
  • 网络Governing for the people;assuming power for the people;exercise power for the good of the people
  1. 只有执政为民,我们的各项事业才能获得最广泛最可靠的群众基础和力量源泉。

    Only if we exercise power for the good of the people can we enjoy the broadest and most reliable support from the people and draw from them the strength for accomplishing all our undertakings .

  2. 因此,深入学习贯彻三个代表重要思想,必须牢牢把握立党为公、执政为民这个本质。

    Therefore , while studying and following the important thought of " Three Represents ", we should firmly grasp the essence of working for the public and assuming power for the people .

  3. 政府文明是社会主义政治文明极为重要的一部分,政府文明的实质是建立一个高效廉洁、执政为民的服务型政府。

    Government civilization is an important part of socialist political civilization .

  4. 实现执政为民的主要途径:一是教民。

    There are four main ways for assuming power for the people .

  5. 关于执政为民和党的建设的几点思考

    Discourse on Governing in the Name of the People and Party Building

  6. 必须坚持立党为公、执政为民,始终把发展作为执政兴国的第一要务;

    Secondly , it must insist on governing for public and people ;

  7. 从民本思想到执政为民理念

    Concepts from human-centered idea to being in power for people

  8. 要创新领导服务机制,真正做到立党为公、执政为民;

    To set up service mechanism , and real service for people ;

  9. 执政为民的逻辑

    The Logic of Being in Power for the People

  10. 论执政为民对中国传统民本思想的继承、重建与超越

    Ruling for the People and Chinese Traditional People-oriented Ideologies

  11. 执政为民是党的性质的根本要求。

    Assuming power for the people is required by the party 's nature .

  12. 执政为民与正确处理人民内部矛盾

    Assuming Power for the People and Handling Well with Contradictions among the People

  13. 执政为民的伟大宣言

    Great Declaration of Being in Power for the People

  14. 执政为民伦理品格解析

    Analyzing ethical character of the rule for the people

  15. 经营城市与执政为民

    Managing City And The Power for People

  16. 坚持执政为民树立正确的政绩观

    Sticking to Serving the People with Power , Establishing the Right View of Political Achievements

  17. 执政为民是坚持党的先进性的内在要求

    To Serve People is a Basic Requirement for a Party in Power to Keep Advanced

  18. 执政为民的哲学思考

    Thinking about reigning for the people

  19. 执政为民关键在于树立正确的群众观。

    The key of being in power for the people is establishing correct concept of masses .

  20. 执政为民是构建和谐社会的政治保证

    Governing for the people : The political guarantee for a harmonious society with fairness and justness

  21. 践行三个代表重在执政为民

    Fulfilling Three Denotes Governing for people

  22. 试论“立党为公,执政为民”

    On " establishing the party for the public and runing the power for the people "

  23. 关于“立党为公、执政为民”的思考

    Thinking on " the party founded for the public , the government built for the people "

  24. 执政为民伦理品格解析刑事被告人品格证据规则初探

    Analyzing ethical character of the rule for the people On the Character Proof Rule of Criminal Accused

  25. 一是着力增强宗旨观念,切实做到立党为公、执政为民。

    First , increasing the awareness of the Party 's principle and working hard for the people .

  26. 继承延安精神与坚持执政为民马克思主义的坚持与创新

    Inheriting Yan'an Spirit and Sticking to Principle of Ruling to Serve People To Adhere to and Innovate Marxism

  27. 四是要树立立党为公,执政为民的意识;

    The third is to build viewpoints of " finite government " and " cost of governing " .

  28. 坚持执政为民是贯彻落实“三个代表”重要思想的本质要求。

    Insisting on ruling for the people is the innate character request of carrying out " Three Represents " .

  29. 落实执政为民的本质要求,切实维护好两个基本阶层的利益。

    We must practice essential requirement of reign for the people , and safeguard interests of the two basic strata .

  30. 立党为公,执政为民是他的人格魅力所在。

    Building the Party for the interests of the people is his personality glamour to assume power for the people .