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  • 网络mailer;Norman Mailer;Melle;Maylor
  1. 梅勒成为二战后最具影响的作家。

    Norman Mailer becomes one of the most influential postwar writers .

  2. 从什么时候起连美国人也开始靠吹牛而活了?也许是始于诺曼?梅勒的《给自己的广告》。

    When did puffery become the American way ? Probably around the time Norman Mailer came out with Advertisements for Myself .

  3. 梅勒指出,在2009年,巴西是摩根士丹利资本国际新兴市场指数(msciemergingmarketindex)中最大的赢家。

    He points out that Brazil was the biggest gainer in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index in 2009 .

  4. 所以梅勒为肯尼迪写了一篇长达1.4万字的热情颂歌,名叫《超人来到超级市场》(SupermanComestotheSupermarket),当年发表在《绅士》(Esquire)杂志上。

    Consequently , Mailer penned a lyrical 14000-word paean to Kennedy entitled " Superman Comes to the Supermarket , " published in Esquire that same year .

  5. 本周,塔森出版社(Taschen)再次出版了梅勒的这篇标志性长文,它是所谓“新新闻主义”的早期杰作之一。新版本配有精美插图(150美元)。

    This week , Taschen has reissued Mailer 's iconic essay - one of the early masterpieces of so-called " New Journalism " - in a beautifully illustrated new edition ( $ 150 ) .

  6. 梅勒开始重塑自己的生活以及品性。

    Mailer begins to refashion his life and therefore his personality .

  7. 我非常荣幸地向诸位介绍梅勒先生。

    It is with great pleasure that I introduce Mr. Mailer .

  8. 梅勒给予了新闻界特殊关注。

    Mele pays special attention to the fourth estate .

  9. 许多评论家从诺曼梅勒的小说里看到了海明威的影子。

    Many critics saw flashes of Ernest Hemingway in the young mailer 's novel .

  10. 梅勒总是极度的自信和外露,有时看起来就像是追逐名利的小丑。

    Always a supremely confident extrovert , Mailer at times seemed like a publicity-seeking clown .

  11. 1984年,梅勒写了其第一部悬疑小说&《硬汉不跳舞》。

    In1984 , Mailer wrote his first mystery novel , Tough Guys Don 't Dance .

  12. 喂,梅勒医生诊所。

    Hello , Dr. Miller 's clinic .

  13. 最后用几张关于休奇梅勒和尼尔森古德曼的幻灯片作为结尾。

    And finally I end with a couple of slides on Hugh Mellor and Nelson Goodman .

  14. 本文重点论述了辽西大平房&梅勒营子盆地九佛堂组含珍稀化石的地层划分与对比。

    This paper mainly describes division and correlation of unique fossil-bearing horizons of the Jiufotang Formation in DapingfangMeileyingzi Basin .

  15. 诺曼梅勒公开的承认自己效仿海明威,他想让自己成为男人们全面的典范。

    Mailer publicly acknowledged that he modeled himself after Hemingway that he tried to become the all-around male symbol .

  16. 休奇梅勒最近刚成为剑桥的教授,尼尔森古德曼则是著名的古德曼悖论作者。

    Huge Mellor until recently professor at Cambridge , and Nelson Goodman , a famous author of the Goodman paradox .

  17. 但是,今天评论家在读《鹿苑》时,许多人认为它是梅勒最好的作品之一。

    But today critics have reassessed The Deer Park , and many believe it to be Mailer 's best work .

  18. 表现在梅勒作品里的二重性有点不同。要很小心同时亦要表现得不太关心。

    The duality illustrated in Mailer 's work is rather different . Being careful but at the same time being aloof .

  19. “他们以男人方式讨论,”小说家诺曼•梅勒满腹抱怨,他认为自由主义者也可能男子气。

    " They talk male talk ," grumbled the late Norman Mailer , a novelist who thought liberals could be macho too .

  20. “得查一下。”他说,“我们和梅勒家经常电话联系。”

    " I 'll have to check ," he said . " We have a WATS line to Mailer 's house . "

  21. 福勒、冈萨雷斯和奥莱里奥的半场表现令人印象深刻,而梅勒在下半场完成了期待已久的回归。

    Robbie Fowler enjoyed an impressive first half alongside Gonzalez and Fabio Aurelio while Neil Mellor made his long-awaited comeback during the second-half .

  22. 在《裸者与死者》出版后,梅勒成为名人,并享受着万众瞩目的感觉。

    With the publication of The Naked and the Dead , Mailer became a celebrity , and he basked in the attendant publicity .

  23. 如果你还未涉足归纳法,倒是可以看看梅勒的言论,我上次简单提到过。

    If you have covered induction at all and looked at Meller 's approach to induction I mentioned it last time very briefly .

  24. 国外对梅勒及其作品的研究开始时间早且比较深入,有相当数量和较高质量的学术成果。

    Foreign researches for Mailer and his works research began much earlier and more in-depth , had acquired considerable number and higher quality academic achievements .

  25. 梅勒在《裸者与死者》、《鹿苑》、《一场美国梦》和《硬汉子不跳舞》中对性别关系中权力关系的再现,揭示了男女平等的性别观。

    Mailers representation of the power relations in the gender relations is a mirror of his deep reflection on the gender issue in contemporary America .

  26. 不过,所有男人上了年纪后,心智都会退化,而且比女人退化的速度还快,梅勒教授指出。

    But old age withers all men 's minds alike , and at a faster rate than women 's , according to Prof Elizabeth Maylor .

  27. 此外,这一小篇新闻稿的作者不是别人,正是著名的小说家与值得信赖的新闻工作者诺曼?梅勒。

    On the other hand , the author of the short newspaper piece was none other than the renowned novelist and trustworthy journalist Norman Mailer .

  28. 在这些表达符号中,我们可以清晰地听到梅勒救世主般的呐喊和他对于美国社会所负有的强烈使命感、明显地感受到梅勒与美国文学传统的继承关系。

    In these representations , we can clearly hear Mailer 's Messiah-like cry , strongly feel the father-son relationship between the American literary tradition and Mailer .

  29. 普里斯顿对利物浦射手梅勒感兴趣。梅勒上赛季以租借形式在维甘度过了部分时间,有望在赛季开始前转会出队。

    Mellor , who spent part of last season on-loan at Wigan Athletic , is expected to be moved on before the start of the season .

  30. 梅勒除了写小说,创作非小说性的散文,短篇小说以及杂记之外,梅勒还编著、创作、指导并出演了若干部电影。

    In addition to his novels , creative nonfiction , short stories and essays , mailer wrote , produced , directed and acted in several films .