
  1. 可是该死的“小升初”几乎只看课外的内容!

    But the damned " Entrance of middle school " just see the result of training class .

  2. 不是中国人,不是北京人,是体会不到“小升初”带给孩子和家长有多么大的压力的!

    As native parents in Beijing , China , we can feel the great pressures on us and our child , which is brought by the reality .

  3. 中小学英语是一脉相承却又互相独立的两个不同的义务教育阶段。如何有效满足小升初学生学英语的情感与学习需求变化,是一个急需解决的现实问题。

    Primary and junior school English are two different stages of a continuum in basic education . How to meet students ' English emotional and learning needs effectively is a pressing issue .

  4. 本文就择校的现状、原因、利弊等方面进行了分析,用具体典型事实说明小升初择校现象产生的外部动因和内在动机。

    The paper analyzes the current state , motivation , and the pros and cons of the problem and illustrates the external and internal motives of school choice for primary graduates with concrete typical facts .

  5. 对比分析了小学语文课程标准与初中课程标准的阅读与写作部分内容,发现并提出了小升初语文阅读与写作课程中内容衔接中存在的问题、师资方面存在的问题及教材方面存在的问题。

    Comparative analysis of the primary school Chinese course standard and the junior middle school curriculum standards in reading and writing part , discovered and put forward small litre of original Chinese reading and writing course content cohesion problems , teachers problems and existing problem in textbook .