- 名Lowercase letters;lower-case;lower case letter;minuscules;lower ease letters

Matches any one lower case letter .
Certain proper nouns and other expressions should always start with a lower case letter , without regard to where they are in a title .
' Ecu ' was printed in lower case rather than capital letters .
We did the logo in lower-case letters instead of capitals .
Most schools teach children lower case letters first , and upper case letters later .
Weblish is a form of English that is used on the web ( use of abbreviations , acronyms1 , small letters , absence of punctuation2 and hyphens etc. )
The . c file name extension is a literal pattern that matches only a period followed by a lowercase c.
Action by the birds into a dash lower case letters v to imitate .
Method , field , and local variable names begin with a lowercase letter , as in read () .
The poet e.e.cummings preferred his name to be written with small letters , not capital letters .
In C # , for example , class names begin with lowercase letters , and method and field names begin with uppercase letters .
B The repulsive term goes as some constant lower case b divided by R to the n.N is not the quantum number .
A multi-line loop to print all the environment variables in lowercase , with the first letter uppercase , and sorted , using map
D When words like ' said ' or ' asked ' interrupt the speaker , the second half of the sentence begins with a small letter .
Caps and small caps : Two sizes of capital letters on one typeface , the small caps occupy the same x-height space as the lowercase letters .
Look at the picture in1a.Find the big letters for the small letters .
In 2011 , it threw out its classic logo for another featuring lower case letters and a red box .
Irregular verb dictionary for JAVA enabled mobile phones . IMPORTANT : input lowercase only ! The program won ` t recognize verbs if there are capital letters in it !
Remember that UNIX commands are case-sensitive , so make it all lowercase unless the directory name actually has uppercase letters in it .
Each of the properties are in lowercase and they all have getters and setters according to the bean specification .
If the valid values for an element are " red ,"" blue ," and " green ," we 'd like to let our users use any combination of upper-and lowercase letters for those values .
That little " a " with a circle curling around it that is found in email addresses is most commonly referred to as the " at " symbol .
Please check the address ( URL ), making sure that upper and lower case letters , dots and slashes are entered correctly . Then please try again .
This routine checks to see if a character is between A and Z , then converts it to lowercase and compares it ; it compares other characters directly .
Each such partition is mounted at a directory named / vicepxx , with xx meaning one or two alphabetical lower case letters .
But unlike in Under Armour 's famous brand , the letters do not intersect . An A never gets formed . That leaves a U and what might pass for a humble lowercase n.
The prank has not caused lasting damage to the sign , however , as parts of both " O " letters were covered by tarpaulins to make them look like a lower-case letter " E. "
This behavior applies also to out-of-vocabulary words if you type them in lower-case letters into your dictionary , such as ipod .
Neon squares with a lowercase " JCP " bring to mind a postmodern art show .
The use of lowercase letters for capital letters was one of the idiosyncrasies of the poet e.e.cummings .