
dài bàn shì xiànɡ
  • to-do list;backlog;schedule
  1. 这些修改和任何缺失的或错误的功能都添加到下一次sprint的产品待办事项中。

    Such changes and any missing or incorrect functionality were added to the product backlog for the next sprint .

  2. 产品负责人挑选出这些项目的一个子集,包含考虑在sprint中解决的可能产品待办事项。

    The Product Owner selected a subset of these items , which constituted the possible product backlog to be considered for the sprint .

  3. 在TamarAvnet和AnneLaureSellier进行的实验中,他们让参与者按时间或待办事项列表来组织项目规划、假日购物、瑜伽等活动,以评估他们在“时钟时间”和“任务时间”下的表现。

    In experiments conducted by Tamar Avnet and Anne-Laure Sellier , they had participants organize different activities — from project planning , holiday shopping , to yoga — by time or to-do list to measure how they performed under " clock time vs " task time . "

  4. 为了找出时间做饭,你首先必须调整你的优先待办事项。

    You must adjust your priorities to find time to cook .

  5. 习惯三:他们会在前一晚制定待办事项的最后期限。

    Habit 3 : They create to-do list sub-deadlines the night before .

  6. 你应该列一个“停办事项清单”,对“待办事项”清单做个补充。专门留出时间来跟你们经理讨论哪些事情不应该继续做下去。

    You should create a " stop doing " list to complement discuss with your managers what to stop doing .

  7. “未办事项列表”指在每个月、每周甚至每天开始的时候,列出一些打算完成的事项,可在计划的截止时间却发现事项都没有完成。“未办事项列表”其实就是没有按计划完成的待办事项列表。

    The didn 't-do list is list of things you intended to do at the beginning of a month or a week , or even a day , but failed to get them done by the planned deadline .

  8. 像“写文章”这样的待办事项是要花很长时间的,但它可以分为几个步骤,比如:写提纲,写作,修改你的前言。

    A to do list item like " Write essay " is the kind of thing that will take long hours of work , but it can be broken into steps , like : write an outline , free write , revise your intro paragraph .

  9. 在project中打开选定项目或待办事项列表。

    Opens the selected project or to-do list in project .

  10. 这个团队一定要有能力按照INVEST原则分解产品待办事项列表。

    This group must be able to decompose the product backlog according to the INVEST principles .

  11. MoSCoW原则:这是一组用于为待办事项划分优先级的原则。

    MoSCoW principles : This is a set of principles used to prioritize the backlog items .

  12. 而且,LotusNotesTraveler可以实时地同步电子邮件、日程表、待办事项、地址簿和日志数据。

    Lotus Notes Traveler synchronizes email , calendar , to-do , address book , and journal data in real time .

  13. 识别与产品待办事项相关的任意基础架构任务,并将之加入sprint待办事项。

    Any infrastructure tasks related to product backlog items were identified and included in the sprint backlog .

  14. onRetrieve:基于索引ID列出待办事项。

    OnRetrieve : Lists an item based on its index ID.

  15. 通过portlet将IntegratingWebSpherePortal与Activities服务集成,可以查看与活动相关的最新信息、查看完整的活动以及查看待办事项。

    Integrating WebSphere Portal with the Activities service through the portlet allows you to view updated information related to your activities , view completed activities , and view to-do 's.

  16. ErikBurke给自己做了一个非常有用的纹身,这可以帮他记下待办事项清单。

    Erik Burke got himself a very useful tattoo to write down his to-do lists .

  17. 遵循这条金玉良言可以保持待办事项列表的简洁,并且可以确保在接下来一个Sprint里很可能会被实现的待办项是可行的。

    Following this guideline keeps the backlog concise and ensures that the items likely to be implemented in the next sprint are workable .

  18. 没完没了的技术,让人筋疲力尽的一周,不断增加的待办事项……难怪根据美国疾病控制与预防中心(CentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention)的数据,至少有5000万美国人自我报告说睡眠不足。

    Ceaseless technology . A punishing workweek . That to-do list that keeps multiplying . It is no wonder at least 50 million Americans self-report an insufficient amount of sleep , according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention .

  19. 圣地亚哥公关顾问克丽丝塔&12539;兰普(KristaLamp)说,她那一堆堆杂物(包括客户文件和她必须读的杂志)是直观的待办事项清单。

    Krista Lamp says her piles , including client paperwork and magazines she must read , serve as a visual to-do list .

  20. 圣地亚哥公关顾问克丽丝塔・兰普(KristaLamp)说,她那一堆堆杂物(包括客户文件和她必须读的杂志)是直观的待办事项清单。

    Krista Lamp says her piles , including client paperwork and magazines she must read , serve as a visual to-do list . '

  21. 一旦上述工作完成,通知单会从当前sprint中移除,产品负责人会确定与产品待办事项中其他项目相比的优先级。

    Once this was done , the ticket was removed from the current sprint and the Product Owners determined the priority in relation to other items in the product backlog .

  22. onCreate:通过添加指定项在待办事项列表中创建新的条目。

    OnCreate : Creates a new entry in the to-do list by adding the specified item .

  23. 假定有一个Python程序,它可能是一个管理日常待办事项的程序,您希望在多次执行这个程序之间可以保存应用程序对象(待办事项)。

    Let 's say you 've got a Python program , perhaps to manage your daily to-do list , and you want to save your application objects ( your to-do items ) between uses of the program .

  24. onDelete:从待办事项列表中删除条目。

    OnDelete : Deletes an entry from the to-do list .

  25. onList:列出当前的待办事项。

    OnList : Lists the current to-do items .

  26. 确定婚礼的待办事项吗?

    Checking the " to do " list for the wedding ?

  27. 我是待办事项清单的忠实信徒。

    I 'm a big believer in creating a to-do list .

  28. 识别和描述产品待办事项列表中的待办项是一个持续的过程。

    Discovering and describing product backlog items is an ongoing process .

  29. 允许他人在项目中心视图中查看此待办事项列表

    Allow others to view this to-do list in the Project Center view

  30. 大家一起协作来梳理产品待办事项列表是很有意思和有效的。

    Grooming the product backlog collaboratively is fun and effective .