
  1. 国有企业反腐倡廉制度执行力的社会学研究

    A Sociological Study on the State-owned Enterprises ' Anti-corruption Execution Ability

  2. 分级护理制度执行中的难点讨论

    Discussion on difficult points in carrying out grading nursing care system

  3. 高校工资制度执行现状与岗位分配不公研究

    An Unfair Between Salary System and Post Assignment in Colleges and Universities

  4. 新企业会计制度执行情况探讨

    Inquiry To The Execution Of Chinese New Accounting System For Business Enterprises

  5. 我国药品分类管理制度执行中存在的问题与思考

    Problems in the Enforcement of Classified Drug Control System

  6. 汤姆对规章制度执行得很严格。

    Tom was very strict about " rules " .

  7. 联合国国民帐户制度执行情况工作组

    United Nations Working Group on the Implementation of the System of National Accounts

  8. 规章制度执行不严;

    The rules and regulations are not strictly performed ;

  9. 运行分析记录簿未按实际制度执行。

    Operation analysis record book is not filled according to the existing regulations .

  10. 现行征地拆迁听证制度执行中的难点及政策建议

    Difficulties in Carrying out Land Expropriation and Removal Hearing System and Correlative Suggestion

  11. 公务员辞退制度执行阻力及其解决对策

    The Implementation of the Dismissal of the Civil Service System and Its Solution Resistance

  12. 加强对制度执行情况的监督检查等。

    Reinforcing checking and supervision execute of institution .

  13. 制度执行是控制性的;

    The execution of regulations could be controlled .

  14. 排污收费制度执行程序探讨

    Approach on the Executive Procedure of Emission Charge

  15. 我国耕地占补平衡制度执行的博弈分析及对策建议

    Bo-Yi Analysis and Suggestions or Countermeasures about Farmland Balance Between Requisition and Compensation in China

  16. 投资者保护对公司治理机制影响的实证研究&基于制度执行的角度

    Effect of Investor Protection on Corporate Governance in China & Based on Perspective in System Execution

  17. 水土保持“三同时”制度执行中存在的问题与对策

    Problems with Implementation of " Three Simultaneous " System on Water and Soil Conservation and Countermeasures

  18. 各地区排污许可证制度执行情况

    Discharge Permit System by Region

  19. 浅谈企业制度执行力

    Executive Power of Enterprise System

  20. 实现了会计内控管理重点和制度执行的机器制约。

    Secondly , to achieve the accounting systems of internal control management focus and implementation of machine constraints .

  21. 三年来,管理制度执行率稳中有升,提高了0.41%。

    The rate of management system implementation had steadily increased by 0.41 % in three years . 8 .

  22. 特别是对于上市商业银行这一典型的高风险上市公司来说,.更需要对其内部控制信息进行有效披露,这也是目前监督和衡量商业银行内部控制制度执行情况的主要手段。

    Especially for the listed commercial banks which are the typical high-risk companies , disclosure is more necessary .

  23. 第六章上市公司独立董事制度执行,主要从独立董事行权机制与激励约束机制两方面来分析。

    This paper mainly analyzes from the independent director good power mechanism and the drive restraint mechanism two aspects .

  24. 目前这个制度执行情况令人满意,为什么要改变呢?我侍建议是听其自然。

    The present system has worked satisfactorily , so why change it ? My advice is to leave well alone .

  25. 本文阐述了高校新会计制度执行中存在的问题,提出了完善新会计制度的几点建议。

    This article explains some existing problems in university new accounting system , and propose some suggestions to perfect new accounting system .

  26. 依据合同支付投资款项,应当按照企业内部审批制度执行。

    The investment money as stipulated in the contract shall be paid under the internal examination and approval rules of the enterprise .

  27. 监督各部门及下属部门各项规章制度执行情况及是否有违反法律法规。

    Supervise the fulfillment of various regulations and systems in each division and sub-division , and check whether there are illegal behaviors present .

  28. 此外,传统质量的管理部门与检查部门一体是导致制度执行不利的原因之一。

    Furthermore , quality regulation sector and test sector was the same in tradition quality management system also caused quality control soft constraint .

  29. 高校档案工作行政执行力低下主要表现在制度执行不力和内部管理制度不健全两个方面;

    The problem of university archives administration executive ability is mainly in two respects : ineffective system implementation and unsound internal management system .

  30. 负责日常财务工作,对业务进行监督和指导,对各项制度执行情况进行检查;

    Be charge of daily financial work , and assist business in supervising , as well as examine for the relevant policies'operation situation .