
  • 网络PMI
  1. 此前公布的1月份制造业采购经理指数(PMI)强于预期;同时有数据显示,1月份的前三周,银行贷款增速达到历史最高水平。

    The rally followed a stronger-than - expected reading for the January purchasing managers ' manufacturing survey and data showing bank lending growth accelerating to an all-time high in the first three weeks of January .

  2. 这是3月11日灾难发生以来发布的首批制造业采购经理指数(PMI)。几乎没有迹象显示,日本以外的公司受到了供应链问题与零部件短缺的影响。

    In the first purchasing managers ' indices of the manufacturing sector since the March 11 disaster , there was little sign that companies outside Japan were being held back by supply chain problems and a shortage of components .

  3. 非制造业采购经理指数已连续六个月保持在50以上。采购经理指数高于50即表明经济处于扩张状态。

    The non-manufacturing PMI has remained above 50 for six months Any reading above 50 indicates expansion .

  4. 与此同时,非制造业采购经理指数为55.2,高于上月的54.2。

    Meanwhile , the non-manufacturing PMI came in at 55.2 , up from 54.2 the month before .

  5. 12月中国制造业采购经理指数为51.9%。

    The purchasing managers ' index for China 's manufacturing sector came in at 51.9 in December .

  6. 八月份,中国制造业采购经理指数从上月的51.1小幅降至51。

    China 's purchasing managers ' index for the manufacturing sector decreased slightly from 51.1 last month to 51 in August .

  7. 该国的制造业采购经理指数从7月份的52.8升至8月份的55.1,其制造业活动已连续第5个月扩张。

    Its manufacturing purchasing managers ' index rose to 55.1 from 52.8 in July , pointing to a fifth consecutive month of expanding activity .

  8. 7月份,摩根大通(JPMorgan)编制的服务业和制造业全球综合采购经理指数(PMI)降至50.3,为2009年以来的新低。

    The global composite purchasing managers ' index of activity in services and manufacturing , compiled by JPMorgan , dropped to 50.3 in July , its lowest since 2009 .

  9. 支撑这种情绪的是,1月份全球一系列制造业和服务业采购经理指数(PMI)预览值多数是利好的。

    Underpinning sentiment was a series of mostly positive January flash readings of global purchasing managers ' indices of manufacturing and service sector activity .