
zhí shì
  • Deacon;you ;attendant;Sir;paraphernalia of the guard of honor
执事 [zhí shì]
  • (1) [go in for;be engaged in]∶从事工作;主管其事

  • 朝夕执事之劳

  • (2) [official]∶有职守之人;官员

  • 令执事准备

  • (3) [business;work]∶差事;工作

  • 找一份执事

  • (4) [deacon]∶基督教会的低级圣职人员

  • (5) [errand-man]∶担任工作、职务,特指举行典礼时担任专职的人

  • (6) [Sir]∶先生,兄台--旧时的书信中用以称对方,表示对人的敬称,不直指其人之意

  • 太尉执事,辙生好为文,思之至深。-- 苏辙《上枢密韩太尉书》

  • (7) [flag,weapons,etc.carry by a guard of honor]∶旧指仪仗

  • 打执事的

  • (8) [retinue]∶指在左右侍从的人

  1. 但包括鲍德温在内,以色列堂-女执事医疗中心(BethIsraelDeaconessMedicalCenter)的大约700名患者正在参与一场新奇的实验。

    But Mr. Baldwin is among about 700 patients at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center who are participating in a novel experiment .

  2. 贝斯以色列女执事医疗中心的KennethMukamal和哈佛医学院领导了此次研究,研究结果发表在《神经学》杂志上。

    Kenneth Mukamal of Beth Israel Deaconess and Harvard Medical School led the study , reported in the journal Neurology .

  3. 提到大执事ArchdeaconTheodosius做的报告,一个匿名者后来做的一份名为耶路撒冷的摘要和一些后来的资料都提到有关用餐的事情。

    There is mention of this meal in the report of Archdeacon Theodosius and in the anonymous little work called " The Jerusalem Breviary ," as also in subsequent writings .

  4. 执事长确实表达出了他脑子里思想的转动。

    The archdeacon had truly expressed the workings of his mind .

  5. 一个小念头对于整个世界就是敲钟挖墓的教堂执事。

    A little thought is sexton to all the world .

  6. 因为悲观的论调甚嚣尘上,执事者将放弃这个计画。

    Now that pessimism prevails , the executive will abandon the project .

  7. 他是卫理公会的执事。

    He 's a deacon of the Methodist church .

  8. 他自己就是个执事,魁魁格就是个执事。

    He is a deacon himself , Queequeg is .

  9. 本教会为不分宗派、传福音的教会,由牧师和执事们同心负责教会圣工。

    Our Church is a nondenominational evangelical church ministered by pastor and deacons .

  10. 我不算男人,殡仪馆的执事们和我都不算男人。

    I don 't count the undertaker 's men and myself as men .

  11. 就是德多罗诺来·科尔曼做执事的那个教堂?

    that worships in Deacon Deuteronomy Coleman 's meeting-house ?

  12. 好消息:你的执事们要把你送到圣地巴勒斯坦。

    Good News : Your deacons want to send you to the Holy Land .

  13. 执事,我不想打扰你,我知道你非常忙。

    Sirs , I hate to bother you I know you are very Busy .

  14. 在某些译本中,非比被称为“女执事”。

    In some translations she is referred to as a deaconess ( RSV ) .

  15. 我们目前没有牧师:教会的事是由五位执事管理的。

    We have no pastor at present : the church is ran by five deacon .

  16. 我约见了科伯恩,他是一位医学博士,也是南部浸礼会执事。

    I caught up with Coburn , a medical doctor and ordained Southern Baptist deacon .

  17. 一个小时后他回来了,执事正等着他呢。

    When he returned an hour later , he found the clerk waiting for him .

  18. 他生于1745年,父亲是南安普敦的教区执事。

    He was born in 1745 , the son of a parish clerk in Southampton .

  19. 这个分赐就是管家职分,有神的执事分赐的职事。

    This dispensation is the stewardship with the dispensing ministry of the ministers of God .

  20. 教会执事部负责聘请或解聘各受薪职员。

    67 The Congregation Council is responsible for the recruiting or dismissal of Non-pastoral staff .

  21. 谁会怀疑一个执事?

    Who would suspect a deacon ?

  22. 我对你们举荐我们的姊妹非比,她是坚革哩教会中的女执事。

    I commend to you our sister Phoebe , a servant of the church in Cenchrea .

  23. 执事的总称被认为一整体的执事。

    Deacons considered as a group .

  24. 我要提醒各位司铎,执事和非常务送圣体员要特别注重卫生。

    I remind priests , deacons and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion to practice good hygiene .

  25. 执事在奥利弗的背上揍了一下,当然这一下使他哭得更厉害了。

    The beadle hit him on the back , and so naturally Oliver cried even more .

  26. 其实,他就是班布尔先生,那位执事,奥利弗的老对头。

    It was , in fact , Mr Bumble the beadle , Oliver 's old enemy .

  27. 你的儿子是执事吗?

    Is your son a deacon ?

  28. 执事说明了来意后,布朗洛先生问道。

    Mr Brown low asked , when the beadle had explained the reason for his visit .

  29. 你真是个好心的女人,科尼太太。执事说。

    You 're a kind - hearted woman , Mrs Corney , ' said the beadle .

  30. 他们选出了七执事。

    The seven deacons are appointed .