
  • 网络Macon
  1. 我绕行了几英里,想要经由那条风景秀丽的公路进入梅肯。

    I went some miles out of my way to take the scenic road into Macon .

  2. 啊,谢天谢地,埃默生一家都到梅肯去了。

    Oh , thank Heaven , the Emersons are in Macon !

  3. 请看,骑兵团正在坚守通往梅肯的铁路嘛!

    And see how the cavalry is holding the railroad to macon !

  4. 但是梅贝尔和她的婴儿,以及范埃尔辛都到梅肯去了。

    But Maybelle and her baby and Fanny Elsing went to macon .

  5. 可是我们不能到梅肯去。

    But we couldn 't be going to Macon .

  6. 我离开时梅肯也不在。

    Macon wasn ` t there when I left .

  7. 然而梅肯并没有伦陷。

    But Macon had n 't fallen .

  8. 要是她当初到梅肯去了,我便早已到了母亲身边。

    If she 'd only gone to macon , then I could have gone home to mother .

  9. 好了,皮蒂小姐,你马上动身到梅肯去,把两位姑娘留在这里。

    Now , miss pitty , you go right on to Macon and leave the young ladies here .

  10. 思嘉一直喜欢亚特兰大,她的理由恰恰就是萨凡纳、奥古斯塔和梅肯诋毁它的那些理由。

    Scarlett had always liked Atlanta for the very same reasons that made Savannah , Augusta and Macon condemn it .

  11. 不,思嘉告诉皮蒂姑妈,我要回塔拉去,就让媚兰跟你到梅肯去好了。

    No , she told aunt pitty , I 'll go home to Tara and Melly can go to Macon with you .

  12. “围城期间,你到梅肯去了以后,我跟他吵了一架,可如今他在哪里?”

    " I had a quarrel with him during the siege , after you went to macon . where & where is he ?"

  13. 艾肯.培根在烘熏猪肉。他烤熏的猪肉是从梅肯买进。所以他是在烘梅肯熏猪肉。

    Aiken Bacon was baking bacon . The bacon he was baking was bought in Macon . So he was making baked Macon bacon .

  14. 春耕正处于大忙季节,波克从梅肯带回的瓜菜和棉籽也在赶着播种。

    Spring plowing was at its height and the cotton and garden seed Pork had brought from Macon was being put into the ground .

  15. 最后,这个拥挤不堪的城市已实在无法容纳更多的人,那些源源不断的伤兵才被送到梅肯和奥古斯塔去了。

    Finally the choked town could take care of no more and the overflow of wounded was sent on to the hospitals at Macon and Augusta .

  16. 现在人人都知道两周前士兵们得知的情况,那就是亚特兰大已退到最后一堑,而且,如果梅肯失守,亚特兰大也就完了。

    Everyone knew now what the soldiers had known two weeks before & that Atlanta was in the last ditch , that if the Macon railroad fell , Atlanta would fall too .

  17. 此外,根据67个变量对国家做出考量的梅肯研究院把美国排在第22位,而排名第一的是香港。

    It also noted that the Milken Institute - which measures countries on 67 variables , including economic fundamentals and regulations - put the United States at No 22 , behind Hong Kong at No 1 .