
ɡēn zōnɡ fú wù
  • service after selling goods for a stated period
  1. Session跟踪服务与持久化问题的应用研究

    The Study of the Application of the Session Track Service and the Problem of the Session Persistent

  2. 推荐服务网站MSpoke正在这样做,这个商业新闻跟踪服务使用Wikipedia训练它的推荐引擎。

    This business news tracking service uses Wikipedia to train its recommendation engines .

  3. 阐述了UL认证对工厂及产品的跟踪服务制度,介绍了UL跟踪服务的类别。

    The rules and classification of UL follow-up service to factory and products has been elucidated .

  4. 多年来,我们对GEN的专业的谘询、行政支持和学生后续跟踪服务方面都非常印象深刻。

    Over the years , we are continually impressed by their professionalism in student counseling , administration support as well as student follow-up service .

  5. Nagios内置了报告停机时间的功能,在跟踪服务水平协议(SLA)的实现时,这可能是非常有用的。

    Nagios builds in the capacity for downtime reporting , which might be useful in tracking fulfillment of service level agreements ( SLAs ) .

  6. 这就跳过了中间获得ServiceReference的几步,但是要求你在构造之后调用open,以便开始跟踪服务。

    This skips out the intermediary step of obtaining a ServiceReference , but does require that you call open after construction , in order to begin tracking services .

  7. 通过Blog、E-Mail,信息技术环境下的职业培训比传统职业培训更容易为培训结业后的学员进行跟踪服务与信息反馈。

    In this way , training resource can be shared to the maximum extent . 5 . With the help of Blog and E-mail , vocational training under information technology environment is easier to provide follow-up service to and collect feedback information from trainees after the completion of training .

  8. HOFFMEN公司优质的产品品质、完善的售后跟踪服务、客户系统培训与技术支援;

    HOFFMEN company offer customers fine quality products , consummate after-sale service , knowledge training and technology support .

  9. 在这个示例中,我们将设计包裹跟踪服务。

    In this example , you 'll design the luggage-tracking service .

  10. 使用针对主动式标签的设备接口提供实时的位置跟踪服务

    Delivery of real-time location tracking services with device interface for active tags

  11. 试论档案信息跟踪服务在科研课题中的作用

    Discussion on the Effect of Record Information Tracking Service in Scientific Research

  12. 重视毕业生就业后的跟踪服务工作。

    Regarding the follow-up service after the students take up an occupation .

  13. 同时还免费为用户提供样品试用和技术跟踪服务。

    Also provide users with free trial samples and technical tracking service .

  14. 本公司承诺对用户进行全程跟踪服务。

    The company promises a full course of follow-up service for users .

  15. 信息跟踪服务在中医药研究中的作用

    The function of the Information Tracing Service to the study of Chinese Medicine

  16. 实验台产品内设计彰显人性化,功能化,全程跟踪服务。

    Makes the human-product of design , functionality , and full tracking service .

  17. 目的探索病人出院跟踪服务在医院营销中的作用。

    Objective To Investigate the use of the following-up service in the hospital market .

  18. 提供顾问式的后续跟踪服务,准确把握培训的后续效果与满意度。

    Follow-up service will assure the system 's effectiveness and the satisfaction of students .

  19. 患者跟踪服务实践与思考

    The practice and consideration on following-up patient service

  20. 跟踪服务的对象图。

    Trace the object Diagram of the service .

  21. 免费提供包装物料、上门提货及专人查询跟踪服务。

    Free supply of packaging materials , pick up service , and track trace service .

  22. 定题情报跟踪服务的研究与实践

    The Study and Practice of SDI Service

  23. 酒店同时派专人全程跟踪服务,让您的商务活动完美而舒适。

    Hotel assigned professional people over tracking service for your business activities perfect and comfortable .

  24. 负责我公司所有施工地坪的终身成本维修,并长期进行跟踪服务。

    We will undertake all the maintain for our contracted projects and follow up service .

  25. 网络环境下医学高校图书馆的定题情报服务优化高校图书馆定题跟踪服务的几点思考

    Selective Dissemination of Information Service in Medical College and University Libraries under the Network Environment

  26. 协助法国工程师,对设备进行项目验收售后的跟踪服务。

    To assistant France engineer to evaluate the final facility and organize post sales service .

  27. 基于公共服务平台的租赁资产跟踪服务架构设计及应用

    The Design and Application of Leased Assets Tracking and Service Architecture Based on Public Service Platform

  28. 品牌的销售代表销售汽车主要以上门提供营运方案,并长期跟踪服务而达成销售。

    The sales representative of the brand close a bargain through visiting and the long-term follow-up service mainly .

  29. 高彩家具展望未来,将一如既往地提供优质的产品和完善的售后跟踪服务。

    Gaocai prospects the future , will supply high quality products and perfect aftersales service at all times .

  30. 他们正花大力气,对光顾过他们商店的顾客进行跟踪服务。

    They have been making a great effort to keep track of the number of visitors to their store .