
dài yè
  • unemployed;wait for employment;wait for a job;awaiting job assignment
待业 [dài yè]
  • [wait for a job;wait for employment] 在家中等待就业

  • 待业在家

待业[dài yè]
  1. 成千上万的青年正面临长期待业状况。

    Thousands of young people are facing long-term unemployment .

  2. 同待业的年轻男性相比,有工作的年轻男性住在家里的可能性更小,年轻男性在近几十年里,就业率大幅下降

    Employed young men are much less likely to live at home than young men without a job , and employment among young men has fallen significantly in recent decades .

  3. Michele说,如果你曾经长期待业,你不得不接受一个新的现实。

    If you 're unemployed for a long time , you have to adjust to a new reality .

  4. 艾梅利(AndrewEmery)在预见到会被裁员后辞去了保险业工作,他在家待业曾经有数月,每天去学校接送自己8岁和5岁的孩子,装修房屋,骑骑单车。

    Andrew Emery , who quit his insurance job ahead of expected layoffs but has spent months out of work , picks up his8-and5-year-old kids from school , works on home renovations and takes bike rides .

  5. 一个名为Uber的公司把那些待业状态的私家车主与一时兴起要搭车的人(喝的酩酊大醉或是深夜下班的人)联系起来。

    A company called Uber connects limousines that are between jobs with people who want a ride on the spur of the moment – after a boozy dinner , say , or a late night at work .

  6. 三年待业并没有阻挡Michele在一家四大公司业务顾问工作。

    Three years of unemployment didn 't prevent Michele ( who asked us not to use her last name ) from getting a job as a management consultant with a Big Four firm .

  7. 我最终捞到了一个工作&在待业办公室。

    I eventually landed a job & in the unemployment office .

  8. 法学院毕业,目前待业。

    She dropped out of law school , no current employer .

  9. 待业职工的待业救济金;

    Unemployment relief funds for staff and workers waiting for employment ;

  10. 而我和其他所有的人一样成了待业人员。

    And I became a laid-off employee like everyone else .

  11. 我待业,我已经失业六个月了。

    I 'm unemployed . I haven 't worked for six months .

  12. 就业问题解决了,城镇基本上没有待业劳动者了。

    There was basically full employment in cities and towns .

  13. 六年的待业并未使他的技术荒疏。

    A six-year lay-off has not rusted his skills .

  14. 高校毕业生待业原因的解释及相关政策研究

    Reasons of Unemployment of College Graduates and Its Solutions

  15. 贝思:我待业,我已经失业六个月了。

    Beth : I 'm unemployed . I haven 't worked for six months .

  16. 企业缴纳的待业保险费;

    Unemployment insurance premiums paid by the Enterprises ;

  17. 志愿工作是由家庭待业转向全职工作的过渡。

    Voluntary work can provide a bridge between staying at home and working full-time .

  18. 白宫预计有80万雇员将失去工作,在家待业。

    The White House estimates that 800000 workers could be asked to stay home .

  19. 城郊农民违章搭盖带来的收益,增加部分农民自愿待业的倾向。

    The profit getting from the unruly building encourages some farmers to stay voluntarily unemployed .

  20. 论待业协会在我国应对反倾销中的作用

    A Research on the Role Employer 's Organizations Play in Encountering Anti-dumping by Foreign Countries

  21. 但如果目前你的”待业“是”自己一手“所造成的呢?

    But what if your current state of " underemployment " is your own doing ?

  22. 在希腊和西班牙,至少有百分之二十五的人口处于待业状态;

    In Greece and Spain , at least 25 percent of the population is unemployed .

  23. 他们之中有学生、主妇、科研学者、还有一些待业人士。

    They include students , homemakers , research scientists and a few who are unemployed .

  24. 有一段时间,她待业在家,再次陷入贫困。

    In a short time , she was out of work and poor once again .

  25. 100万待业青年。

    One million unemployed young people .

  26. 约有170万美国大学生待业家中。

    All told there are approximately 17 million Americans with college degrees who are under employed .

  27. 家务待业人群在发病人群中所占的比重最大,其次为工人。

    Household population unemployed people in the pathogenesis of the largest share , followed by workers .

  28. 干部高于家庭待业人员、农民和工人;

    The morbidity of cadres is much higher than that of unemployment 、 peasants and workers .

  29. 经过数年待业之后,她终于在一家宾馆里揽到了一份工作。

    She managed to land a job in a hotel after having waited for employment for years .

  30. 但是这样做的时候要小心,确保你没有留下任何待业的时间。

    But do so carefully , making sure you don 't leave any gaps on your resume .