
  • 网络Implementation plan;execution plan;Media Plan
  1. 在对半连接执行方案进行优化时,提出了半连接加权有向图的概念,并给出了针对半连接加权有向图的半连接执行方案的快速有效的优化算法。

    This paper presents the directed weighted graph of semijoin in order to optimize semijoin execution plan . Furthermore , the fast and effective optimization algorithm is presented in order to produce optimum semijoin execution plan based on directed weighted graph of semijoin .

  2. UML到SOA的转换从该进程中创建了一个BPEL进程,并将其作为导出操作的执行方案来使用。

    The UML-to-SOA transformation creates a BPEL process from that activity and uses it as the implementation of the exported operation .

  3. 在执行方案的时候,以4C指导为概念,以4P为依据进行组合战略调整。

    Takes 4C as the concept instruction , in the carrying out plan time , takes 4P to make the combination strategy adjustment as the basis .

  4. 为了实现提出的可重用性目标和推广开放标准,我们选择使用MessageBroker的XML转换节点来执行方案的这个阶段,该节点将使用XSLT样式表对逻辑树进行转换。

    Following the stated aims of reusability and promotion of open standards , we 've chosen to execute this stage of the scenario using the Message Broker 's XML transform node , which alters the logical tree using an XSLT stylesheet .

  5. 我从选修过OOAD的同学所提供的10份执行方案中选择了一份,并且将它用作介绍性软件工程学课程可利用原始代码的基础。

    I selected one implementation from the ten that were produced by the OOAD students and made it available as the initial code base for the introductory software engineering class .

  6. 建模员会独立地设计每一项操作的执行方案。

    The modeler designs the implementation of each operation independently .

  7. 光有理念,但却缺乏有效的执行方案可谓一钱不值。

    An idea without an effective implementation plan is of little value .

  8. 另外文章还提出了查询执行方案网络代价优化算法。

    And then we proposed network cost optimization algorithm for query execution plans .

  9. 实时网络系统的分析和可执行方案

    The analysis of realtime networks system and practical plan

  10. 难和执行方案上,而不是集中在困难的本身。

    Give an example of how you saw a project through , despite obstacles .

  11. 我们也有一个7天执行方案。

    We also have seven-day executive programs .

  12. 执行方案,使用和发展模型来适用于个人。

    Practitioner scenarios , which apply to individuals using and evolving any of the models .

  13. 具备有效表达想法与说服执行方案之能力。

    To acquire the capability for an effective expression and convincement towards a executed project .

  14. 关于具体执行方案的打算

    Ideas about the details of execution

  15. 本文选择末端位移最短路径作为期望的执行方案,来设计控制器。

    This paper chooses the shortest path of the end as expectation movement to design the controller .

  16. 解除耦合界面以及执行方案

    Decoupling interface and implementation

  17. 针对分布式的特征,提出了两种不同的分布执行方案:基于语法层的分布和基于执行层的分布。

    Thereafter , two different schemes of distribution are provided : based on syntax and based on execution .

  18. 有些学生学会服从命令,其他学生学会规划执行方案并且层层落实责任。

    Some students learn to take orders and others learn to chart a course of action and delegate responsibility .

  19. 仿真程序是直接根据策略执行方案而编写的,与建模过程没有关系。

    The simulation programs are developed directly from a certain policy implementing scheme and irrelative to the modeling process .

  20. 本文基于成熟的现代营销管理基本理论,着重对三维教育在沈阳的IT培训市场的营销战略进行了研究,根据业务战略计划的框架来制定出详细的营销策略和执行方案。

    And it also make more detailed marketing policies and executing programs based on the frame of business strategy plan .

  21. 目的探讨阶段性健康教育对肝硬化患者自我执行方案依从性的良好干预。

    Objective To explore the intervening effect of staggered health education on liver cirrhosis patient 's compliance to treating project .

  22. 物流经营成本是在物流经营层面上发生的成本,它根据物流战略成本的目标和规划制定出具体的执行方案,并控制着物流作业成本的形成过程;

    Logistic operational cost belongs to the level of logistic operation , and it controls the formation progress of logistic production ;

  23. 维系客户,理解工作方向并掌握工作进度,策划组织实施各类促销及公关事件及执行方案。

    Maintain the relationship with client , understand the job direction and control the working progress ; be responsible for the media planning .

  24. 每日三省吾身,永不停止地自问,如何能够让客户对我们产品与服务更加满意,然后找出一个执行方案。

    We never stop asking ourselves how we can make the customer experience better , and every day , we find an answer .

  25. 我们将要做的是看看一种,直截了当的执行方案,这种方案是基于决策树的。

    And we 're going to do this initially by looking at a straightforward implementation based upon what 's called the decision tree .

  26. 多数知识管理执行方案之所以不尽如人意,是因为其制定和执行者的无知。由于为不同的窘境所迫,他们采取了千人一面这样欠妥的方式。

    The majority of Knowledge Management implementations are unsatisfactory as inappropriate , standardised approaches are forced upon the varying predicament of the uninformed by the uninformed .

  27. 问题解决型活动教学,其基本操作程序为:创设实际生活问题情境→收集查阅资料→制定解决方案→执行方案→总结评价。

    Problem solving activity teaching : creating the real life problem situation → collecting and consulting → making solving plan → implementing plan → summarizing and evaluating .

  28. 大中型券商由总部制定公司整体经纪业务战略,细化与量化这一战略具体执行方案以及考核指标,其下各营业部负责具体执行。

    Under direct of the entire business strategies and quantification developed by the headquarters , the large and medium-sized brokerage companies execute the scheme and examine performance .

  29. 一个重要的原因是尚未有一套成熟的可执行方案,迫切需要进行系统的理论分析及实践方法的指导。

    One of the most important reason is the lack of mature standards to act accordingly and the task is badly in need of systematical analysis and guiding .

  30. 小学的孩子们能够一起工作研究,并且可以计画和执行方案,同时也会彼此分享所学。

    Elementary children can work together to do research , plan and execute projects , and to share them with other members of the class who are interested .