
zhí yè zī ɡé
  • Practicing qualification;practicing requirements
  1. 他可能会被取消医生执业资格。

    He could be struck off the medical register .

  2. SEC则一直在唱白脸&吊销四大以及部分较小事务所的执业资格,同时在表面上拒绝和中方进行磋商。

    The SEC has been the bad cop , banning the big four and some smaller firms from practice and apparently refusing to negotiate .

  3. 每年,为数众多的顶级MBA学生和取得执业资格的律师都试图从某家大型经纪公司的邮件收发室起步,打进娱乐圈。

    Each year dozens of top MBA students and qualified lawyers try to break into the entertainment industry by starting in the mailroom at one of the big agencies .

  4. 去年11月,《纽约时报》报道,该频道的总法律顾问戴维·W·哈尔斯顿(DavidW.Harleston)似乎并不具备律师执业资格,他随后被停职。

    In November , the news station 's general counsel , David W. Harleston , was suspended following a report in The New York Times that he did not appear to be licensed to practice law .

  5. 并建议中国的3G执照应当实行拍卖。取得兽医从业资格和执业资格,领取兽医执业执照,从事兽医临床或相关工作的兽医专业人员构成了执业兽医队伍。

    It suggests , in China , auction should be taken into account in the field of 3G licence allocation . Licensed veterinarians are those who obtained veterinary profession qualification certificate and veterinary practice license , engaged in clinical activities .

  6. 关于注册安全工程师执业资格制度发展战略的几点思考

    Views on Developing Strategy of Job Qualification System of Certified Safety Engineer

  7. 如何正确面对我国的建造师执业资格制度

    How to View the Constructor Executive System in Our Country

  8. 必须有律师执业资格证书才可以。

    Must have a lawyer hold job seniority certificate ability is ok .

  9. 对完善房地产价格评估人员执业资格制度的思考

    Improve the Qualification System of Real Estate Price Evaluation Practitioners

  10. 对建立注册安全工程师执业资格制度法律体系的探讨

    Study on the establishment of jurisprudence for the certified safety engineers system

  11. 基于物元分析的建筑市场执业资格人员信用评价研究

    Evaluation of Construction Market Participator of Practicing Qualification Based on Matter-Analysis Theory

  12. 有资格的医生开业者。台湾中医师执业资格与专业教育之研究

    On Taiwan Chinese Medicine Doctor Practice Qualification and Specialty Education

  13. 认定工作是实行注册安全工程师执业资格制度的开端

    Certification Work : The Beginning of the Qualification System for Certified Safety Engineers

  14. 对某三甲医院护士执业资格考试未通过者的原因分析及对策

    Reason analysis and countermeasures of failure in nurse qualification exam in our hospital

  15. 影响护士执业资格考试成绩的相关因素分析

    Analysis on Relative Factors Affecting the Scores of Examination for Nurse 's License

  16. 建立我国安全工程专业执业资格制度的研究

    Study on the Establishment of Qualification System for Certified Safety Engineer in China

  17. 谈造价工程师执业资格制度的建立

    Discussions on establishment of project cost engineer qualification systems

  18. 律师执业资格考试是由州一级的机构实施执行的。

    This is a professional test administered by states .

  19. 如今,她在苏黎世得到了私人执业资格。

    She now has a private practice in Zurich .

  20. 获得医生的执业资格需要几年的时间。

    Qualification as a doctor takes several years .

  21. 浅议建筑领域专业人员执业资格制度

    Talk about Professional Qualification System in Construction Field

  22. 职业资格与执业资格&两种资格的历史变迁与概念辨析

    Professional Qualification and Practicing Qualification & two qualifications , historical changes and conception analyze

  23. 律师、医生和教授行列的准入受到执业资格法规的限制。

    Licensing laws limit entry to the guilds of lawyers , doctors and professors .

  24. 建造师执业资格制度的创建

    Introduce About Establishment of Constructor Qualification System

  25. 护士执业资格考试的探讨

    Probe into certified qualification test for nurses

  26. 随之而来的是这些从业人员利用其特有的执业资格实施犯罪。

    What comes along is these jobholders use their unique practice qualification to commit crimes .

  27. 当前医院药学面临的若干问题(Ⅱ)&我国药师执业资格准入制与管理办法应与国际接轨执业药师制度的实施现状及几点思考

    Some recent problem about hospital pharmacy (ⅱ) Thinking on Current Situation of Practising Apothecary Institution

  28. 本文仅就建立健全注册安全工程师执业资格制度法律体系进行了探讨。

    In this paper study on the establishment of jurisprudence for the CSE system was conducted .

  29. 作为一个有执业资格的教师,当我够资格有能力但没被高薪聘用时,我会觉得惭愧吗?

    Did I feel guilty about not being gainfully employed when I was qualified and capable ?

  30. 所有的法学院毕业生需要通过律师执业资格考试拿到从业许可证。

    Almost all graduates must pass a bar examination to get a license to practice law .