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qiú dù
  • swim across
泅渡 [qiú dù]
  • [swim across] 游泳而过

  • 武装泅渡

泅渡[qiú dù]
  1. 从实战要求出发,切实加强武装泅渡训练

    According to the Demand of Actual Combat , Strengthening the Military Swimming Training

  2. 船没了,我们只好泅渡逃生。

    With the boat gone , we had no choice but to swim for it .

  3. 武装泅渡是军人展开水域作战的必备技能,它在未来战争中仍将发挥重要作用。

    The Military Swimming is a necessary skill of army man and it will be qua a important role in intending combat .

  4. 他泅渡过急流,终于将消息送到目的地。操独木舟者成功地渡过了激流。

    He swam acro a raging river , and then finally he delivered the me age . The canoeist succeeded in going over the rapids .

  5. 在当代众多的作家中,路遥是比较特殊的一位,他以初恋般的热情和宗教般的意志①12怀揣着一颗虔诚的心在文学的道路上艰苦地泅渡。

    In many contemporary writers , Lu Yao is a rather exceptional one , he , " like first love enthusiasm and the religious-like will ", carrying with a pious and solemn heart on the literary road to swimming with their legs .

  6. 伦敦和杨志军对待生命的基本态度,他们以爱来构建动物与人类的关系,试图通过爱到达现实的彼岸,泅渡人类的灵魂。

    To face life is their basic living attitude and it is the love that they use to establish a close relationship between human beings and animals . Furthermore , they try to get into the path of reality and swim across in the battle of human soul .