
  • 网络Scope of Practice;practice area
  1. 在第二个专题部分,探讨了对于已经取得医师执业资格的人员,不按照注册的执业地点、执业类别、执业范围执业,是否可以成为本罪的主体。

    In the second thematic part of the practicing physician has been made for qualified personnel , not in accordance with the registered place of practice , practice type , practice scope of practice , can become the subject of this crime .

  2. 从组织机构、执业范围、人员素质等方面分析了加入WTO后国外工程咨询机构对我国工程造价咨询业的影响,在此基础上,提出了一些应对措施。

    From aspects of organizational system , business scope and personnel quality , this paper analyses the influence of WTO entry on construction cost consulting business of our country and , based on this , puts forward some corresponding countermeasures .

  3. 注册城市规划师的执业范围及关键岗位

    Profession Scope and Key Posts of Registered City Planners

  4. 拓宽审计职能,扩大执业范围;

    Expand audit function and scope ;

  5. 我国注册会计师职业发展面临立法相对滞后的问题,随着《中华人民共和国注册会计师法》修订工作的开始,对行业管理、执业范围、组织结构、法律责任等方面的理论探讨已经提上日程。

    The development of the profession of chartered accountants is facing with a problem which the legislation has fallen behind relatively .

  6. 医师不得出具与自己执业范围无关或者与执业类别不相符的医学证明文件。

    Doctors shall not issue medical certificates that are not related to their own practicing scope or not in line with the practicing categories .

  7. 根据申请执业范围取得相应的医师或者护士执业资格后,从事同一专业临床工作5年以上;

    With the professional qualifications as a doctor or nurse in conformity with the practising scope applied for and a clinical experience of five years or more in the same profession ;

  8. 目前造价工程师队伍中存在的执业范围窄,执业能力水平参差不齐等问题也强烈要求建立一个造价工程师专业能力标准体系,设置一个合适的准入门槛。

    Presently , the existing problems of cost engineers , which are the narrow occupation scope and uneven professional competency requirements and so on , strongly demand establishing a standard system of cost engineer and setting an appropriate threshold for access .

  9. 其发展历程较国外同行晚得多,执业的范围、执业的技能、风险管理水平都有较大的差距。

    The history of the cost engineer in China is shorter than their overseas counterparts and therefore they lag far behind them in the scope skill and the level of risk management of their work .

  10. 关于医师执业注册中执业范围的暂行规定

    A temporary regulation for practice scope in registration of practitioner

  11. 按香港现行规定,外国律师可以在香港登记执业,但在执业资格、业务范围、执业组织形式等方面受到严格限制。

    According to Hong Kong 's current rules , foreign lawyers may practice in Hong Kong , but they must meet several requirements for qualification , and their scope of business and form of practicing organization are restricted .

  12. 目前,在中国医疗机构中工作的医生可按照执业证书、执业地点、执业类别、执业范围、执业资格进行分类。

    At present , doctors in Chinese medical institutions could be classified according to licensed certificate , licensed place , licensed type , licensed scope , and licensed qualification .

  13. 日本建筑师的执业活动包含设计与监理两大业务的形式更为合理,应当适当调整我国建筑师的执业活动范围。

    It is more reasonable that practising activities include the design and supervision .