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  1. 聚合物/纳米ZnO结合了聚合物与纳米ZnO两者的特点,有望在发光材料、生物材料、以及聚合物的耐侯性方面获得应用。

    With both characteristics of polymers and nano-ZnO , polymer / nano-ZnO hybrid has potential usage in luminescent materials , biomaterials , and polymer blends with high weather resistance .

  2. 本文介绍了FWB新型外墙外保温系统构造、施工工艺,分析了其系统机理,表明该系统具有良好的粘结性和耐侯性,适用于节能65%要求的各类气侯区。

    In this paper , the structure , construction technology and its mechanism were introduced . It was showed that the system had good adhesion property and weather resistance and was applicable in any area under 65 % energy saving requirement .

  3. 良好的耐侯性、耐海水性、耐磨性。

    Good weather , seawater and abrasion resistance .

  4. 耐侯性试验后的增重率0.14%、颜色增加3+。

    Weight gain rate was 0.14 % and color gain was 3 ~ + after anti-aging test .

  5. GB/T1765-1979测定耐湿热、耐盐雾、耐侯性(人工加速)的漆膜制备法

    " Method of producing of paint films for testing heat and humidity resistance , salt-fog resistance and accelerated weathering "

  6. 丙烯酸酯乳液的粘附性强,但其硬度、耐水性、耐侯性有待改善。

    Acrylic emulsion posses strong adhesion , but the hardness , water resistance , weather resistance of latex films needs to be improved .

  7. 试验研究及检测结果表明,所开发的静态破碎剂反应速度快,膨胀压力大,耐侯性好。

    The experimental and testing results show that the developed SCA has a fast reaction velocity , a big expansive pressure strength and good weather resistance .

  8. 与硫醚类、亚磷酸酯类等抗氧剂并用有显著协同效应,与紫外线吸收剂并用可进一步提高操作制品的耐侯性。

    It has wonderful synergistic effect when blended with sulfide or phosphate antioxidants , and the weather aging resistance can be improved further when blended with ultraviolet absorbent .