
  • 网络implementation and supervision
  1. 在行政管理中,决策、执行和监督是三个关键的环节。

    In administrative management , decision , implementation and supervision are three key processes .

  2. 公共政策的决策、执行和监督都离不开公民的参与。

    Decision making , implementation and supervision of the public policies cannot work properly without public participation .

  3. 强化养老保险法律的执行和监督;

    Execution and supervision of endowment insurance law ;

  4. 要协调好决策、执行和监督的职能。

    The government should appropriately exercise its functions in policy-making , implementation and oversight .

  5. 执行和监督每月食品和酒水盘点工作,以及每半年的运营设备的盘点。

    Supervise the monthly stock-take of food and beverage inventories and the bi-annual stock-take of operating equipment .

  6. 执行和监督有效的内部控制,包括财产管理、成本控制以及信用控制。

    Implement and supervise efficient internal controls , including treasury function , cost and stocks control and credit control .

  7. 政府在公立医院多元监督中应作为决策、执行和监督权分离的服务型政府发挥作用。

    Government should act as a service government for separation of the right from decision making , execution and supervision .

  8. 第四,我们需要政府的包容性伙伴关系在国家和全球级发挥领导作用,以制定、执行和监督所有利益攸关方作出的承诺和保证。

    Fourth , we need government leadership of inclusive partnerships at country and global levels to design , implement and monitor the commitments and promises of all stakeholders .

  9. 对重整程序的启动,重整计划的制定和修改,表决和批准,执行和监督等问题进行分析并提出了我们的看法。

    This part analysis and puts forward our points concerning to start reorganization procedure and formulation and modification , voting and approval , execution and supervision of reorganization plan .

  10. 该两个公司将会成立非常强劲的协作队伍,以形成一个极其优异的管理和监督团队来执行和监督这些工作。

    The coordinated team approach formed between these two companies will form a strong base from which to build a highly successful management and supervisory team to carry out and oversee these works .

  11. 第四部分提出通过完善二十国集团的机制措施,包括增设秘书处,增加成员国,确立执行和监督机制,加强与其他国际组织的关系。

    The forth part is methods of improving the mechanism of G20 , including of addition of secretariat , increase the members , establish implementation and monitoring mechanisms , strengthen relations with other international organizations .

  12. 我们可以汲取古代任官回避制度的精华,着力在任官回避的目标、范围、执行和监督等方面加强法制建设。

    We can draw the essence of the ancient challenge system and concentrate on the legal construction in such respects as the aim , the scope , the execution and the supervision of such a system .

  13. 第五部分是针对所存在的弊端,同样从政策的制定、执行和监督方面分别提出诸如立法保障、科学的设立建设规划、加强监督等完善对策。

    The fifth part is the suggestions against problems which exist in the three aspects above . For example , strengthening legislation protection and supervision , in the meantime establishing scientific construction plans and so on .

  14. 第三十四条个人合伙的经营活动,由合伙人共同决定,合伙人有执行和监督的权利。

    Article 34 The operational activities of an individual partnership shall be decided jointly by the partners , who each shall have the right to carry out and supervise those activities . The partners may elect a responsible person .

  15. 正式制度与非正式制度相互联系、相互制约、共同作用,因此,从本质上讲,政府制定一系列制度并执行和监督其实施的行为是一种制度安排。

    The relationship of formal and informal is mutual dependence and development . So in this regard , essentially speaking , the behavior that the government defines a series of rules and then implement is a kind of institutional schedule .

  16. 文章指出,社区应当成立社区成员大会、集体资产管理委员会和配套的监督机制,构成其权力、执行和监督三个部分。

    The article point out , the community should be set up as members of the community meeting , collective asset management committee and the corresponding supervision mechanism , the authority , enforcement organ and supervision system of three main parts .

  17. 政府的管理活动大致可以分为决策、执行和监督三个部分,而政府决策作为政府管理活动的首要环节,在建立和完善社会主义市场经济体制进程中,已经显现出越来越重要的理论研究意义。

    The governmental management activity probably is divided into the policy decision and carry out mostly With Supervise three parts , but government decision conduct and actions the government manages the initial link of the activity presents a more and more important theories the research the meaning .

  18. 进行教育改革和发展离不开教育决策、执行和监督,当前教育的决策和执行受到重视,而教育的监督和指导工作有待加强,教育督导是构成现代教育管理不可或缺的重要组成部分。

    Education reform and development is inseparable from educational decision-making , implementation and supervision . In current , education decision-making and implementation have been stressed , but education supervision and guidance need to be strengthened . Education supervision is an indispensable component of modern management of education .

  19. 有很强的执行力和监督能力。

    Strong power on implement and supervising .

  20. 目前我国中央与地方分权制度存在谈判费用、执行费用和监督费用均过高的问题。

    At present , the cost of negotiation , execution and supervision in decentralization institution are exorbitant .

  21. 行政管理行为由行政决策、行政执行和行政监督三大块构成,其中行政决策是核心和基础。

    The action of administration consists of three parts : the decision-making , the implementation and the supervision .

  22. 文章从推行方式、执行主体和监督体系三个方面对我国会计规范实施机制进行了分析;

    This paper firstly analyses the implementing mechanism of the Chinese accounting regulations from three areas : implementing way , performing bodies and supervising system ;

  23. 同时在立法完善的前提下建立一系列的信息供给以及补偿执行和事后监督机制,以此保障旅客在航班延误后的权益。

    The premise legislation to establish information supply as well as compensation for the implementation and supervision afterwards mechanism , in order to protect the interests of the passengers after the flight delays .

  24. 上市公司破产重整计划重要内容之一的执行期限和监督期限关涉重整的效率,立法对此疏于规范,本文提出了修订建议。

    Execution limit and supervision duration together as an important content of reorganization plans concerns the efficiency of reorganization , but is in want of legislative norms . This paper puts forward a revised proposal .

  25. 首先,通过对已有理论的比较分析,界定了宏观调控权的内涵,并将宏观调控权从外延上界定为决策权、执行权和监督权。

    Firstly , on the basis of research on existing theories , the author makes the definition of macro-control power , which divided in to decision-making power , the executive power , and supervisory power .

  26. 如今,随着烟草行业改革的不断深入,烟草管理的全过程分成了购销存决策(计划、实施、执行)和监督(控制)四个环节。

    Nowadays , with the deepening of the reform of the tobacco industry , tobacco management of the entire process into buying and selling decisions ( planning , implementation , execution and supervision )( control ) four links .

  27. 股权结构确立了股东的构成,决定了公司决策机构、执行机构和监督机构的结构以及这些机构与经理人的关系,对公司治理和企业投资决策产生深刻的影响。

    The ownership structure establishes the composition of shareholders , confirming the structure of decision-making , executive and supervising organization and the relation between these organizations and manager , creating deep influence on the investment decision of enterprise .

  28. 其中,调控主体只能由社会利益的代表者国家来担任,在层级上只能是国家一级的调控主体;在类型上分为决策主体、执行主体和监督主体。

    The one acts as the control subjects must be the nation which can represent the general interests of the society and is at the national level . The control subjects can be classified as decision-making subjects , executive subjects and supervision subjects .

  29. 在此基础上,从政策制定、执行机制和评估监督三个方面提出对策建议。

    On this basis , it presents some relevant policy proposals on policy formulation , implementation and evaluation mechanism , with a strong practical significance .

  30. 其构成要素包括行政监督的组织及其策略、行政监督主体执行行为和行政监督的控制。

    The structural element consists of the organization of the administrative supervision , and its strategy , the executive action of the principal part of the supervision , and the control of the administrative supervision .