
  1. 一个项目产生架构文档的根本原因是为了交流、分析、记录和保存(比如,跟踪决策过程使之不会随着时间而流失)。

    The fundamental reasons why a project produces architectural documentation are communication , analysis and record keeping ( e.g.keeping track of decisions over time so they don 't get lost ) .

  2. 地震短临预报动态跟踪技术决策

    Technical decision of short-term and impending earthquake prediction by dynamic following

  3. 采用智能跟踪策略决策机制,选择当前最适合的目标跟踪识别算法对目标进行自动判读,并以此为基础提出了一种新的自动视频判读框架。

    An intelligent tracking policy and decision is adopted and automatic interpretation for targets is carried out through selecting the most suitable target tracking and recognition algorithm . A new automatic video interpretation framework is proposed based on the above achievements .

  4. 汽车防撞系统中目标跟踪与防撞决策研究

    Research on target tracking and decision-making for collision avoidance in vehicle collision avoidance system

  5. 借助这个模型来综合评价待选择的各种技术可以为项目管理者选择有效的自动化定位跟踪技术提供决策支持。

    Project managers can be supported to select appropriate technologies efficiently by this comprehensive evaluation model .

  6. 接着对物流跟踪系统的决策支持功能进行了研究,主要分析了跟踪系统应用于市场分析预测、质量分析控制。

    Then has carried on research on the decision support function of the logistics tracking system , have analysed mainly the tracking system applies to market analysis and predict , quality analysis and controlling etc.

  7. 航遥中心现有的质量管理方式是纯手工作业,不仅耗费了大量的人力和时间,而且难以实现信息的共享与动态跟踪,同时缺乏决策支持能力。

    Because of the existing methods used by hand , not only time-consuming , and difficult to achieve information sharing and dynamic tracking , and lack of decision support capabilities .

  8. 红外成像制导武器精度高、抗干扰和全天候工作能力强、打击距离远,在复杂背景条件下具有捕获、识别、锁定和跟踪目标的自动决策能力,尤其适合攻击纵深的地面固定目标。

    The infrared imaging guided missile has abilities of target capturing , recognizing and tracking automatically under a complex background . It is a powerful weapon to attack ground fixed targets .