
  • 网络spontaneous decay
  1. 自然伽玛测井(GammaRayLogging)利用伽玛辐射场,通过测量地层中天然放射性元素的自发衰变产生的伽玛射线来实现测井目的测井技术。

    Gamma ray logging , which is based on gamma ray radiation field uses natural radioactivity of natural radioelement in stratum to accomplish the aim of logging .

  2. 测量单一原子(分子)的自发辐射衰变特性只能反映光子晶体的局域态密度特征,而不能反映光子晶体的全态密度特征。

    Measuring its dynamical characteristics of the spontaneous decay in a PC can only obtain the local density of states ( DOS ) in the PC , but cannot reflect the total DOS in the PC.