
  • 网络Self lubricating bearing;Oiles;Self-lubricating Sliding Bearing;JDB;DEVA-BM
  1. 自润滑轴承失效原因的XPS分析

    Failure Analysis of Self - lubricating Bearings by XPS

  2. 聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)-铜粉-钢背复合材料是一种广泛应用的三层结构自润滑轴承材料,具有良好的减摩耐磨性能。

    PTFE-bronze powder-steel is a widely used three-layer self-lubricating bearing material with good anti-friction and anti-wear .

  3. CFRP自润滑轴承的研制

    Development of CFRP Self-lubricating Bearing

  4. 用端面摩擦磨损试验机考察了锡青铜镶嵌聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)自润滑轴承材料的摩擦学特性。

    The tribological properties of PTFE-embedded tin bronze bearing material were studied using a pin-on-disk friction and wear tester .

  5. 铜/塑自润滑轴承TS-100的摩擦磨损试验研究

    Experimental Research of Bronze / Plastics Self-Lubricating Bearing TS-100

  6. DF-5铜基镶嵌自润滑轴承的铜合金基体、固体润滑剂形成的润滑膜在较高的温度下可承受较高的载荷。

    The matrix metal of DF-5 bearing and the lubricating film formed by the solid lubricant can bear higher load under the condition of high temperature .

  7. 从摩擦学原理,对MP-I型金属-塑料复合自润滑轴承的摩擦学特性、预测使用寿命以及在应用中遇到的基本问题进行了研究,给工程技术人员在机械设计中如何正确选择MP-I轴承提供了依据。

    We studied the tribological , properties , predicted service life and the problems in use of the self-lubricating bearings made by MP - I metal-plastics composite . And these are good referrences for choosing MP-1 bearings in engineering design .

  8. 冶金机械设备用镶嵌型固体自润滑轴承

    Inlaid Type Solid Self Lubricating Bearing Used for Metallurgical Machinery Equipment

  9. 固体自润滑轴承在小方坯连铸机上的应用

    Application of Solid Self - lubricant Bearing in the Billet Caster

  10. 自润滑轴承在炼铁厂托辊中应用的试验研究

    Experimental Study on the Application of Self-Lubricated Bearing in Puddling Plant

  11. 固体自润滑轴承及其在高温冶金设备上的应用

    Solid self lubricated bearing and its application to high temperature metallurgical device

  12. 新型镶嵌式自润滑轴承材料的摩擦磨损性能研究

    Investigation on Friction and Wear Properties of New-type Inlay Self-lubricating Bearing Materials

  13. 金属镶嵌固体自润滑轴承的性能与应用

    The Behaviour and Application of the Metal Embedded Bearing

  14. 铝-石墨复合自润滑轴承的研制阳极氧化铝模板表面自组织条纹的形成

    Formation of self-assembled stripes on the anodic aluminum oxide

  15. 自润滑轴承在机械设计中的应用性研究

    Applicational Study of the self-lubricating bearing in mechanical design

  16. 金属基自润滑轴承新材料

    Metal - based Self - lubricating Bearing Materials

  17. 几种自润滑轴承在日本的应用实例

    Some Application Examples of Self-Lubricating Bearing in Japan

  18. 自润滑轴承设计工艺与制造

    Design Process and Manufacture of Self-lubricated Bearings

  19. 自润滑轴承的特性及其应用

    Properties of Self-lubricated Bearing And Its Application

  20. 对整体烧结型、镶嵌型金属基自润滑轴承用复合材料的最新进展进行了综述。

    Advance in Research and Development of Self-lubricating Composite Used by Bearing Materials in China ;

  21. 所有传动轴承均采用边界自润滑轴承无油润滑,确保传动轴不摩损。

    All drive bearings are self-lubricating bearings using the boundary-lubricating to ensure that no shaft wear .

  22. 为碳纤维铜基复合材料自润滑轴承的设计提供了科学、可靠的依据。

    Thus the scientific data for designing the bearing of the composite materical can be offered .

  23. 介绍自润滑轴承设计制造工艺及实施应用效果。

    This paper introduces the design and manufacturing process for self-lubricated bearings and result of application .

  24. C/Cu复合材料自润滑轴承试验设计与设计准则的研究

    Study on the Experiment and the Criterion for Designing Self - lubricating Bearing of C / Cu Composite Material

  25. 可见这种新型复合材料适合于制造低速、重载与耐磨条件下的自润滑轴承。

    The new composite is suitable to use as self-lubricating sliding bearings at low speeds and heavy loading conditions .

  26. 简述发展自润滑轴承材料的必要性。对自润滑轴承用材料进行分类,包括金属基和聚合物基。

    The current status of research and development of self-lubricating composite used by bearing materials in China are summarized .

  27. 介绍了一种镶嵌型固体自润滑轴承的特性,并阐明了其设计原理。

    The characteristics of inlaid type solid self lubricating bearing have been introduced and its design principle has been illustrated .

  28. 大连精一轴承有限公司是专业研究、开发和制造自润滑轴承的创新企业。

    DALIAN FOB BEARING CO. , LTD is a innovative enterprise that specialized in researching , developing , producing self-lubricating bearing .

  29. 一种薄壁镶嵌自润滑轴承,包括板材,板材的工作面上均匀分布盲孔,盲孔内填充有固体润滑剂。

    A thin-wall embedded self-lubricating bearing comprises a plate ; blind holes filled with solid lubricant are evenly distributed on the working plane of the plate .

  30. 作者是以铜包或镍包石墨的形式,藉旋涡搅拌将石墨加入熔融的液态铝中,并采用挤压铸造法(液态模锻)制备铝&石墨复合自润滑轴承的。

    The Ni ( or Cu ) covered graphite was added to melting aluminium by vortical stirring , and the bearing was moulded by an extrusion casting process ( or liquid die forging ) .