
  • 网络Yukio Edano;edano
  1. 上周四,经济产业大臣枝野幸男(yukioedano)要求地方电力企业关西电力(kansaielectricpower)为可能的轮流断电做好准备。

    On Thursday , Yukio Edano , industry minister , told local utility Kansai Electric Power to plan for possible rolling blackouts .

  2. 以上为日本政府高官枝野幸男讲话的翻译。

    That was Yukio Edano , a senior Japanese government official , speaking through a translator .

  3. 枝野幸男说,有“微量”的放射性物质随着蒸汽被排放至大气中。

    " Tiny amounts " of radioactive material had escaped into the air during the ventilations , Mr Edano said .

  4. 枝野幸男说,有些在福岛县以外的肉牛也是以同样高铯含量的草料饲养。

    Edano says that some beef cattle outside Fukushima prefecture were also fed rice straw with high levels of radioactive cesium .

  5. 政府高级官员枝野幸男称,政府会注意控制传递给消费者的费用。

    Top government spokesman Yukio Edano said that the government would look to keep the costs from being passed on to consumers .

  6. 内阁官房长官枝野幸男星期二称政府将会为鱼类蔬菜提供最大限度的辐射标准。

    Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said on Tuesday the government would apply the maximum allowable radiation limit for vegetables to fish .

  7. 日本官房长官枝野幸男敦促仍住在距离福岛核电站20到30公里内的居民自愿撤离这一地区。

    Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano urged residents still living within a20 to30 kilometer radius of Fukushima to voluntarily leave the area .

  8. 如果说灾难应对过程中他的存在可有可无的话,那么作风坚韧的官房长官枝野幸男则大为不同。

    If his presence has been hit-and-miss during the crisis , that cannot be said of his steadfast chief of staff , Yukio Edano .

  9. 在枝野幸男表示除非银行分担负担、否则政府将难以让公众接受援助计划后,日本银行股上周五集体下挫。

    Japanese bank shares fell on Friday after Mr Edano said the government would have trouble selling the rescue plan to the public unless banks shared the burden .

  10. 日本政府内阁官房长官枝野幸男说,政府已经建立了与蔬菜同样数值的鱼类及海产品的可允许辐射标准,立即生效。

    Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said the government has established an allowable standard for radioactivity in fish and seafood equal to that for vegetables , effective immediately .

  11. 枝野幸男是日本政府高官,他说火已被扑灭,然而这个核电站的另一个反应堆仍旧令人忧虑。

    A top government official Yukio Edano said the fire had been extinguished , but added that there were still worries about another reactor at the same plant .

  12. 枝野幸男表示这一行动将持续至周五,这一必要举措为贮存更加危险的水源(较现有水源危险20万倍)提供了空间。

    Edano said the action , which could continue until Friday , is necessary to make room in a storage area for water that is200 thousand times more dangerous .

  13. 枝野幸男表示水源泄漏于周六导致临近海域辐射水平达到允许限值的750万倍,而这一泄漏已于周三凌晨5:38得到阻止。

    Edano said the water leak , which had sent radiation levels in the nearby ocean to7.5 million times the allowable limit on Saturday , had been stopped by5:38 a.m.Wednesday .

  14. 政府首席发言人枝野幸男星期一对记者们发表讲话时解释说,有关官员在第一阶段的评估之后可以授权重新启动核电厂。

    Chief government spokesman Yukio Edano , speaking to reporters Monday , explained that officials could grant permission to restart the nuclear plants after the first stage of the evaluations .

  15. 但是在提到菅直人是否将主导第三度扩大预算时,枝野幸男则语调模糊。第三度的扩大预算需要国会在八月底结束后通过。

    But Edano was more vague when speaking about whether the prime minister would be around for a third budget extension that will require parliamentary approval after the end of August .

  16. 枝野幸男说,这一地区内食物和水的供给正变得日益紧张,并且向居民们发放这些供给主要由军事人员执行占用了其它地区的一些抢修资源。

    Food and water have run short , Mr Edano said , and keeping the area supplied an operation carried out largely by military personnel is diverting resources from emergency efforts elsewhere .

  17. 据路透社报道,在日本倾举国之力应对二战以来该国经历的最严重的灾难之际,冷静且自信的枝野幸男成为全世界所熟知的一张日本面孔。

    Around the world he has become the familiar face of Japan , calm and confident as his nation grapples with its most serious crisis since the end of World War II .

  18. 据英国广播公司报道,日本内阁官房长官枝野幸男称,东京电力公司要补偿核电站泄漏对农民造成的损失。

    Tokyo Electric Power will have to compensate farmers for losses caused by the nuclear radiation leaking from its power plants , said Japan 's Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano , BBC reported .

  19. 尽管困难重重,日本内阁官房长官枝野幸男表示,日本不会重新考虑对供给日本电力四分之一的核电的依赖。

    Despite the setbacks , Yoshito Sengoku , the deputy chief cabinet secretary , said Japan was not reconsidering its dependence on nuclear power , which supplies about a quarter of the nation 's electricity .

  20. 枝野幸男说,这3名工人在3号反应堆建筑的地下室铺设电缆时走进受污染的水里,水溅入他们的靴子和腿上。

    Yukio Edano said the three men were laying electrical cables in the basement of the reactor building when two of them stepped into contaminated water which splashed into their boots and on their legs .