
  • 网络ruling coalition;governing coalition
  1. 由于明年5月前必须要进行一次选举,印度国大党(CongressParty)领导的执政联盟已停止基本食品和原材料的出口,并取消了重要大宗商品的期货交易,以遏制价格上涨。

    The Congress party-led ruling coalition , which must hold an election before May next year , has stemmed exports of essential food items and raw materials and cancelled futures trading of important commodities to try to rein in prices .

  2. 与此同时,对于是否要设定新的目标,使发电行业到2030年基本实现零碳排放,英国执政联盟也存在分歧。保守党(Conservatives)反对,而自由民主党(LiberalDemocrats)支持这项规划。

    The ruling coalition is also split over whether to set a new target to make the electricity sector virtually free of carbon emissions by 2030 - a plan opposed by Conservatives but backed by Liberal Democrats .

  3. 它将可以组成一个执政联盟。

    It will be able to put together a governing coalition

  4. 对这个执政联盟的支持已经下降,而右翼的德国新选项党(AlternativefürDeutschland)的支持率已经上升至8%左右。

    Support for the bloc has dipped , while the rightwing Alternative f ü r Deutschland has gained ground to about 8 per cent .

  5. 执政联盟上台后,其第一任总理奥斯本当年便将VAT提高到14%。

    When the Coalition came to power that year , its first chancellor George Osborne raised VAT by 14 per cent .

  6. 在3月初突然举行的大选之前,许多道路两侧挂满了塑料旗帜,画有执政联盟国民阵线(nationalfront)的司法天平标志,偶尔也会有其它政党的标志。

    Ahead of a snap election in early March , many roads had been lined with plastic flags carrying the scales of justice emblem of the ruling National Front coalition or , occasionally , of other parties .

  7. 至少在摩尔多瓦新政府组建之前,IMF不会来;如果在选举结束后,有关组建执政联盟的谈判陷入僵局,IMF可能较长时间内都不会来。

    The IMF is gone at least until a new Moldovan government is formed , and maybe longer if coalition talks deadlock after today 's vote .

  8. 而且现在EIB甚至还由一位才华横溢的德国人&执政联盟中的维尔纳霍耶(WernerHoyer)带领。

    The EIB is now even led by a talented German , Werner Hoyer , from the governing coalition .

  9. 印度选举委员会主席指责他的副手NavinChawla有支持领导印度执政联盟的国大党的倾向,一直试图将他炒鱿鱼。

    Gopalaswami , head of India 's Election Commission , has been trying to sack his deputy , Navin Chawla , whom he accuses of bias in favour of the Congress party , which leads India 's ruling coalition .

  10. 很可能不会,尽管执政联盟已承诺举行公投。

    Probably not , though the coalition has promised a referendum .

  11. 国家正在由一个执政联盟治理。

    The country is being run by a governing coalition .

  12. 荷兰执政联盟倒台源于两个原因。

    The collapse of the ruling coalition there stems from two factors .

  13. 不管执政联盟的大臣们有什么缺点,他们至少都显得彬彬有礼。

    Whatever their shortcomings , the coalition ministers are courteous .

  14. 他们甚至邀请了一些激进派进入到执政联盟。

    They even invited some of the radicals into their governing coalition .

  15. 欧洲问题占据左翼执政联盟的重要议事日程。

    And fourthly , Europe-related problems dominated much agenda of the left-wing coalition .

  16. 自民党在第二个执政联盟中将更加尴尬。

    The Lib Dems would be more awkward in a second term coalition .

  17. 有人曾经担心,巴基斯坦的执政联盟可能会因为法官复职问题而分裂。

    There were fears that Pakistan 's ruling coalition could split over the judges'issue .

  18. 使(政府或当权者)垮台他们威胁要退出执政联盟,让政府垮台。

    They were threatening to bring down the government by withdrawing from the ruling coalition .

  19. 我们远不能确定,两人的勇气是否足以维系执政联盟。

    Far less certain is whether their shared audacity is sufficient to sustain the coalition .

  20. 英国的执政联盟会垮台吗?

    Will Britain 's coalition collapse ?

  21. 据约翰·纳尔逊报道,中左派代表巴切莱特轻松战胜来自右派执政联盟的对手。

    John Nielsen reports the center-left Bachelet easily defeated her opponent from the right-wing governing coalition .

  22. 网站的流量将如何转化为实际音量吗?合肥执政联盟信息技术有限责任公司。

    How will web traffic into the actual volume ? Hefei ruling alliance information technology Co. , LTD.

  23. 领导执政联盟的保守党在此问题上的分歧很大。

    The conservative party , which leads the governing coalition , is deeply divided on the issue .

  24. 不过这样执政联盟就有麻烦了,因为社民党仍希望土耳其加入欧盟。

    This could spell trouble within the coalition , since the SPD still wants Turkey inside the union .

  25. 在马来西亚,执政联盟在今年的大选中因严峻的种族对立局势而大伤元气。

    In Malaysia , the ruling coalition emerged bruised from elections this year that underlined serious ethnic tensions .

  26. 卡梅伦-克雷格的执政联盟与这一点相悖,但是也被广泛认为是证明普遍规律的例外而被忽略。

    The Cameron-Clegg coalition says otherwise , but is widely dismissed as the exception that proves the rule .

  27. 执政联盟某些党派希望设定选举的明确时间表,缓解目前的紧张形势。

    Some parties in the governing coalition want to set a clear time frame for elections to ease tensions .

  28. 他所在的执政联盟在1月的递补选举中赢得了议席,在最近的一次议会信心辩论中,他也获得了令人信服的胜利。

    His coalition won seats in January by-elections and he secured a convincing victory in a recent confidence debate in Parliament .

  29. 他在两大关键政党退出他所在的执政联盟后辞职,这一举动可能推动选举早日举行。

    His resignation came after two key parties withdrew from his ruling coalition , a move that could force earlier elections .

  30. 德国执政联盟同意在2022年某天关闭境内所有核电站。

    Germany 's ruling coalition says it has agreed a date of2022 for the shutdown of all of its nuclear power plants .