵。

    Amid the devastation , there have been precious few tales of survival .

  22. 北京西城区存在着大量近现代名人故居,这些故居是弥足珍贵的人文资源。

    There are a lot of former residences of celebrities in Beijing Xicheng District .

  23. 昨天已成为历史,明天神秘不可测,只有今天才是弥足珍贵的。

    Yesterday is a history , Tomorrow is mystery , Today is a gift !

  24. 档案袋记录了学生的成长足迹,弥足珍贵。

    File record students ' growing , precious .

  25. 但他个人做出的承诺仍弥足珍贵。

    But his personal commitment is still valuable .

  26. 把杂乱物放在它该放的位置,在小的浴室里,空间弥足珍贵所以应摆放整齐。

    In a small bath , space is too precious to be taken up by clutter .

  27. 樱桃树因它的花而弥足珍贵,而它的木材和果实也同样非常有价值。

    Cherry trees are valued for their flowers but also for their wood and their fruit .

  28. 每个真心都是弥足珍贵的。

    Every sincere mind is rare .

  29. 而现实中,尽管富有智慧的贤哲弥足珍贵,但是却很少被人们所有。

    In reality , though the oracles of wisdom are precious , they are rarely used .

  30. 对于革命情意阶级感情来说,各奔前程后尚能相逢一笑,已是弥足珍贵。

    The revolutionary complex feelings class , the favorite subject after one smile , is invaluable .