
  • 网络tracker;stalker;follower
  1. broots,你有没有跟踪者的切实证据?

    Broots , do you have any tangible evidence of the stalker ?

  2. 随着迷恋心理增强,跟踪者的勇气会增长

    As the obsession grows , so does the stalker 's courage

  3. 铁杆粉丝:stalker(跟踪者)和fan(粉丝)的合成词,指的是极度迷恋某位明星的人。

    STAN : A blend of ' stalker ' and ' fan ' , i.e. someone that is overly obsessed with celebrity

  4. 伪造受害的跟踪者通常患有边缘型人格障碍

    False victimization stalkers often suffer from a borderline personality disorder .

  5. 我们设法在人群中摆脱了跟踪者。

    We managed to shake off our pursuers in the crowd .

  6. 为什么妮娜的跟踪者要把消息透露给狗仔呢

    Why would Nina 's stalker tip off the paparazzi ?

  7. 任何人都有可能成为跟踪者,前男友,配偶,陌生人。

    Anyone can be a stalker ... ex-boyfriend , spouse , stranger .

  8. 这位跟踪者认为路易斯医生毁了他的生活

    Our stalker believes that Dr. Lewis ruined their life ,

  9. 诺拉像是被拒绝型跟踪者,易怒好斗

    Sounds like Nora 's a rejected stalker ... angry , aggressive .

  10. 米歇尔:我觉得被跟踪者可以向任何人求助。

    Michelle : I think anybody that the victim can talk to .

  11. 跟踪者有很多种办法接近她

    Her stalker has too much access to her .

  12. 跟踪者可能认为他和妮娜是彼此的救星

    The stalker may see himself as Nina 's savior and she his .

  13. 朱莉:应该与跟踪者对峙吗?

    Julie : Should you ever confront your stalker ?

  14. 她说这位跟踪者总是现金付账

    She said her stalker always paid in cash .

  15. 朱莉·陈:今早的《健康观察》探讨的是怎样应对跟踪者。

    Julie Chen : This morning in Health Watch , dealing with stalkers .

  16. 这位跟踪者如此执迷于妮娜

    Our stalker is fixated on Nina because he feels

  17. 明星的跟踪者在行动之前会写信

    Celebrity stalkers write to their targets before approaching .

  18. 我们要找的跟踪者也用了卸胎棍,你看

    Our stalker used a tire iron . See ?

  19. 大多数女性跟踪者不会以陌生人为目标。

    Most female stalkers don 't target strangers .

  20. 他猛地转过身来,面对着跟踪者。

    He whirled round and faced his pursuers .

  21. 就像她之前的跟踪者,希瑟·米勒

    Like her previous stalker -- Heather Miller .

  22. 他锲而不舍地追求一位年轻的寡妇,时至今日还被称作跟踪者。

    His pursuit of a young widow was sounrelentinghewould be called a stalker today .

  23. 我们的跟踪者喜欢打女人

    And our stalker likes to hit women .

  24. 但怨恨性跟踪者很少会有暴力倾向

    But resentful stalkers rarely turn to violence .

  25. 跟踪者的事情让我们两个走得更近了。

    This whole stalking mess brought us closer .

  26. 亲近的家族朋友或跟踪者。

    Close family friend or a stalker .

  27. 这个跟踪者有虐待狂倾向

    We have a sadistic stalker who inflicts

  28. 你似乎还有一位跟踪者。

    I believe you have another stalker .

  29. 还有钱,很多名人的跟踪者都很难保住自个儿的饭碗

    Money . Most celebrity stalkers have a hard time holding on to a steady job .

  30. 昨晚有位发型师被人袭击,袭击人符合那位跟踪者的体征描述

    A hair stylist was attacked by a woman matching our stalker 's description last night .