
zì dònɡ zhuó lù
  • autoland
  1. 差分GPS方法及在飞机自动着陆控制系统中的应用研究

    On Exploring Details of Applying Differential GPS Method to Aircraft Automatic Landing

  2. 基于粒子群算法的自动着陆非线性PID控制器

    A Nonlinear PID Automatic Landing Controller Based on PSO

  3. 一种无人机推测导航(DR)抗侧风控制策略飞翼布局无人机抗侧风自动着陆控制

    Automatic Crosswind Landing Control for Unmanned Air Vehicles with a Flying Wing Configuration

  4. 飞机自动着陆GPS导航系统采用差分法消除基准站和飞机接收机的GPS误差。

    The GPS error of datum-station and airplane receiver was eliminated with difference method in GPS-navigating system for airplane automatic landing .

  5. 基于ANFIS的飞行器自动着陆模糊控制器设计

    Design of an Aircraft Auto-landing Fuzzy Controller Based on ANFIS

  6. 仿真结果表明,所设计的飞机H∞状态反馈控制器能满足自动着陆要求,并且能有效地抑制阵风干扰和避免控制输入过大等问题。

    The simulation results indicate that the new design can satisfy the design specifications , and it restrains that disturbance of gust and prevent the emergence of input extremity .

  7. 利用GPS的地心坐标将其转换为当地坐标,则可设计出任意着陆的空间三维基准路线,通过控制律使飞机跟踪基准路径自动着陆。

    The geocentric coordinate of GPS was transformed to local coordinate , the 3D space datum route of random landing was designed , and made airplane automatic landing by tracking the datum route by control rule .

  8. 介绍了将DMC-PID串级控制技术应用到无人机无动力飞行时的自动着陆阶段迎角自动控制系统。

    DMC-PID bunches control technology in the angle of attack automatic control system during unpowered flying automatic landing period is introduced .

  9. 仿真结果表明,自动着陆控制律具有精确跟踪能力,自动着陆过程满足美国联邦航空局III类精密进场着陆要求,并且飞机内部动态稳定有界。

    The simulation results showed that the automatic landing control law had exact output tracking ability , and the automatic landing process met federal aviation administration ( FAA ) requirements for the category III precision approach landing . The internal dynamic of aircraft was stable and bounded .

  10. 同时利用KEP运动方程对高度和动压进行控制,以便满足自动着陆的要求。

    At the same time , the altitude and dynamic pressure are also controlled by Kernel Extraction Protocol equations of motion to satisfy the requirements of AutoLanding .

  11. 自动着陆,使用数字式飞行操作系统来进行自动着陆。

    AUTOLAND , Automatic landing using the Digital Flight control System .

  12. 飞机自动着陆控制系统中输入/输出的反馈线性化

    Feedback Linearization of Input / output in Airplane Automatic Landing Control System

  13. 基于演化神经网络的飞机自动着陆自适应逆设计

    Design of Automatic Landing Control System Using Adaptive Inverse Based Neural Networks

  14. 自适应逆控制方法在飞机自动着陆系统中的应用。

    Automatic landing system of airplane using adaptive inverse control .

  15. 飞机自动着陆纵向块对角控制器设计

    Design of Longitudinal Automatic Landing Control System Using the Block Diagonal Controller

  16. 伪卫星/惯性飞机自动着陆导引技术

    RPS / INS Guiding System for Aircraft Approaching and Landing

  17. 民用客机自动着陆控制系统的研究

    The Study of Civil Aircraft Auto - landing Control System

  18. 航天飞机自动着陆轨迹优化设计

    Optimal Design of Autolanding Trajectory for a Space Shuttle

  19. 大气扰动及其对无人机自动着陆影响仿真研究

    Simulation Research of the Atmosphere disturbance and Its Influence on UAV Automatic Landing

  20. 基于μ综合方法的运输机纵向自动着陆控制律

    Design of longitudinal automatic landing control law of transport aircraft with μ synthesis

  21. 无人机自动着陆控制

    Research of Autolanding Flight Control System Design on UAV

  22. 在“银河”没有自动着陆。

    There are no auto-landings on the galactica .

  23. 基于非线性模型的飞机自动着陆模糊控制系统设计

    Design of the Automatic Landing Fuzzy Control System Based on the Nonlinear Aircraft Model

  24. 确定了各飞行阶段的制导方法;并对整个制导律进行了仿真计算,仿真结果表明该制导律能满足自动着陆的要求。

    Simulation results show that TAEM guidance law can meet the requirements of auto landing .

  25. 一种无人驾驶飞机全自动着陆系统

    Aa Automatic Landing System of Pilotless Aircraft

  26. 基于逆系统理论的飞机自动着陆控制系统仿真分析

    Simulation and analysis of control system for aircraft automatic landing based on inverse system theory

  27. 自动着陆系统μ综合控制研究

    μ Synthesis Control in Automatic Landing System

  28. 无动力自动着陆轨道的鲁棒性分析

    Robustness Assessing of Unpowered Autolanding Trajectory

  29. 无人机自动着陆低空纵向导引与瞬态抑制研究

    Low Altitude Vertical Guidance and Suppression of Elevator Transient Jump during UAV ′ s Automatic Landing

  30. 航天飞机自动着陆技术概念研究

    Concept Research for Space Shuttle Autolanding